Principals' Peek at the Week
Saints Joseph and John School - October 24, 2024
We would like to invite our students in Grades 1-8 to wear Halloween themed shirts, Halloween-themed sweatshirts, or Halloween-themed hoodies in orange, black or purple to school on Halloween day, Thursday October 31! No gory images or inappropriate wording are permitted. Friendly Halloween graphics and friendly Halloween designs are welcome.
Uniform bottoms and shoes must also be worn.
Students are also encouraged to wear Halloween accessories to school, but full costumes are not permitted for students in Grades 1-8.
Friendly Halloween Graphics and Designs:
When selecting Halloween-themed shirts, sweatshirts, or hoodies, we encourage designs that are fun and festive. Here are some examples of what qualifies as friendly:
Friendly Characters: Images of cartoonish pumpkins, friendly ghosts, smiling bats, or cute witches.
Seasonal Themes: Designs featuring autumn leaves, candy corn, or friendly animals like owls or black cats.
Color Themes: Solid colors or patterns in orange, black, or purple that celebrate the Halloween spirit without depicting scary or gory images.
What to Avoid:
Any imagery that could be perceived as violent, gory, or frightening (e.g., bloody images, skary skeletons, or horror characters).
Inappropriate wording or slogans that could be deemed offensive or unsuitable for a school environment.
Please note: Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten teachers have separate dress codes for their Halloween celebrations and those are communicated directly from those teachers.
We appreciate your support in helping our students celebrate Halloween in a fun and inclusive way while maintaining a positive learning atmosphere!
First grade is carrying on the tradition of dressing as Saints on All Saints Day!
This year's celebration is on Friday, November 1st.
Parents are welcome to join us at the All Saints Mass at 8:05am on November 1st at St. Joseph's Church, followed by a special parade of our little saints through the hallways of the school. We hope to see you there!
School uniform shorts and tennis shoes may be worn as desired until 10/31/24.
Pants, skirts and jumpers only begin on Friday, November 1 with school uniform shoes. At that time, no tennis shoes are to be worn in Grades 1-8 (The exception is for gym days).
Students may wear spirit wear tops with uniform bottoms to show their Viking pride on Friday, November 1.
Please remember that students must have a jacket/coat/hat to play outside during recess as the temperatures cool down.
The SJJ Student Handbook offers detailed information regarding the dress code.
We want to honor YOU! If you would like to attend the Veterans Day Mass followed by pastries and a special recognition clap out by our students, please RSVP by completing this form, https://forms.gle/FTh5DsGC778wA8oV7 .
We’re excited to continue our newest tradition: Christmas in the Courtyard!
If you’re interested in helping decorate our courtyard for this festive event in December, we would love your support.
Please reach out to Mr. Will Lasiter at wlasiter@sjjschool.org if you're interested in getting involved.
Thank you, and we look forward to celebrating together!
The first graders in Mrs. Towne's class did not let a rainy day ruin their recess time. They had fun drawing, playing games, amongst other activities during their indoor recess.
The second graders took their religion class outside and enjoyed the beautiful weather!
The fourth graders enjoyed learning in the courtyard. They also celebrated reading the book Winn Dixie and participated in a Winn Dixie Party. They had food and drink that matched the party description that the characters in the book had.
Fall Fest was a lot of fun! We enjoyed seeing our students dressed up and enjoying trick-or-treating throughout the school. Thank you to those who helped put everything together and made it a memorable night. Thank you to the families who donated candy for the event.
We ended our short week with a Spirit Day for all of our hard-working CYO sport athletes. We wish the 7th/8th grade football the best of luck at the city championship.
Preschool took advantage of the beautiful fall weather to stretch our legs and fill our lungs with wonderful fall air outside earlier this week.
We ran, jumped, chalked, and enjoyed the sunshine. We are working on the letter Ff this week, so foxes, flamingoes, and Frankensteins filled our classrooms!
SJJ Cafe is looking to add an additional microwave to the lunchroom to decrease wait times for students warming up their lunches. If you have a countertop microwave that you no longer need or would like to donate one to SJJ Cafe please contact Sharon Gyurko at sgyurko@sjjschool.org
Thank you!
Saturday, November 2 is our CRAFT FAIR from 9AM - 4PM @ SJJ school. Free admission. Bring your family and friends to shop the hallways and check out our crafty vendors. Just in time before the holidays! If you would like to volunteer for the SJJ PTU Craft Fair, please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0E45ADAA2DA7F58-51769026-sjjptu?useFullSite=true#/
Wednesday, November 20 is our SJJ Boy & Special Lady Bowling Event! Please check out the flyer for more details. Link to buy tickets: https://sjj-ptu-boys-special-lady-night-24637.cheddarup.com/
Sunday, December 8 Save the Date for our Breakfast with St. Nick @ St. John Neumann church. Join us for a pancake breakfast, crafts and pics with St. Nick! Come anytime between 9am-1pm. Tickets on sale NOW through December 5th. Link: https://my.cheddarup.com/c/breakfast-with-st-nick2024/items?cart
If you are a current family who does not currently have a Preschooler but will in the 2025-2026 school year and cannot make the open house, please contact Mrs. Cimino at vcimino@sjjschool.org.
Check Out Our Updated Website
Our school website is updated and available to access. The changes that were made were aimed at enhancing the site’s design and functionality, with a particular focus on improving our marketing and outreach efforts.
As a result, the new SJJ website prioritizes marketing aspects over detailed information for school families. Information and resources such as the school handbook, school policies, lunch menus, gym uniform and book store order forms can be found by going to the SJJ Families Group under the "resources" tab on auth.digitalacademy.org.
Our goal was to create a vibrant and engaging online presence that effectively showcases our school’s strengths and achievements to the public, while Digital Academy houses the information that is school-family focused.
