May 2024
Primary Education Center Newsletter

One Purpose. Your Pathway. Our Promise.
The PEC Journey of a LANCER...from Caterpillar to Butterfly
A small fuzzy caterpillar hatches and makes it's way on the milkweed leaf eating and growing. The caterpillar is nourished and continues to grow, finding it's way to the perfect branch. Once found, it begins to spin their golden chrysalis. Unsure of what is coming next, they wiggle, stretch and struggle to emerge with wet wings. Cautiously they lift their wings as they take flight into new territory completely transformed and ready for the adventure that awaits.
As children journey through their school career at Lewiston-Porter, it is our honor to support this personal transformation which begins at the PEC. Like the transformation from caterpillar to butterfly, our primary students have been nourished, grown and are ready to take flight. Whether it be a new grade or a new school building that your child is entering, please know they have left a lasting impression on our hearts and are ready for what is waiting.
The Primary Educational Center, in collaboration with the Intermediate Educational Center, has developed plans for our children as they prepare for their first transitional milestone on their journey as a LANCER at Lewiston-Porter. All PEC 2nd students will tour the IEC and meet with IEC leaders to learn more about their new school in June. Peer leaders continue to be an integral part of the transition plan. Here at the PEC we will also host our symbolic butterfly release ceremony. In addition, we will celebrate our UPK graduates and host Kindergarten celebrations with personalized ceremonies for families. Stay tuned for more details coming your way.
We continue to view your child’s first educational experience as a partnership between home, school and community. We have thoroughly enjoyed nurturing and celebrating your child’s uniqueness while at the PEC. We will truly miss each family leaving us, but know that your child is prepared for all the exciting new opportunities that lie ahead of them. Parents play a critical role in successfully transitioning their children. It is important to engage your child in discussion about their own personal experience of the transitional plans that have been carefully prepared. Best wishes to all of our families!
Respectfully yours,
Mrs. Larson
Principal, Primary Education Center Principal
Spring is in the air
It is that time of the year where we are all hoping that the groundhog was wrong and that spring weather will soon be upon us. It is a good time to review our student appearance code with families. Staff members are required to send any violations of this code to their building administrators for review as they act as the final authority on these matters. Students who violate the student appearance code will meet with the building principal or designee to discuss modification of their appearance. Any student who refuses to do so shall be subject to accountability and restorative practices as outlined in the Code of Conduct.
Student Appearance Code
All students are expected to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to dress appropriately for school and school functions. Students and their parents have the primary responsibility for acceptable student dress and appearance. Teachers and all other District personnel should exemplify and reinforce acceptable student dress and help students develop an understanding of appropriate appearance in the school setting. The school setting is defined as both in-person and online or virtual learning experiences. A student's dress, grooming, and appearance, including hair style/color, jewelry, make-up, nails, body piercings, and tattoos, shall:
1. Be safe, and appropriate, and not disrupt or interfere with the educational process.
2. Recognize that extremely brief and see-through garments are not appropriate.
3. Ensure that underwear is completely covered with outer clothing.
4. Include footwear at all times. Footwear that is a safety hazard will not be allowed.
5. Not include the wearing of hats and headgear (including hoods) in the classroom except for a medical or religious purpose.
6. Not include items that are vulgar, obscene, provocative, libelous, or that denigrate others on account of race, color, religion, creed, national origin, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
7. Not promote and/or endorse the use of alcohol, tobacco, vaping or illegal drugs and/or encourage other illegal or violent activities.
Tips for Parents from the School Health Office
Many parents ask, “When is my child sick enough to stay home from school?”
This is not always an easy question to answer! We hope that these tips can help!
A child who is sick will not be able to perform well in school and is likely to spread the illness to other children and staff. We suggest making a plan for childcare ahead of time so you will not be caught without a comforting place for your child to stay if he/she is ill.
Please do not send your child to school if he/she has:
- Fever (100.0 or higher) in the past 72 hours (Must be fever free without medication)
- Vomiting in the past 24 hours
- Diarrhea in the past 24 hours
- Chills
- Sore throat
- Strep Throat (must have been taking an antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school)
- Pink Eye – redness, itching & drainage of the eye(s)
- Bad cold, with a very runny nose or bad cough, especially if it has kept the child awake at night
- COVID - follow CDC recommendations. See the Lew-Port website.
- Head lice – until your child has been treated according to the nurse or doctor’s instructions
If your child becomes ill at school and the teacher or school nurse feels the child is too sick to benefit from school or is contagious to other children, you will be called to come and take him/her home from school. It is essential that your child’s school have a phone number where you can be contacted during the day and an emergency number in the event you cannot be reached. Please be sure that arrangements can be made to transport your child home from school and that childcare is available in case of illness. If your daytime or emergency phone number changes during the year, please notify your child’s teacher immediately.
Please call the school’s Health Office if you have any questions or concerns.
Health Office
4061 Creek Road, Youngstown, NY 14174
Phone: 716-286-7225 Fax: 716-286-7855
Remember that in May we are celebrating a Month of Caring and Mental Health Awareness
Important dates to keep in mind:
5/5 Cinco De Mayo
5/12 Mother’s Day
5/27 Memorial Day
Adrianna Whitehead
After a tough day in PE class, Adrianna took the initiative to bring her classmates together. Some of her classmates were having a tough time accepting their loss after a hard-fought match. Adrianna was on the winning team and immediately reached out to her friends who were disappointed. She acted in an inclusive, respectful way. Adrianna showed great sportsmanship by celebrating a win without being disrespectful to her classmates.
