
Principal's Message
Dear parents/guardians,
It is hard to believe the second quarter of the school year is almost here! Our students have quickly fallen into a routine and are well on their way to a great school year.
A few important dates are right around the corner. On October 22nd & 23rd, our third grade students will take their first round of state tests in English Language Arts. It is always important for students to eat healthy and get plenty of sleep, but this is especially true during state testing. Having them energized and comfortable is a huge factor in their success, so please do all that you can to make sure that your child is present, fed, and well-rested on these very important days. We also have school pictures on October 17th (K/1) & 18th (2/3), Trunk or Treat on Thursday, October 24th, and Parent-Teacher Conferences on November 12th & 14th. All of these dates are listed below!
In closing, never hesitate to communicate with your child's teacher with any questions or concerns. Be sure to download the HLSD Mobile app for quick access to updates regarding school events and the PBIS Rewards App to allow for quick communication with our building staff.
Mr. Rush & Mrs. Seiler
Meet the Teacher and Staff
Tricia Fisher
Grade Taught:
K-3 Library
How many years have you been teaching?
This is my 29th year teaching.
What is your most memorable teaching moment?
I don't know that I have ONE memorable moment. My brain spins when I try to think of only just one.
Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
The amazing Joyce Stevens-Brown! In high school, she was my teacher for several different Social Studies classes and Quest. When I returned to Hamilton as a teacher, she became my friend, colleague, and mentor. Throughout the time I have known her, she showed me how to be a lifelong learner, how to stand strong against adversity, and taught me who I want to be as a person. Without her, I would not be the person, teacher, and union leader I am today.
Favorite place to shop?
I am a TJ Maxx girl!
Fun fact about yourself?
I am almost a life-long Ranger. My family moved to the area in July 1980 and I started 3rd grade at Hamilton Central. I graduated from Hammy High in 1990. Along with all Hamilton graduates, my senior picture is hanging in the high school. When I earn my teaching credentials, I knew I wanted to return to start my career here. I did not know then that I would still be here at the start of my 29th year of teaching.
Jenene Endicott
Position at school:
Food service
How many years in your field?
Including sub position, almost 10
What do you enjoy most about your job?
My co-workers. They make the job more enjoyable.
Who was your favorite teacher growing up?
My kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Shelly
Favorite place to shop?
Home Goods
Fun fact about yourself?
I love college football and riding dirt bikes.
Our Busy Classrooms!
Second Grade Olympics
In second grade, students made hands-on connections to the Olympics while studying the CKLA Ancient Greece domain by hosting their own mini-Olympic games. They participated in simple athletic events like relay races, long jumps, soccer, and discus throwing, while learning about the origins of the Olympic Games in ancient Greece. These hands-on experiences helped students understand the values of competition, sportsmanship, and the cultural significance of the ancient Greek Olympics.
5 Senses Party with Ms.Ison
Ms. Ison's Kindergarten class celebrated the end of their CKLA unit with a 5 senses party!
Peer Models with Miss Kowalski and Miss Scherer
A few of Miss Kowalski's second graders have helped with Miss Scherer's students as peer models.
Specials Showcase
National Hispanic Heritage Month at Library
September 15th - October 15th is National Hispanic Heritage Month. In the library students listened to books about some famous Hispanic Americans and books featuring Hispanic authors and illustrators. Mrs. Fisher and Miss Ferguson worked together to decorate the display case to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.
Counselor's Corner
With screens virtually everywhere monitoring your child’s screen time can be challenging. Check out the October Counselor's Corner for some tips suggested by the MayoClinic for setting reasonable limits and clear rules for children.
Ready Rangers
Ready Ranger Ticket Winners & Perfect Attendance
The following students were spotted being Respectful, Responsible, and Safe at school: Ryleeh Davidson, Angel Camey Contreras, Natalie Desmarais, Peter Paul Aleabong Fombindia,
Addison Matheny, Anayoulie St. Louis, Icelynn Ratliff, Penelope Lykins, JoeAnna Korwiski, August Mullins, Tillie Blair, Grace Lopresti, Leo Allmandinger, Josiah Hvason, Cody Thomas, Aubrey Suarez, Amelia Wilson, Amirah Ogunlana, Elysia Casady, Jayde Reyes, D'Mya Scales, Adalyn Robinson, Bryce Dutcher, and Olivia Winkle.
We also had our Stay in the Game winners for Perfect Attendance: Emerson Jewell, Emerie Parker, Savannah Silverman, and Harper Bobst. Way to go Ready Rangers and our Perfect Attendance winners!
Big Stars, Little Stars⭐️
Lunchroom Winners
The following classes are our lunchroom winners and have done a great job being responsible, respectful, and safe during lunch:
Kindergarten- Mrs. Strickland & Ms. Summerfield
First Grade-Mrs. Watts & Miss Edgington
Second Grade-Miss Kowalski & Mrs. Gibson
Third Grade-Ms. Gernert & Mrs. Feeney
These classes now get the Ready Rangers Lunchroom Trophy on their table for the week!
M.I.T. (Mentoring, Impacting and Teaching)
Some of our youngest Rangers participated in a leadership program called M.I.T. (Mentoring, Impacting and Teaching). They learned lessons on how to identify and respond to certain feelings and how to make responsible choices.
Leader In Me
Recognizing My Emotions
This week, we learned about recognizing our emotions. We can Be Proactive and in charge of ourselves when we recognize when we are having big emotions. We are focusing on the following six emotions: sad, mad, happy, surprised, scared, and disappointed. We practiced identifying situations that cause big emotions and noticing what happens to our bodies when we feel them. Here is Mrs. Loprinzi's class drawing how their bodies react when having a big emotion. View the Emotion Cards on Leader in Me Online and ask your learner to share how it feels on the inside when feeling each emotion.
Attendance: Stay in the Game
Check out Mrs. Allinder's students who earned Perfect Attendance Awards! Also, Mrs. Allinder's and Mrs. Howard's classes celebrated the importance of attendance with a short Atten-DANCE party!
Events & Important Dates
Picture Day
Thursday, October 17th- Kindergarten and First Grade
Friday, October 18th- Second and Third Grade
Report Cards
Thursday, October 17th
Login to Progressbook to view your child's grade card.
Trunk or Treat
Thursday, October 24th
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Tuesday November 12th & Thursday 14th-Your child's teacher will send home information to schedule your conference in the coming weeks.
October Lunch Menus
Mission Statement
Every Ranger, Every Reason, Every Day!
EVERY RANGER. This phrase is meant to include everyone—every student, every staff member, every graduate and every community member. All of us working together.
EVERY REASON. The primary focus of every school system is the academic achievement of all students. Our staff and, by extension, our community take on the challenge of doing even more for our students. We educate the whole child. Whatever the need, whatever the issue, whatever the REASON we are going to work together and do the best we can for each other.
EVERY DAY. Thank you to our HLSD community for making our students a priority every day, and for always pitching in to help one another