Taunton High School Summer Update
September 6, 2024

Principal's Corner
Thank you to the Taunton Fire Department and the Taunton Police Department for helping THS with their first fire drill this week. We safely evacuated the building following our school protocol in 4 minutes and 6 seconds. Students and staff did an excellent job. We appreciate the collaboration with the local police and fire departments as we practice our safety procedures throughout the school year.
September & October Save the Dates!
Wednesday, 9/18-9/20 Senior Photography (throughout day in English classes)
Thursday, 9/19 Senior College Fair 8AM-9:10 AM
Friday, 9/20 Last Day to Register for PSAT Testing
Saturday, 9/21 Sickle Cell Walk
Thursday, 9/26 Open House for Grade 8-12 Parents/Guardians 6:00PM
Thursday, 10/3 School Picture Day (Grades 8-11)
Friday, 10/4 School Picture Day (Grades 8-11)
Friday, 10/4 Term 1 Progress Reports
Monday, 10/14 No School- Columbus Day
Wednesday, 10/16 Site Council Meeting 5:00 PM
Monday, 10/21 Career Expo @ Southbridge
Saturday, 10/26 PSAT Testing
Tuesday, 10/29 Skills USA MRE Challenge
Thursday, 10/31 Term 1 Ends
PSAT Registration Information
PSATs will be offered to Juniors (Class of 2026) on Saturday, October 26th at THS. The district will pay all exam fees for all students. If you would like your student to be registered for the test, the Google form below must be submitted by Friday, September 20th. If you have questions about whether or not your student should take the exam, please contact your student's Guidance Counselor. If you have more than one student in grade 11, please complete a separate form for each student. Accommodations will not be provided for this exam. Each participant is responsible for their own transportation to and from THS on test day.
Students will receive more detailed directions about test procedures after registration has closed. Free PSAT prep materials, including full-length practice tests, are available at www.collegeboard.org and through Khan Academy.
PSAT Registration
Early College Students in Action!
Below are two photos showcasing the work of our 9th Grade Early College AVID students. In the first image, students are collaboratively creating a group presentation using a shared Google Slides file, displayed on the TVs we have leftover from our COVID-19 setup. They are building their presentations based on prior knowledge and basic research on topics we’ll be exploring this year.
In the second image, taken the following day, students are presenting their final projects to the class, using a microphone to ensure everyone can hear them clearly.
Interested in School Council?
THS is looking for two parents/guardians to serve on the Taunton High School School Council this year.
School Councils in high schools (also called School Site Councils) are convened to assist the principal and serve as consultants in the formulation of the educational goals of the school.
Responsibilities for School Councils:
● Reviewing the annual school budget.
● Adopting educational goals for the school that are consistent with local educational policies and statewide student performance standards.
● Formulating a school improvement plan
● Consider changes to the safety and discipline policies in the student handbook that might take effect the following school year.
A school council is a representative, school-building-based committee committed to improving Taunton High School.
Meetings are held monthly on the following dates/times:
Wednesday, October 16th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, November 20th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, December 18th 5:00-6:00 PM(Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, January 15th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, February 26th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, March 19th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, April 16th 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
Wednesday, May 21st 5:00-6:00 PM (Conference Room in Main Office)
If you are interested in representing the parent/guardians, please let me know next week.
Unified Champion School!
Congratulations to THS for being declared as an official 24-25 Special Olympics Massachusetts Unified Championship School. This designation showcases THS' dedication to embracing diversity, promoting equity, and empowering students to be change advocates.
College Fair This Week For Seniors
Next week, we have our annual College Fair for interested seniors. Over 50 colleges will be at THS on Thursday, September 19th. Seniors can sign up below!
Save the Date! Open House for Parents!
Below is information regarding Taunton High School's Open House Night for Parents/Guardians, which will be held on Thursday, September 26, 2024, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Open House Night is an event for parents/guardians; it is an excellent opportunity for parents/guardians to hear from their child’s teachers on expectations for the upcoming school year. Teachers will speak for ten minutes about course expectations and how their class will be structured for this upcoming school year.
The schedule will be as follows:
6:05-6:15 pm: Period A
6:21-6:31 pm: Period B
6:38-6:48 pm: Period C
6:55-7:05 pm: Period D
7:12 -7:22pm: Period E
7:29-7:39 pm: Period F
You must know your child’s schedule, including room locations for each course listed above. If you ask your child to email their schedule to you, our staff can help you navigate the building. We have also attached a template for you to have your children fill out for you.
Scarecrow Contest and Trunk or Treat
The Annual Scarecrow Contest will take place with Scarecrows making their way to Downtown Taunton beginning the first week of October and we'd love to see all of the schools represented with a Scarecrow Entry. For more information on the Scarecrow Contest, please visit Taunton's Downtown Scarecrow Contest
We'll also be hosting The Downtown Trunks-of-Treats on Saturday, October 26th (with a rain date of Sunday, October 27th) - if you know a business or group that might be interested in participating, please let them know to register by visiting Taunton's Trunks-of-Treats
For Questions, please contact the Taunton Parks & Recreation Office at 508-821-1415
Back to School Paperwork
Below is a reminder to complete Back to School Paperwork, online this year!
To get started, please go to:
Then, follow the instructions provided by your student’s school. For a digital version of the instructions, please click here.
Please note that you will need your child’s LASID (Lunch Number) to complete this Re-Registration process.
Additionally, please be aware that your student’s address cannot be changed through this Re-Registration process, as additional documentation may be required. Please contact the house office of your student’s school for assistance with a change of address or your lunch PIN number (also known as LASID).
Thank you for your continued support as we implement this new online system.
Spanish (Latin America)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Haitian Creole
Daily Announcements
All of the announcements read over the loudspeaker are located below. You can check this link daily. There is also a quick link at the bottom of the newsletter and on parent square.
Spirit Week
Spirit week started today! Get involved in the dress up days. As a reminder, you can only wear a hat if it aligns with the theme for the day.
Student Parking Reminders
Below is a visual of where students are allowed to park on the THS campus. Security will check parking stickers throughout the school year. Students should only be parking in the areas highlighted in yellow in the second image.
Sickle Cell Fundraiser
City 9/11 Remembrance Ceremony
Fall Sports
We had a great week in Fall Sports! Absolutely, perfect weather. All of our teams competed hard, with a big win from the football team last Friday night.
If you want game summaries and more information on fall sports, there is a great website below.