Collins Coyotes Howler Newsletter
January 21, 2020
Collins Coyotes
Location: 4608 128th Street East, Tacoma, WA, USA
Phone: 253-298-3400
Facebook: facebook.com/collinscoyotes
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Important Dates
1/22 - Full day of school, 4:05 dismissal
1/23 - Café/ Té con la Directora, 4:30
1/24 - Coffee with the Principal, 8:30
1/27 - NO SCHOOL, teacher training
1/29 - Full day of school, 4:05 dismissal
1/30 - Multi-Cultural Celebration, 6-7:30
2/3-2/7 - Counselor, Psychologist, OT/PT Appreciation Week
2/5 - CHAMPS assembly, 1:20
2/12 - Full day of school, 4:05 dismissal
2/14-2/17 - No school, Mid-winter break
School Counselor, Psychologist, OT/PT and Speech Therapist Appreciation Week
Ms. Bobbi, our award-winning school counselor, goes above and beyond every day to set up Coyotes for success. In addition to her day-to-day work helping solve problems, providing supports for students and families, and teaching lessons, Ms. Bobbi runs our Meaningful Work program, student council and most school-wide assemblies. She also is a leader on our Foundations team (that ensures a multi-tiered system of school-wide behavior supports), and our Problem Solving Team (a team that works together to support students with intensive academic or behavioral needs). Ms. Bobbi is a great listener and helper. She takes great care of our Coyotes and families, making sure they have what they need.
Ms. Aar, our speech therapist, works with students to help them speak correctly and communicate effectively, important life skills. She also goes the extra mile and digs deeply to make sure our speech students get just what they need to be successful. When she is not at Collins, she is working at Ford.
Mrs. Glick, our school psychologist who also works at Harvard, helps us when students are struggling with academics and/or challenging behaviors. She helps us determine what supports students need, and how best to implement them and measure their effectiveness.
Ms. Harkins works at lots of schools helping students who need help with fine motor skills. She is a fountain of knowledge when students have challenges with hand-writing sensory, or other issues.
Ms. Hara is our physical therapist. We are so grateful for her positive nature, great ideas and helpful support for students who qualify for PT. Our students thrive under her care. All of these fine professionals team with the rest of our staff to give our students the skills they need to be healthy and successful. They are fantastic professionals and we are grateful to have them on the Collins team.
Coffee with the Principal
Coffee with the Principal
Are you interested in learning more about our school? Would you like to ask questions or share your thoughts about how we could better serve our students? Then join us for Coffee with the Principal. Each year Dr. Mondloch likes to meet with parents to talk about our programs at Collins, our improvement efforts and to get ideas and input from family and community members. There will be two of these events in January, one in Spanish on January 23rd at 4:30 p.m. and another in English on January 24th at 8:30 a.m. Both will be held in the Collins conference room. Please join us as we share and learn together!
Café/ Té con la Directora
Quiero invitar a los padres de alumnos de Collins a una conversación conmigo en español (lo mas que pueda yo) para hablar sobre los programas en Collins, nuestro sistema de apoyo para los estudiantes y para oír sus opiniones e ideas sobre como podamos servir a sus hijos mejor. Favor de venir el 23 de enero a las 4:30 de la tarde. Si aquella tarde no sirve, hay otra oportunidad pero inglés el próximo día, el 24 de enero, a las 8:30 de la mañana. Ojalá que nos veamos!
Notes from the Nurse
Clothing donations are greatly needed
Seeking gently used or new:
- Boys and girls under wear size 4 and up
- Boys and girls shoes
- Boys jeans or sweat pants size 4 and up
- Boy socks
- Girls jeans or leggings size 4 and up
If your child has come home with borrowed clothes from school, please wash and return to the health room (except under wear).
Donations are greatly appreciated!
It’s Time to Refer 3rd and 4th Grade Students for the 2020-2021 Highly Capable Student Program!
Do you have a student who…
- learns easily and quickly?
- thinks up unusual ways to solve hard problems?
- has a clever sense of humor?
- dislikes doing the same things over and over?
- thinks logically and wants things to make sense?
- is open to new ideas?
- is persistent and wants to keep trying with difficult tasks?
If you answered “yes” to any of the above questions, please refer your student to test for the Highly Capable Student Program. Please complete a Project Excel Program Referral packet online (https://bit.ly/2RRmKGb) by 4:00pm, March 13th. Testing materials are ordered the next day and late registrations may not be able to be accommodated. Please be aware that students who live within the district boundaries will receive first consideration. Out-of-district students who attend Franklin Pierce schools must be granted another year’s release and will be placed in the program after all qualifying in-district students have been served.
If you have any questions, please contact Annette Burnett by phone at (253) 298-3062 or by email at aburnett@fpschools.org.
School Delays and Closures
"Late Start" means that all schools will start late and transportation will be delayed byt he amount of time specified for that one day only. Breakfast will not be served on late start days. School related activities may or may not be altered.
You may find updated school schedule information in the following ways:
~Auto Dialer - The district has the ability to send out a recorded phone message to parents and staff of Franklin Pierce Schools. In the event of an unscheduled school closure or late start, the auto-dialer will be activated. Please make sure the school has a current phone number for you.
~TV news - Look for Franklin Pierce Schools, not Tacoma Schools
~Radio - AM and FM Stations
~Internet - http://www.flashalert.net/news.html?id=4380
~Phone - 253-298-3000
PLEASE TRY THE ABOVE OPTIONS FIRST. If the power is out at school, our phones may also be out.
Penny War January 28th-31st
A fundraiser competition between grades. Each grade can earn points based on the type of coins and bills they collect. Pennies and bills will increase point totals and should be placed in your own grade's bucket. All other coins will decrease point totals so you want to put those in other grade's buckets. The grade with the most points will win a party for each class in that grade. Buckets will be located in the gym before school starts. Expect to see a flier this week
Valentine Grams January 28th-February 7th
Pre-order Valentine Grams. They will be delivered on February 13th. A flier is coming soon!
Essay Contest February 3rd-18th
Washington State PTA's Essay Contest encourages students to write about someone in their life who inspires them. Students of all grades are encouraged to participate. Essays are judged by grade using current common core standards. This contest is open to all students in Washington state attending public, private and home-based school programs. Essays will be due to Collins PTA by February 18th. Info and entry forms will go home at the end of January.
Townhall Style Meeting February 27th
6pm in the Collins gym. Do you have questions about the new school? Have you been wondering what exactly is a school improvement plan? There will be Franklin Pierce School District administrators and our school principal at the meeting to answer your questions. A free dinner will be provided by the PTA. Please join us!
Collins Coyotes
Achievers and Believers
Join the pack!
We believe in ourselves,
We believe in each other,
We believe in doing our best!