Dragon Diary
January 31, 2025
Important Dates
1 - Yearbook Price Increases to $100
4 - AP Booster Members "Let's Talk Curriculum" at Administration Building
9 - Course Registration Requests Closes in Skyward
10 - AP Booster Club Senior Scholarship Application Opens
14 - Baccalaureate Service Participation Form Deadline
SAGT Senior Scholarship Application Opens
17 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
27 - Baccalaureate Service Participation Meeting at CSHS
5 - SAT School Day for Juniors at CSHS
- ASVAB Testing at CHS
13 - SAGT Senior Scholarship Application Closes
AP Booster Club Senior Scholarship Application Closes
- Bad Weather Make Up Day
17 thru 21 - Spring Break - School Closed
2 -Spring Letter Jacket Sizing at CHS and CSHS
9 - English 1 and English 2 EOC at CHS
16 - Biology EOC at CHS
- US History EOC at CSHS
18 - Bad Weather Day
21 - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
24 - Algebra EOC at CHS
AP Boosters Presents: Let’s Talk Curriculum
Do you have curriculum questions about what your student should take next year? Join us for an information discussion with GIna Peddy, Executive Director of Curriculum and Instruction on Tuesday, February 4th from 6:30-8:30 pm at the CISD administration building, Lonesome Dove room.
AP Booster membership is required to attend. Join now: www.dragonap.org
AP Boosters Senior Scholarship
AP Boosters is proud to announce that this year we will be awarding three $1000 scholarships!
To qualify, applicants must have completed at least one pre-AP, Advanced, or AP class while attending CISD. They must also be current, paid members of AP Booster Club as of March 13, 2025.
Applications open Monday, February 10th and must be submitted by 10:00pm on Thursday, March 13th.
For more information, please visit www.dragonap.org
2025 Baccalaureate Service Meeting
The CHS/CSHS PTO 2025 Baccalaureate service will be an interfaith inspirational service to honor all CSHS Seniors and their families and to celebrate together as they mark the end of the high school journey. The hour-long service will be held at 6:30 pm on Wednesday, May 21st at White’s Chapel Methodist Church and will include interfaith readings, words of inspiration, music and common prayer delivered by Carroll Seniors. In addition, several local faith leaders will provide short inspirational messages for the graduates.
Senior students of all faith traditions who are interested in reading, singing, playing music, or saying an opening/closing prayer should complete the form below by February 14th.
2025 Student Baccalaureate Service Participation Form
All students wishing to participate should plan to attend a meeting on Thursday, February 27th, during the lunch period beginning at 1:20pm in the CSHS Cafeteria. Pizza will be provided
SAGT Senior Scholarship
Each year the Southlake Association for Gifted and Talented is proud to award one graduating Carroll senior a scholarship. Applications for this $1500 award will open on Friday, February 14th and have a deadline of Thursday, March 13th.
Please note, one parent of a student applying must be a member SAGT as of February 14th, 2025. SAGT membership must be renewed each school year. To join SAGT, click on the link: https://form.jotform.com/241984174251156
Please visit southlakegifted.org
2025 SAT School Day for Juniors
This information is for 11th grade students ONLY.
Dear CSHS Juniors, Parents and Guardians:
Carroll ISD is offering the SAT digital exam to 11th grade students at Carroll Senior High School during the school day on Wednesday, March 05, 2025 at 8:00 a.m. This exam is being offered (at no cost to parents, guardians, or district) to 11th grade students. Students will need to bring their fully-charged laptop to CSHS. Students may use their own device or school-issued laptop. Bluebook app will need to be downloaded on the student’s device by visiting https://bluebook.app.collegeboard.org/
Please Note:
• Students who took the PSAT digital exam in October should already have the app installed on the device they used for testing.
• Students can access a practice exam via the Bluebook app.
• There is no registration needed for this exam.
• There is no make-up day for this exam.
If you have any questions about the SAT digital exam, please contact the Campus Testing Coordinator, Emmanuel Madrid at emmanuel.madrid@southlakecarroll.edu.
SASO Annual Membership Drive
Scholars and Athletes Serving Others (SASO) will be holding an informational meeting for those interested in membership for the 2025-2026 year on Thursday, February 6th at 7pm in Evans Hall at White's Chapel Church. SASO is an inclusive service organization for high school students and their mothers and supports organizations such as Miracle League, Habitat for Humanity, House of Shine, GRACE, and SoupMobile Dallas. Students who live in Southlake and/or are zoned for CISD and will be in grades 9-12 for the 2025-26 school year are eligible to apply.
