Winthrop Weekly
October 2, 2024
Principally Speaking
Dear Winthrop Families,
Have you noticed our beautiful harvest-themed decorations adorning the front of the school? A heartfelt thank you to the talented and dedicated group of parents who crafted these stunning displays! Their creativity and commitment truly show how much they CARE for our school community. We are incredibly fortunate to teach and learn in a place filled with so much pride and joy.
I’m also pleased to share that the Spring 2024 MCAS scores, recently released by the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, reflect amazing progress. Winthrop Elementary surpassed the state average in all tested areas for Grades 3 (ELA and Math), Grade 4 (ELA and Math), and Grade 5 (ELA and STEM), demonstrating significant progress toward our achievement targets. Our overall growth increased by an impressive 20% since 2023—an accomplishment worth celebrating! Please take a moment to review Winthrop’s annual achievement comparsions and our accountability report.
If your child participated in MCAS testing last year, you will receive a Parent/Guardian Report
in the mail in the coming days. This report will outline your child’s scores, achievement levels in each subject, and explanations of what each level means. For those who have taken the MCAS for more than one year, growth percentiles will also be included. The DESE has published a brief parent/guardian slideshow to help you understand your child’s report.
As always, feel free to reach out with any questions, and have a wonderful week!
Warm regards,
Ipswich Public Schools Calendar
Winthrop Calendar
Important October Dates
Thursday, October 3rd: Early Release: PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Monday, October 7th: Grade 2 North Shore Nature Program- In School Event
Wednesday, October 9th: Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day, 8 AM
Wednesday, October 10th: FRIES Meeting, Winthrop Cafeteria @ 6:30 PM
Thursday, October 11th: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Monday, October 14th: No School ~ Indigenous Peoples' Day
Tuesday, October 15th: No School- District Professional Development Day
Wednesday, October 16th: Grade 2 North Shore Nature Program- In School Event
Wednesday, October 16th: Instrumental Music Rental Night, 7 PM
Thursday, October 17th: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Monday, October 21st: Grade 2 North Shore Nature Program- In School Event
Thursday, October 24th: Early Release:PK @ 1:30, K-5 @ 1:50; Open Door Mobile Mart @ Dismissal
Walk, Bike and Roll to School Day 10/9 @ 8 AM
Please join Winthrop School in participating in our Fall Walk, Bike, and Roll to School Day next Wednesday, October 9th. A Winthrop staff member will be at each location to lead the group safely to school.
Choose from four locations around town to meet up at 8:00 a.m. and walk with a neighborhood group to school to promote healthy habits and safe travel to school:
- Town Wharf with Miss Fab (Music) and Mrs. Gouzie (Grade 3)
- Southern Heights with Mrs. Amisson (Assistant Principal)
- DJ's Variety, Washington Street with Ms. Cili (Math Paraeducator, Mrs. Morris (Kindergarten), and Ms. Sullivan (Principal)
- First Church, Town Hill with Mrs. Wilkinson (Physical Therapist)
A Winthrop staff member will be at each location to lead the group safely to school!
We hope you can join us!
Fall ACE Programs and Registration
enthusiastic learners.
- There is no cost for the A.C.E. program.
- We are excited to announce that we are introducing a new electronic sign-up form this year!
Sign Up HERE or scan the QR code
If you would like a paper copy, please ask the front office.
Grade 5 Workout ~ Thursdays @ 8 AM
5th Grade Workout with Mr. Falconieiri
When: Every Thursday
Time: 8:00 am - 8:40 am (children must be in the gymnasium by 8:15 inorder to join for the day).
This is the 8th year that we are offering our annual 5th Grade Workout. The program is a drop-in program and there is no sign up required. Children can come every Thursday or pick and choose which weeks they want to participate. 8:00 am - 8:15 am is unstructured free time and then we will start our workout at 8:15 am sharp. Some weeks we focus heavily on fitness and other weeks we focus on team games.
Community Play Date in Honor of Mrs. Zagarella ~ 10/5/24
Join us for a Spooktacular Movie Night at the Winthrop Playground on Friday, October 18th from 6-8pm! Kids will enjoy warm cider, popcorn, and a glow stick while watching Hotel Transylvania: Transformania. For additional information, please see the flyer below or register here.
Green Team Events
Please see the notices below about the Kids' Costume Swap from 10/7-10/17 and Crane Beach Clean-Up on 10/6/ at 11 AM.
Winthrop School
Email: winthrop@ipsk12.net
Website: https://www.ipsk12.net/Domain/185
Location: 65 Central Street, Ipswich, MA, USA
Phone: 9783562976