Rome City Elementary School
Roman News May 2024
From the Principal's Desk...
Hello Families!
Can you believe we are already to the month of May? It is crazy how fast the school year went this year. My next newsletter will be the last for the school year! My son is graduating at the end of May and I cannot believe how fast the time went. It seems like yesterday that he was crying because I was making him go to kindergarten. Time truly is a thief. I wish I could have slowed the time down a little longer.
As I go through my son's pictures and preparing for his graduation party and as I prepare myself as a momma to watch him walk down the aisle with his cap and gown on, I encourage from one parent to another, now more than ever, take the time. The time to be in the moment with your children, build those memories, laugh, throw the ball around, do bubbles, just simply spend time without technology and sleep. The time goes by so quickly, and I would rather have those pictures and the memories, than to have been sitting through it on devices and sleeping. Your child/children will remember all of the memories!
One more month and I will be reminding you about building memories for the summer!
Thursday May 2nd at 8:30AM
PAC Meeting at Sylvan Shores Diner
Thursday, May 2nd 5:00-7:00PM
Family Movie Night!
Friday, May 10th
Zoo Field Trip! Grades Kindergarten - 3rd Grade
Thursday, May 16th
Gene Stratton Porter trip for 4th Grade
Friday, May 17th
Culture Day!
Monday, May 20th
JA Biztown field trip for 5th Grade
Tuesday, May 21st
Principal's Challenge Party!
May 22nd - 23rd
Sundaes on Sylvan Field Trip
Thursday, May 23rd
Honor Society to American Legion Field Trip
Friday, May 24th
Field Day! Wear comfy shoes and sunscreen!
Monday, May 27th
Memorial Day - No School
Wednesday, May 29th
Awards Day - K-2nd at 8:15AM, 3-5th at 9:30AM
Last Student Day!