Please visit http://www.sasonow.com for more information; applications will be accepted on a first come, first served basis following the meeting. We look forward to having lots of new students join us for engaging and fun volunteer opportunities!
CHS/CSHS 2024-2025 Yearbook
Yearbooks are on sale now! Order yours for $100.00 at https://www.jostens.com/apps/store/customer/1080693/Carroll-Senior-High-School/ .
For the most up-to-date information on yearbook, school photos and more, visit dragonmedia.org/yearbook
Important Student Pick Up and Drop Off Update
During the school day from 9am-2pm the cafeteria circle is used for our students that shuttle to and from the Senior High.
We ask that you please use the front or South side of the school when dropping off or picking up a student during these times for the safety of our students.
Freshman/Sophomore Attendance and Dismissal
A parent/guardian must contact CHS attendance (CHSAttendance@southlakecarroll.edu or 817-949-5609) any day (or duration) that their student will not be in school. If the absence is due to a medical appointment, religious observance, court appearance or day-of driver’s permit/license, please provide the written excuse/documentation.
All Student Arrivals
9th & 10th grade students must enter classrooms by 8:00am. Students must sign in at the attendance office if they arrive any time after 8:00am – even if it is during a passing period or lunchtime - to receive a pass. If a student arrives less than 20 minutes late for any block – they receive a tardy. If arrival is greater than 20 minutes, the student is absent for the entire block (per TEA code). In this case, CHS needs a parent/guardian note or phone call, or excusable appointment documentation. If we do not receive notice, the student will be unexcused for the block. Accruing unexcused absences leads to truancy tracking per the TEA Code.
Freshman Departures
9th grade students. Parents/guardians of 9th graders must physically sign their student out at the attendance office for early dismissal. This applies at both our High School and Senior High School. If someone other than a parent/guardian is picking up the student, that person must be on the emergency contact list in Family Access. If they are not, please provide their name and CHS will copy their driver’s license before we release the student.
Sophomore Departures
10th grade students. Many sophomores drive, therefore their departure procedure is different from freshmen. With written parent/guardian notice only, 10th graders may sign themselves out for early dismissal. Please follow these guidelines.
~ A parent/guardian writes a hard-copy note (no email or phone call) that includes:
~ Name of student (first and last)
~ Date of departure
~ Time of dismissal
~ Signature of parent/guardian signature
~ Phone of parent/guardian
In the morning, the student brings the hard-copy, parent/guardian note to the attendance office in exchange for an early dismissal slip. At the approved time, the student shows the dismissal slip to their teacher and walks down to the attendance office to sign out.
Tametha Bell
Carroll High School
Office: 817-949-5609
Fax: 817-949-5656
Junior/Senior Attendance and Dismissal Procedures
1. If your student will be late to school or absent all day, please call or email attendance at your earliest convenience.
Seniors: Julie.zamora@southlakecarroll.edu
Juniors: carrie.sanders@southlakecarroll.edu
2. If your student needs to be dismissed early, please send them with a note or send an email to attendance indicating the time they need to be released. They will need to stop by the front attendance office before school or during a passing period to get a slip which will allow them to leave class. We are not allowed to call into a classroom to dismiss a student unless it is a true emergency. This prevents disrupting the entire class with a phone call from the office in the event the students are testing. Teachers have been informed not to accept texts or handwritten notes from the student – all dismissals must go through the attendance office.
3. Each year, many students (and parents) assume that because they are 18 years old, they can sign themselves out. For liability reasons, each student must have parent permission before we can allow them to sign out and leave campus during the school day.
4. College Visits – Students are allowed 2 (two) excused absence, per semester to visit a college campus. Students will need to stop by the attendance office before the visit to sign our request form and pick up a College Visit Form, along with instructions, to be completed by the University while they are on campus.
5. Students will receive an absence if they miss more than 20 minutes of a class, either from a tardy or early dismissal.
6. If your student becomes ill while they are at school, they may ask to go to the nurse’s office. If it is determined by the nurse (after consulting with a parent/guardian) that your student needs to go home, they will be given a slip by the nurse to sign out with the attendance office. Students are not allowed to sign themselves out ill without first going through the clinic.
Student ID Badges
All students must wear their ID Badge daily for security and entrance into the buildings as the outside doors are locked and not open for entrance without your ID Badge.
ID Badges will also be used in the cafeteria to purchase food and beverages and in the library.
- ALL students are required to wear their ID Badges on their person at all times and be visible during the school day.
