The Pulse
College of Health Sciences March 2022 Newsletter
Dean's Notes
Are you a diminisher or a multiplier? In her book Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter, Liz Wiseman describes the diminisher as an individual who must be the most intelligent, innovative person in the room. They achieve this goal by belittling actions or talking about other individuals’ intellect, creativity, etc. The spotlight must be on them, which leaves everyone else in the dark. On the other hand, a multiplier maximizes the abilities of others rather than their own. When you interact with a diminisher, you feel that life has been sucked out of you. When you interact with a multiplier, you feel empowered and full of life. Diminishers talk to be heard. They tell everyone what to do and call all the plays. Multipliers listen to allow others to be heard. They engage others on the most significant issues in the unit to bring about the best solution.
In the presence of a diminisher, energy is destroyed, ideas are suffocated, and intelligence only flows one way . . . from the diminisher out. In the presence of a multiplier, complex problems are solved, challenges are conquered, and ideas grow. A multiplier is a genius maker, not the genius. If you are a diminisher, you can become a multiplier through the following ways: listen more, tell less, and develop a deep appreciation for what others know. As you focus on becoming a multiplier, you will start to identify other diminishers around you. Help them be aware of their actions and be accountable to each other. If you are already a multiplier, consider becoming a multiplier of multipliers. “The path of least resistance is frequently the path of the diminisher . . . It is not hard to be a multiplier, but it is definitely easier to be a diminisher” (Kindle version).
Wiseman, L. & Mckeown, G. (2010). Multipliers: How the best leaders make everyone smarter. HarperCollins ebooks.
COHS Diversity Officer
The COHS would like to welcome Toyia Barnes as the new COHS Diversity Officer. She will be instrumental in helping to implement our Diversity Action Plan starting July 1. We are very excited about this role and the potential positive impact on moving the diversity needle in our college.
Congratulations, Toyia!
Pictured below: Toyia Barnes
CHSI Welcomes New Staff Member
Pictured below: Ivey Whitworth
March Health Focus
This month featured Colorectal Cancer Awareness. The CHSI promoted colorectal screening at a recent mobile clinic in Harrisburg and on our social media platforms. See NEW guidance (below) on colorectal screening for you and your loved ones.
The CHSI also partnered with SHHP Athletic Training Program and Old Capital Soccer League to provide 15 First Aid kits to coaches and teams of the league.
Click the image below for more information from the American College of Gastroenterology.
Other CHSI News
SHHP Spotlights Jacob Grazer, PhD, CSCS, USAW-1
Since he arrived, he has served as the Associate Director of the Bobcat Sports Performance Program, primarily working with tennis and baseball programs and establishing the monitoring program for the student-athletes. This has included mentoring several graduate students that have gone on to careers in strength & conditioning, sports science, and academia.
Dr. Grazer continues to serve on the Georgia State Advisory Board for the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) since 2019, helping promote engagement for students and professionals in strength & conditioning. His qualifications include being a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the NSCA and a Level 1 coach through USA Weightlifting.
Pictured below: Dr. Jacob Grazer
Other Faculty Highlights
- Article presented for publication: Hughes, Carter., Hunt, K., Lopez, R., & Cox, B. (2022). Sleep Dysfunction in Adolescents with Prolonged Post-Concussion Symptoms: A Reciprocal Coupling of Traumatic Brain Injury and Sleep-Related Problems. Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.
- Research Conference Presentation: Hunt, K., Barnes, A., Blair, C., Braddy, P., Gavulic, G., & Vickers, C. Augusta University Kinesiology Research Conference, “CPR Memory and Skill Degradation Among Non-Allied Healthcare Professionals.” Augusta, GA. April 2022.
- Faculty Research Grants Recipients: Dr. Sarah Myers and Dr. Brittney Hardin, Health and Human Performance, Athletic Training Student Perceptions of Standardized Patient Post Encounter Feedback, $4,800.
- Inclusive Excellence Faculty Research Grant: Dr. Mandy Jarriel and Dr. Brittney Hardin, Health and Human Performance, Integrating Cultural Humility Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCE)s Through a Public Health Paradigm Lens, $1,825.
SHHP Student News
Outdoor Education Students
University Communications Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Last weekend, students in Dr. Liz Speelman's Challenge Course class (ODED 3550) and several staff members of the Outdoor Center visited Historic Banning Mills in Whitesburg, Georgia, to participate in their canopy zip tours.
The trip came together from a partnership between alumna Lauren Bice Ellis, '16, who works at Historic Banning Mills, and Dr. Jeff Turner, associate professor of Outdoor Education. Turner provided an American Canoe Association (ACA) training for some of Ellis' staff last year, and in turn, negotiated the opportunity for GC students to participate in their zip canopy tours to experience and learn more about the recreational side of the industry.
