Weekly Wrap-Up #1: 8/17/24
Wrapping up This Week + News for the Weeks to Come
Thoughts from Your Principal, Kathy Sather
Thank you families! What a great start to the year!
Starting year two in this uniquely wonderful place, I am so pleased and proud to be the principal. This week was full of opportunities to begin to connect with other families at Garfield. We loved meeting families at our Kindergarten Kick-Start on Tuesday morning where we welcomed our newest Grizzlies to Garfield and took them on a tour of our special, one of a kind, school home.
More people connected that evening at our 2nd -5th grade Back to School Night. Families met teachers, kids connected with new teachers and both new and old friends. It was a pleasure for me to watch kids on the playground with the certain knowledge that each teacher was connecting with families in his/her own room. If you were unable to attend, please reach out to your child(ren)'s teacher on Class Dojo. Best of all, students returned on Wednesday (Kindergarten) and Thursday (grades 1-5)! I love our amazing kids. We started out focusing on kindness and routines and I WAS IMPRESSED! Please hug your child and let them know.
Thank you PTA for hosting our Boo-Hoo/Woo-Hoo breakfast on Wednesday morning as our newest families had another opportunity to connect. PTA is an invaluable partner for our Garfield School. They host many of our school traditions and are looking for people who'd like to help with any one (or all) of the upcoming events. Big PTA meetings will happen quarterly and will immediately follow our building Partners In Education (PIE) meeting. Our first one for the year will be held on Wednesday, September 4th. PIE will be from 5:00-5:30 (and yes, PIE is served). The topic of conversation at our first meeting will be these two questions: 1 What are your best hopes and dreams for your child THIS Year? 2. How can Garfield partner with families to help that happen? ALL are welcome!
We make use of Class Dojo to communicate both small and/or urgent issues. It is how we will communicate with families in case of an emergency. Please connect with your classroom teacher and our school. You can connect with a phone number or an email and the choice is yours. Class Dojo also provides you a place to reach out to any teacher, including your child;s, or front office personnel (Virginia, counselor Carlie Jessop, Health Office Assistant Desi Holliman or me) with specific questions or to address concerns. As always, phone calls (970-613-6000) or emails (first name.last name@tsd.org) are always welcome. I am at kathy.sather@tsd.org
Within the classrooms, building relationships and routines are happening already. Connection has to happen before most kids are ready to learn.
Thank you families. If there is information you WISH you'd received or if you wished you'd received it in a different way, please let me know! I've been asked by teacher leadership to bring back the automated phone call that highlights what is coming up in the week ahead, but I'd love to hear from families if that is your desire as well.
GARFIELD IS Loveland's Integrated School of the Arts (LISA)
THIS PAST WEEK: Students returned to our building. HOORAY!!
THIS COMING WEEK: August 19-23
- 5:30 pm. Back to School Night for Grades K-1 in your child's classroom
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
- 2:10 pm. FIRST FIRE DRILL. Classes are practicing safety measures. We will hold our first fire drill which is announced to all and is required by Colorado state statute.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 23rd: GRIZZLY PRIDE: Wear your Garfield colors (Red, Black, and/or Grey) or t-shirts.
- 7:50 am. FRIDAY WRAP UP. Whole School Positive Expectations.
COMING SOON! For Planning Ahead Purposes
- 5:30-7:30 pm. District Accountability Committee at TSD Boardroom. Parents welcome.
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
FRIDAY, AUGUST 30th: GRIZZLY PRIDE: Wear your Garfield colors (Red, Black, and/or Grey) or t-shirts.
- 7:50 am. FRIDAY WRAP-UP Honoring Kindergarten & First Graders
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd: NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS. TSD Staff Professional Development Day.
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
- 5:00-5:30 pm: FIRST Partners In Education (PIE Nigh)t Discussion with pie in the library: 1 What are your best hopes and dreams for your child THIS Year? 2. How can Garfield partner with families to help that happen? ALL are welcome!
- 5:30-6:30 pm. PTA meeting in the library. Childcare provided. Snacks served.
- 7:50 am. FRIDAY WRAP-UP Honoring 2nd & 3rd Graders
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
- 7:50 am. FRIDAY WRAP-UP Honoring 4th & 5th Graders
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
- Jogathon Kickoff in classrooms. Details to follow.
- 8:50 am. LATE START WEDNESDAY. Doors Open at 8:50
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th: GRIZZLY PRIDE: Wear your Garfield colors or t-shirts.
- 7:50 am. FRIDAY WRAP-UP Honoring Kindergarten, First & Second Graders
Kathy Sather Principal
Email: kathy.sather@tsd.org
Website: tsd.org/schools/elementary/garfield
Location: 720 North Colorado Avenue, Loveland, CO, USA
Phone: 970-613-6000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gesgrizzlies/
Twitter: @KathySather11