- Replacement ID Badges must be purchased for $10 in the CHS AP Office or the CSHS Library.
Campus Visitors
Visitors entering and exiting from the front entrance is to ensure the safety for our campuses. We have asked all staff to not open any side or back doors, as everyone needs to enter the front doors.
We will also require all visitors to show their drivers license at the front door camera before entrance into the school. Be prepared to show your ID every time you visit a CISD school, even if pre-registered.
Thank you for your understanding as we strive to make our campus as safe as possible for your children.
Nurses Note
If you have not already done so, please update your student’s health history on Skyward. On CISD’s Health Services Website you can find links for Action Plans for asthma, allergies, seizures, etc. as well as MAR forms. In the next week or two, I will begin screening for hearing and vision for students new to Carroll High School.
As a reminder, students are not allowed to carry medications (over-the-counter or prescription). You may keep medications in the nurse's office for daily or as needed administration. Please be sure medicine is in original container, not expired, and has a signed MAR. Prescriptions also require a doctor signature. Inhalers, epipens, and diabetic supplies are the only exceptions to the carry policy, but the student does have to turn in the MAR and documentation from the doctor giving permission to carry.
Thank you for your help!
Kelly Lambert, RN
CHS Nurse
817-949-5610 phone 817-949-5656 fax
Carroll Senior High School Nurse
817-949-5810 phone
817-949-5858 fax
Spring Bus Passes On Sale Now
Passes may be purchased online on the Purchase Bus Pass webpage, in person at the Transportation Department or by mail.
An Individual Student Bus Pass is $205 for the Spring semester and a Family Spring Bus Pass is $415 (3 or more students)
Passes may be purchased online on the Purchase Bus Pass webpage, in person at the Transportation Department or by mail.
Reminder: All NEW bus riders MUST have a current Bus Rider Contract signed by a parent or guardian. If you are purchasing a bus pass and paying with cash or check you must also turn in a completed Bus Rider Registration form and a completed Bus Rider Contract indicating you and your student(s) will abide by the Bus Safety Handbook with your payment. Bus passes will not be issued until a signed contract is on file. If you purchase your bus pass online, you do not need to turn in a signed contract.
Students will not be allowed to board any bus without a valid bus pass.
Payment by credit card online requires a processing fee of $0.25 plus 4% of the transaction. Carroll ISD does not receive any of the credit card fees offered by this convenience. To purchase online, you'll need to use Google Chrome for access to the online form.
If paying by cash or check, please print and complete the Bus Rider Registration Form along with the Bus Rider Contract and submit payment in person or by mail to the CISD Transportation Department - 1075 S Kimball Ave., Southlake, TX 76092 Attn: Kathleen Toms.
Upon completion of the transaction, your child's bus pass will be approved, issued and sent to your child's campus for distribution within 5 business days after the start of the semester. Bus passes are similar to a luggage tag and should be attached to your child’s backpack.
To locate your child's bus number, stop and pick-up time for the school year go to Bus Routes
The sale of bus passes is contingent on seat availability. In order to ensure student safety, the sale of bus passes on certain routes may be suspended if those routes reach capacity.
For questions concerning busing or route information, please contact the CISD Transportation Department at 817-949-8323.
For questions on payment or assistance in completing your online transaction please contact Kathleen Toms in the CISD Transportation Department at 817-949-8318.
We offer AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITY PASSES (at no charge) for students who, after their last class of the day, need to be transported to the other high school for a school sponsored sport or activity. This pass may be obtained by picking-up an application from the student's coach or sponsor.
Once completed, it must be signed by the coach or sponsor of the activity or sport and returned to the office. All students must then sign the bus rider contract. Passes will be distributed to the student through the coach or sponsor.
Students must present their pass to the bus driver each time they need to ride or will not be allowed to ride. This pass is not necessary if the student has a valid annual or semester bus pass. Please note that misuse of the pass will require immediate forfeiture of the pass and it must be used for transportation to school activities only.
A Verification of Enrollment is required for students getting a permit or license. There is a sign-up sheet in the front office of CHS for freshman and sophomores. If you sign in before noon, forms can be picked up by 3:21 pm, after noon forms can be picked up the next school day.
Juniors and seniors need to obtain their VOE from the Senior High front office.
Forms are good for 30 days.
Commuting Between Campuses
Students must commute between campuses (CHS/CSHS) via the district provided shuttle bus. The only exception is when a student begins or ends their day on a campus that is not their home campus, they may commute in their personal vehicle only for first or last block.