"This was such a great experience for our students. I saw many of them step well outside of their comfort zones. Even more importantly, I heard them making connections and comparisons between the work we do in class and what they were experiencing," Speelman said. "From the safety briefing to how the guides interacted with all of us, the students got to see the difference between a recreational experience and the interpersonal experiences we focus on in our program. One focuses on the activity and the other focuses on the people who are doing the activity."
The students completed their 4-hour, Level 4 "Extreme Tour," which included traversing several unique suspension bridges, a 600-foot-long suspension bridge 100 feet above a creek, a 1,000-foot-long zip line back across the creek and a 2,500-feet-long zip line that goes 70-75 mph.
"Soaring among the treetops was an exhilarating way to connect with friends and have fun in the outdoors! Big thanks to Dr. Speelman and GC Outdoor Education for the great day" said student Madison Green.
Updated: 2022-03-09
Pictured below: Outdoor Education Students and Dr. Liz Speelman(Fourth from the left.)
Human Performance Groups Grant Accepted
One of the graduate human performance groups' research was accepted to the Augusta University Annual Kinesiology Research Conference. The lecture presentation took place on March 24. They are finalizing the manuscript this semester and will submit it for publication by the end of April. Way to go!
Pictured below: HP group with their poster.
Other SHHP Student News
- Exercise Science Isabella Oetting was one of the recipients of the Saladin Scholarships at the Saladin Scholars Awards Ceremony on March 22. Each recipient will be studying abroad in Denmark, England, France, and Belize, either this summer or next year. Congratulations!
- KINS 4253: Applied Research course submitted their abstracts to the International Organization for Health, Sports, and Kinesiology (IOHSK) and Georgia College Student Research Conference (GCRSC) and all three abstracts were accepted. Details of the presentation information are below.
- Students (Mary Griggers, Alexis Thomson, Grace Jackson, and Jordan Ashcraft) made a pre-recorded presentation at the 2022 Virtual IOHSK Annual Conference, March 17-19. Pictured below(Research Critique Oral Presentation).
- Students (Mary Griggers, Alexis Thomson, Grace Jackson, Jordan Ashcraft, and Katherine Gilliam) made two poster presentations at the 2022 Virtual GCRSC, on March 25. Pictured below.
SHHP Alumni Highlight
My name is Morgan Scott, and I am the 2021 Public Health Associate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention assigned to Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board (NPAIHB) in Portland, Oregon working on Quality Improvement. I am an integral member of NPAIHB's Public Health Improvement & Training (PHIT) project team, including the project director, project managers for Oregon and Washington tribal public health improvement contracts, a program analyst, and a project assistant. I am the project specialist, working closely with the project director (as primary host site supervisor) to promote and enhance the public health services of the Northwest Tribes (Idaho, Oregon, Wahington). My primary responsibilities are for regional work in tribal public health improvement, providing direct support to Idaho tribes and coordinating regional activities with the Oregon and Washington project managers; and I assist the project director with national collaborative work. Activities will include but are not limited to frequent communication with tribal health program staff, assistance with planning and presenting training, and coordination of state-specific and regional public health communities of practice.
I am currently working on a Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) with Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians and Data Modernization with Kahuina Consulting with the Tribal Epidemiology Center (EpiCenter). Within the BRFSS, we conduct surveys and collect data about Cow Creek's Tribe regarding health-related risk behaviors, preventive services and chronic health issues. For Data Modernization, our mission is to improve American Indians and Alaska Natives' (AI/AN) modern public health challenges. Priorities include expanding a data-savvy workforce and improving public health data systems. I am a part of the Data Modernization Task Force to help coordinate and plan steps to achieve data modernization aspirations.
Pictured below: Morgan Scott
Other SHHP Alumni News
SON Highlights Marshall Smith, DNP, FNP-BC, CCRN
Dr. Smith began his nursing career in 2008 after a short career in professional baseball, playing for minor league affiliates of the Pittsburgh Pirates organization. After graduating from Georgia College with his BSN, his bedside nursing focus has primarily been in the Medical/Surgical and Cardiovascular Intensive Care. As a board-certified Critical Care Registered Nurse (CCRN) and a Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP), he has worked with patients across all backgrounds and care settings. While working full-time as a clinical nurse in a hospital setting, he discovered an affinity for teaching and working to train the next generation of nurses. Initially teaching medical-surgical nursing clinicals part-time, he began working full-time for Georgia College in 2015. He currently teaches medical-surgical nursing within the undergraduate nursing program and enjoys working with undergraduate and graduate nursing students in the clinical setting.