Elenora Fundis & Brayden Cheff
Logan McCarthy
Logan is always helping others in the classroom. He enters each day smiling and hugging all of his friends hello. Logan is a great leader when he helps others clean up their materials and stay organized. If someone ever feels sad, he is one of the first ones to comfort that friend and make them feel better. At play time, Logan always makes sure everybody is included. Our class is so lucky to have a loving friend like Logan!
Lillian Dillon
Lilly is always showing kindness and compassion to others. She goes out of her way to make others feel happy and will take it upon herself to be a friend to anyone in need. If someone is having a hard day, Lilly will be a listener to that friend and ask them how they are feeling and remind them that they are going to have a great day. Lilly is always welcoming new friends to sit with her at lunch, walk together, and play together on the playground. In addition to that, she is always offering to share materials and using her manners when talking to other students and also adults. Lilly is a shining star in our classroom!
Camden McFadden
Camden is a wonderful leader and friend to have in our classroom, he is quick to lend a helping hand to others and is always kind. Yesterday, Cam noticed one of his friends was having a hard time in math. I heard Camden volunteer to assist this classmate with the problem. He guided his friend through the subtraction problem all while being encouraging and kind. We are so lucky to have someone like Camden in our class- he is a great role model and friend to everyone in our class. I am so proud of Cam!
Aria Morreale
Aria demonstrates being proactive and positive daily in our classroom. Today during our math time, another student was picked to answer a question. After the student was finished Aria was quick to give a quiet compliment to this friend for answering a tough math problem. She is a great friend to all of our classmates and is always positive and encouraging. She makes our classroom a better place! Keep it up Aria, we are lucky to have you in our class! I am so proud of you!
Charlotte Balisteri
Charlotte is a leader in our classroom. She works hard daily and always tries her best with her schoolwork. Charlotte stays focused on her task and sets responsible choices for herself. She sticks to her plan and finishes her work in a timely manner. When she finishes her work she loves to help others in the classroom. She will go around the room asking if anyone needs any assistance and will politely help and guide. Charlotte works well with all of her classmates and is always kind and respectful to her friends and teachers. Keep up the good work Charlotte! We are so lucky to have you in our class!
Jude Stefanski
Jude comes to school everyday with a smile on his face and ready to learn! He is always kind and respectful to everyone in our classroom. Jude always makes the right choices and stays focused on what he should be doing. He enjoys leading activities in the classroom and is helpful to substitutes when they are in the room. He knows the routine, where everything is and where it belongs. On my sub plans, I always put his name on there for the sub if he/she has any questions. Jude works well in a group and will make sure that the group stays on task. We are so proud of you Jude! We are so lucky to have you in our classroom! Keep up the good work!
Aria Henry
Aria is a role model to all of the students in our classroom! She cares about her friends and is helpful to everyone. Aria makes good choices consistently and is always kind and respectful to everyone she comes in contact with both in the classroom and outside of the room. She loves to tell stories but she also is a great listener to those who are telling her a story. She actively listens and asks questions. Aria is always willing to help a friend or share materials with her friends if necessary and without prompting. We are very proud of Aria and what a leader she is! Keep up the good work! We are so lucky to have you in our class!
Lucy Hotchkiss and Emersyn Endicott
This morning, one of my kindergarten students spilled his entire water bottle all over the floor as he was unpacking. Before I even knew the spill had occurred, Lucy and Emerson saw the spill and went to the bathroom for paper towels to help clean up the spill. Thank you for being proactive and helping keep our school safe.
Getting Started with Parent Portal
If you are a parent/guardian that has not yet had an opportunity to set up your parent portal, please take some time to do so as soon as possible. Having access to parent portal and using the app can be a helpful way to receive important information regarding your child's grades, missing assignments, and other important updates. This is especially true for parents of students in grades 3-12. It can also be used to verify your contact information, as you'll see in the next section. Parent Portal also gives you access to Porfolio + which is a data warehouse that we use to distribute report cards, Aimsweb reports and NYS testing data. To access the parent portal, visit our website and click on the icon that looks like the image you see pictured here on the right.
If you are trying to reset your username or password, there is a link on the sign-in page. Follow the prompts and check your email. Sometimes it may find its way into your spam box. Once you get the email you should be able to reset your account.
If you are new to Parent Portal, you should have received a letter that would give you access codes to get connected. If you did not get that letter, or if you experience difficulty getting signed up, you may call your child's school for assistance.
Click this link to visit the Parent Portal Resource Page on our website. Here you will find everything you need. I have also included some resources for you here:
1. Links to the apps:
PowerSchool App (Google Play Store)
PowerSchool App (Apple Store)
2. Video on how to get set up with PowerSchool (see below).
3. Written instructions are also available here.
*Parents will need a working email address, and a PowerSchool Access Code. This is provided by the school at the start of the year. If you need that information, please contact the main office of your child's school. For the app, you will also need the district code CSXQ.
Updating Contact Information in Parent Portal
Mobile Hotspot
Dear Families:
At Lewiston-Porter we have made a strong effort to ensure that all students have equitable access to digital materials while they're at school and while they're at home. To that end, we have partnered with T-Mobile to offer free mobile hotspots to families that are in need.
If you would like to request a hotspot please complete the form below.