Transporting other students in their vehicles is prohibited.
CHS/CSHS Parking Policy
Vehicles parked in CHS/CSHS designated student parking lots are under the jurisdiction of CHS/CSHS and must display a valid parking permit.
Any vehicle parked on CHS/CSHS property must have a permit adhered to the lower PASSENGER side windshield. Permits taped, placed on dashboard, or displayed in any other manner are subject to a warning followed by a vehicle immobilization (boot).
Parking permit fees are listed below:
● General Parking Permit for 2 semesters (full year) $150.00 ($50.00 per permit for additional vehicles)
● General Parking Permit for 2nd semester only (half year) $75.00
● Reserved Parking Permit (Seniors Only) (full year) $250.00 ($50 refundable if space reset at end of year)
*Replacement of lost or damaged parking permits will incur a $30.00 replacement fee.
Parking permits will NOT be sold or issued with incomplete paperwork. The parking information must have be completed online and it must be acknowledged by both parent/guardian and student signatures (even if the student is 18). We must have accurate information for each parking permit sold.
The submission of fraudulent or incorrect vehicle identification information or the use of fraudulent parking permits may result in the loss of parking privileges. Students must commute between CHS/CSHS via the district provided shuttle bus. The only exception is when a student begins or ends their day on a campus that is not their home campus, they may commute in their personal vehicle only for the first or last block. Students are not allowed to be in their vehicles during instruction time, passing periods, lunch, or off blocks.
For safety reasons every vehicle on CHS/CSHS property must be accounted for. If a student is driving a temporary vehicle, it must be registered with the AP Office at CHS/CSHS. Vehicles not accounted for will receive a warning sticker or a vehicle booting device.
Any student parked in a handicapped parking space (without a handicapped permit), faculty lot, visitor’s lot, striped area, fire lane, or other unauthorized areas will be subject to having his/her vehicle ticketed, immobilized (booted) or towed at owner’s expense, loss of parking privileges, and/or disciplinary actions. This includes parking in the numbered/reserved spaces which have been reserved by seniors.
The progression of disciplinary action is as follows:
● 1st Offense: Violation sticker with explanation of violation and AP involvement.
● 2nd Offense: Vehicle immobilized (booted), AP involvement, and a $30.00 boot removal fee.
There will be additional disciplinary action for subsequent offenses.
If a student’s vehicle is immobilized because the student has not purchased a parking permit, the boot will not be removed until a permit is purchased (if the student is eligible) and the removal fee is paid. Boots will be removed after the fee(s) are paid, and the parking attendant and an AP representative are available. Vehicles that create safety or access problems may be towed, without warning, at the owner's expense.
Please feel free to contact the Assistant Principal’s office at 817-949-5626 (CHS) OR 817-949-5803 (CSHS) with any questions.
CHS Student Parking Map
CSHS Student Parking Map
Vaping Discipline Process
HB 114 requires mandatory DAEP placement for any student who possesses, uses, sells, gives, or delivers to another person any component of an e-cigarette, also known as vapes, on or within 300 feet of school property or while attending a school sponsored activity.
Operation #SAFEdragon
The goals of the #SAFEdragon program are to improve safety and security within Carroll ISD and promote emergency preparedness among students and staff.
Students should never open the doors for anyone, not even friends. Be a #SAFEdragon!
Closed Campus
CSHS and CHS are closed campuses and students may not leave campus during lunch.
Food Delivery Services
Item Drop Off
There is a table at the front entrance of both CHS and CSHS where students can collect all items dropped off by parents.
Please make sure any item dropped off is labeled with their name and your student knows to collect them. Please note that your student may not leave the building to collect items from your vehicle, these must be brought into the building and dropped off.
Child Nutrition
The Child Nutrition Department is committed to providing students access to a variety of meal and snack options while meeting the diverse needs of our student population.
Please take a moment to check the balance on your students lunch account and add funds if needed. We encourage all parents/students to prepay money into their account to help lunch lines move faster and to avoid lost/forgotten lunch money.
- Cash/Check – can be deposited in the lunch line at the point of sale. If you choose to drop cash off, please include your child’s name and ID number. Any change from a cash payment will be deposited on the student's lunch account.
- Online Payment - CISD has included a parent online credit card payment system through MySchoolBucks, online or mobile app. You can make credit card payments to your student’s cafeteria account online for a convenience fee of $2.75. The system will also allow parents to view student cafeteria account balances and purchases at no charge as well as set up free, automatic, low balance email notifications and automatic payments.
Click here for more information.