Digital Academy is SJJ's New Education Management System
This school year, we have transitioned to Digital Academy, a new and comprehensive system designed to enhance various aspects of our school operations. As we work to implement its features, please be aware that this process will take some time.
We anticipate encountering a few glitches along the way as we navigate this learning curve. We are dedicated to addressing any issues promptly and efficiently as possible. Our goal is a smooth transition without overwhelming anyone and to get everything up and running at a manageable pace.
We appreciate your patience and understanding as we adapt to this new system. Thank you for your support!
6:30 am- Mornings at Cove opens (pre-registration is required, fee involved)
7:15 am- Building opens and students may enter the building to report directly to McGraw Hall.
Car drop-offs may not occur prior to 7:15am unless students are being dropped off at Viking Cove
7:30am- Teachers pick up students from McGraw Hall and escort students to homeroom. Students arriving after 7:30am report directly to their classrooms.
7:45 am- Tardy Bell Rings.
Students not in their seats and ready to learn at 7:45 am will be marked tardy.
2:00pm- End of day bell, dismissal after closing prayers.
Saints Joseph and John School offers a safe, teacher-operated before- and after-school care program for K-8 students enrolled in our school: Viking Cove and Mornings at Cove.
Viking Cove is our after-school care program in our Viking Visionary Center. Available for students in grades K-8, Viking Cove operates from 2:00 pm to 6:00 pm. During their time in Viking Cove, students will have access to supervised homework time, after-school snacks, outdoor activities, open gym time, and the resources of our Viking Visionary Center.
Please note that Viking Cove is offered every day that school is in session, except for scheduled early release days and the last day of school. The fee for Viking Cove is $5 per hour per student, with charges billed in 60-minute increments.
In addition to Viking Cove, we offer our Mornings at the Cove, our new before-school care program. Open to students in grades K-8, Mornings at the Cove takes place between 6:30 AM and 7:15 AM. Students will receive a light breakfast and be taken to McGraw Hall at 7:15 AM. There is a flat rate Mornings at the Cove of $10 per student for this program.
Please click here if you would like more information.
We believe Viking Cove and Mornings at the Cove provide valuable support and care for our students and their families. If you have any questions or need further information about these programs, please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Rosanne Puliafico at rpuliafico@sjjschool.org.
If your child is attending Viking Cove or Mornings at Cove be sure to sign up for our REMIND messaging. On your iPhone or Android phone, open your web browser and go to the following link: rmd.at/vikingcove. Follow the instructions to sign up for Remind. You’ll be prompted to download the mobile app.
For pick up send a REMIND 10 minutes before arriving. A teacher will have your child ready at Door E and bring them out to the car. Please pull into the parking lots outside Door E.
If you need your child to attend MORNINGS AT COVE send a REMIND to notify staff you will be dropping off in the morning. Mornings at Cove drop-off begins at 6:30 A.M.
Viking Cove is always looking for new or slightly used games, toys, flashcards, and puzzles. Send any donations to the Viking Visionary Center. We thank you for your consideration in advance.
Please follow the guidelines as stated in the SJJ Student Handbook:
Field Trips: Traditional School Uniform or Gym Uniform (based on the nature of the trip and determined by administration).
Spirit Wear Days: On designated days, students may wear school-approved spirit wear (sold by the SJJ PTU or purchased through CYO only) with uniform bottoms and school shoes. If this day falls on a gym day for some students, the student may wear gym uniform bottoms and tennis shoes with their spirit wear top.
Our students have been doing a great job adhering to the dress code so far this year. To keep this year running smoothly we ask that parents and students familiarize themselves with the Dress Up Day policy.
When students are permitted to be out of uniform, they will dress up. Days include but may not be limited to:
Picture Day: Dress Up Only
Birthday: Dress Up Only
Dress Up Day defined:
Girls may wear dresses, skirts, blouses, sweaters, dress shoes, dress slacks. Make-up and
jewelry guidelines apply.
**Note: Leggings or tights are permitted only with uniform length skirts or dresses.
Boys may wear slacks, dress shorts (during warm weather uniform months), collared shirts, dress shirts, ties, sweaters, dress shoes, socks appropriate for school.
Jewelry guidelines apply.
The following items are not permitted to be worn on a Dress Up/Out of Uniform Day:
Tanks, sleeveless, or narrow strap tops; Top that are revealing low-cut necklines, or expose bare midriffs when sitting, stretching, stooping, etc.; Athletic shorts or jeans; Pajama pants;
Low or sagging pants or shorts; Skirts or dresses shorter than the top of the knee; If dresses or skirts are shorter than the top of the knee, they must be paired with tights or leggings;
Leggings or other tight fitting pants, unless paired with uniform length skirts or dresses;
Ripped or torn clothing; Hoodies
Administration reserves the right to deem what is appropriate. Students not adhering to rules on
Dress Up/Out of Uniform days will call home for either a change of clothes or their school uniform. If a school uniform or change of clothing is not brought to school by 8:30am, a uniform violation will be issued to the student.
Students are always welcome to wear their traditional school uniform instead of dressing up.
Please see below regarding the proper names, colors, font, and logos for Saints Joseph and John School. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Cimino at vcimino@sjjschool.org.
SKI CLUB is filled, but you can reach out to Mrs. Thomas (kthomas@sjjschool.org) and asked to be added to the waitlist.
Shelly Schenek, Principal~ Lower School
Jennifer Francis, Principal~ Upper School
Angela Bosko, Little Vikings Preschool Director
Patty Briggs, Business Manager
Victoria Cimino, Director of Marketing and Enrollment
Fr. Barry Gearing, President
Fr. Andy Gonzalez, Treasurer