Panda Press
June 14, 2024
Dear Thacher Families,
We've officially drawn the 2023-24 school year to a close. You should have received an email alerting you that you can access your child's report card in the Aspen Family portal. We are excited to be able to share your child’s teacher for next year with you before summer starts. We feel this is a positive change and will hopefully ease some of your concerns. While it is good to have this information, we want to remind you that our teachers are wrapping up this school year and preparing for their well-deserved summer break. Teachers do not return to work until the last week of August and are not expected to check emails over the summer. They will be back, rested and ready to go by the end of August and will reach out then.
Thank you for your understanding. Have a great summer!
Mr. Rich, Principal
Fourth Grade Moving Up Ceremony
We loved celebrating our 4th graders as the leave us and head on to middle school. Please enjoy our photo album.
Students excitedly browsed and selected books to take home and enjoy for summer reading.
Thacher students certainly jumped at the opportunity to earn raffle tickets for the chance to win an Altitude Jump Pass. Many students met or exceeded their Lexia goals for each of the four weeks of the challenge! Way to go!
The grade level winner are:
Kindergarten- Jonathan from Mrs. Remillard’s Class
First Grade- Melissa from Mrs. Martindale’s Class
Second Grade- Xavier from Ms. Andrade’s Class
Third Grade- Audrey from Mrs. Olsen’s Class
Fourth Grade- Gavin from Ms. Frank’s Class
This Month in Health & Wellness 🍎
Hello Thacher Families,
The end of the school year is here! To prepare for the summer ahead, classes have been reviewing water and outdoor safety. Strong emphasis is placed on never swimming alone, protecting your skin from the sun, following pool and beach rules, and having a lifejacket available if you are on a boat or if you are not a confident swimmer.
Along with water safety, many classes have been learning about the different types of bugs native to New England, and which of these insects may bite or sting. Deer ticks are common in our area and can carry lyme disease if attached for 24-48 hours, so check your body, clothes, and pets for ticks after playing in the woods or in long grass. Use bug spray or repellent if you are in those areas, and if you will be around swampy areas or other areas with standing water to avoid getting bitten by mosquitos. Grade 1 learned about head lice and how to avoid this fast-spreading bug. Students were encouraged to avoid sharing brushes, clothes, hats, helmets, and hair accessories with others, as well as which signs and symptoms to look out for.
Many classes ended the year with a review on all topics covered this school year, and Grade 4 classes had a final exam to show their knowledge of many health related topics. We were also able to get outside often this past month, enjoying throwing and catching games, chase games, three legged races, trivia, physical challenges, and of course our annual Field Day and Special Olympics. It has been a pleasure teaching all of the Thacher students this year, and I hope many will fulfill their ‘homework’ over the summer vacation: be safe, have fun, BE ACTIVE, GET OUTSIDE, and come back healthy and ready to learn next year. 🙂
Wishing the best to all of our families over the summer vacation!!
P.E./Health & Wellness Teacher
ST Math
100% Club
Kindness Closet
Please keep the Kindness Closet in mind when cleaning out children's clothes over the summer. We are always in need of new or gentle used clothing Sizes 5-12 throughout the year. Your generosity is greatly appreciated.
Lisa Kilfoyle, RN
Stephanie Rosario, RN
Community Flyers
2024 Summer Learning Opportunities:
Important Dates
September 3: First Day of School for Grades 1-4
September 11: First Day of School for Kindergarten
Thacher Elementary School
Location: 160 James Street, Attleboro, MA, USA
Phone: (508) 226-4162