A triple-bobcat, Dr. Smith completed his BSN in 2008, his MSN in 2015 and his DNP with Georgia College in 2020. His focus revolves around translational research efforts and multidisciplinary care team adoption of evidence-based practice guidelines. He has enjoyed the opportunity to teach at his Alma Mater, surrounded by many of the faculty who were so supportive as he began his career.
In his spare time, Dr. Smith enjoys being outdoors, spending time with his wife and daughter, and keeping up with the latest news in the world of sports.
Pictured below: Dr. Marshall Smith and his Family
Other Faculty Highlights
- Congratulations to Dr. Shannon Daly on successfully defending her doctoral research project titled "Implementation and Evaluation of an End-of-Life Standardized Participant Simulation into an Adult/Gerontology Acute Care Nurse Practitioner Program."
- Congratulations to Dr. Angela Roberts (formerly known as Mrs. Angela Roberts) on the successful defense of her DNP project titled "Increasing knowledge of opioid use disorder and medication-assisted therapy for Advance Practice Nurses in Georgia."
- Congratulations to Dr. Josie Doss who is now a Certified Forensic Nurse.
Laurie Hendrickson McMillan Award
The School of Nursing has chosen Dr. Talecia Warren to receive the 2022 Laurie Hendrickson McMillan Award. Dr. Warren, a double Bobcat, has excelled in teaching, scholarship, and service. Dr. Warren is creative and engaged within the SON, often assuming additional responsibilities as they emerge. Her teaching is recognized as excellent by students and peers. Her research in simulation has paved the way for improved programs, and her service to the school, college and university is demonstrated by membership and leadership on multiple committees. Congratulations, Dr. Warren!
Pictured below: Dr. Talecia Warren
Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award, 2021-2022
This is the fifth year of The Graduate School awarding the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award. The nomination for this award was based on the following criteria established by the Outstanding Graduate Assistant Awards Committee:
- Demonstrated excellence in position and good work ethic. Attitude and performance that goes beyond the job requirement. Takes on responsibilities beyond the job requirements.
- Has made important contributions to the faculty member’s research or department’s operation.
- Evidence of future promise as a professional in a chosen career field.
Casey will be recognized for this achievement at The Graduate School Spring Annual Reception in April.
Pictured below: Casey Elliott
SON Student News
Transition to Nursing Practice Students and FEMA Center
Participants underwent Emergency Medical Response Awareness (EMRA) and Healthcare Emergency Response Operations (HERO) training to prepare them to recognize, respond and provide care to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) mass casualty victims.
This training includes the safe donning, operating in, and doffing of personal protective equipment (PPE), basic knowledge of the procedures for decontaminating CBRNE victims and responders, and practical experience in the execution of tagging, triaging and treatment protocols for mass casualty victims of a CBRNE incident.
This training culminated in a practical event where the students practiced their skills while donning Level C hazmat gear and working in a former Army Hospital. What a great way to get ready for graduation, Bobcats!
Pictured below: Transition to Nursing Practice Students at the FEMA Center
Midwives of Color-Watson Midwifery Student Scholarship
Pictured below: Cherisse Howell
Board Member Committed to Making a Difference
Deborah Eason, OTR/L, is a practicing occupational therapist who received her occupational therapy degree from the University of Wisconsin. She has enjoyed her chosen career for 30+ years and has treated clients in multiple settings, including skilled nursing, mental health, public school, corrections/forensics, and orthopedic and brain injury rehabilitation.
Currently employed as a PRN therapist at Georgia War Veterans Home in Milledgeville, GA, and as a contract therapist with Benchmark Human Services. She is an active member of the American Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, the Assistive Technology Industry Association, and the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). She is an AOTA proposal reviewer for annual conference submissions in the areas of developmental disabilities and productive aging.
Deborah has an interest in history and obtained a master of arts in World War II Studies from Arizona State University in August 2021. Her husband, Bill Eason, is a local certified orthotist and prosthetic assistant and avid golfer. For the past 27 years, Bill and Deborah have coordinated the Georgia Amputee Golf Tournament, an event that draws amputees from the southern and eastern parts of the United States. Bill and Deborah have one daughter and two grandchildren, and they are a family that loves college football.
“I have enjoyed being a part of the College of Health Sciences Leadership Board. And I have enlisted my colleagues to be a part of our Board so they too can make a difference in this College and the University,” Eason said. She has been part of the College of Health Sciences Leadership Board since 2019.
Pictured below: Deborah Eason
Georgia College & State University
Email: healthsciences@gcsu.edu
Website: www.gcsu.edu
Location: 231 West Hancock Street, Milledgeville, GA, USA
Phone: 478-445-5771
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GaCollege
Twitter: @GeorgiaCollege