Rebel Review
September 28, 2024
Principal Message
South Families,
I send "The Rebel Review" every two weeks to keep you informed and to celebrate the great things our students and staff are doing. I would also encourage you to visit our school website anytime to view our latest updates. As always though, If you have any questions that you need answered directly, please feel free to call our main office for assistance (440-975-3648).
Andy Suttell
Important Calendar Date/Events
Mark your calendar for these important events during the first few weeks of school:
October 7-11 North/South Spirit Week
October 11 NEOEA Day - No School for Students
October 17 Picture Make-Ups
October 18 End of First Quarter
October 18: PD Day - No School for Students
October 24: LEAF 11th Grade College Planning Night 6:30pm
October 25 - 27: Fall Play, "Dracula" at PAC
November 5: Election Day -PD Day - No School for Students
November 11: South Veterans Day Breakfast
November 12: National Honor Society Induction Ceremony 7:00pm
November 13: Key Club Blood Drive
November 20: 2nd Quarter Parent Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30
November 28-December 2: Thanksgiving Break - No School
December 3: School Resumes
South Happenings!
We have had an incredible two weeks since the last Rebel Review! Enjoy the photo recap!
Homecoming Week!
Our Homecoming Week was great! Students enjoyed the assembly where the Homecoming couples were announced, the game with a big win over Lorain and the announcing of the King and Queen, and the Homecoming Dance on Friday Night!
WKYC Visit - Community Shines
WKYC hosted their morning show from South High School. Needless to say, the event was phenomenal - our students had an outstanding time and we were able to celebrate the great things happening at South High School!
South "Packed the Pantry"
With the help of our students, South was able to donate over 15 boxes of food to our local food pantry!
Northeast Ohio Youth Summit
A group of South student leaders participated in the Northeast Ohio Youth Summit learning and discussing how community service positively impacts communities and helps to solve problems.
North-South Week Information
Our annual tradition of North/South Week will occur the week of October 7 to October 11 culminating as our Rebel Football team plays at North on October 11th at 7:00pm. The week is filled with spirit and great activities that help promote community giving, as [proceeds from our events throughout the week will help raise funds for the United Way of Lake County!
See the Spirit Week Flier for event information and how to participate!
North-South Week Merchandise
The annual North / South merchandise is now available to order! This year's design is available on a t-shirt, crewneck or hoodie. All sweatshirts must be preordered by Wednesday, 10/2.
T-Shirts will go on sale in the school store starting Wednesday 10/2 through 10/10 or while supplies last. If you have any questions, please contact our spirit store at rebels.express@weschools.org.
National Merit Society Innformation
Junior and Seniors with a 3.5 or above grade point average, please check your emails Tuesday, October 1, 2024 for your letter to apply for National Honor Society. Please see Ms. Albertone if you have any questions. Thank you!
School Pictures - Now Available
Great News - It is now time to view and order your students school day portraits for the 24-25 school year. Cirino Photography has released the Online Viewing/Ordering Gallery. You will need your students first name, last name and student ID number exactly as it appears in PowerSchool to log in - if you have any questions Cirino Photography is here to help just give them a call at 440 953-8200. The photo link can be found here: South Picture Link (https://my.photoday.com/gallery/willoughby-south)
Rebel Recognition - Students of the Week!
Each week, our teachers nominate students who are consistently positive in their approach to school both academically and behaviorally. At the end of each month, each nominated student will have a chance to earn Student of the Month.
The following students have earned Rebel Student of the Week during the past 2 weeks. Congratulations!
Staff Member Shout-Outs
There is nothing more meaningful to an educator than to know the impact they are making on students and community. We have great staff here at South that I want to recognize as much as I can. Parents, would you like to nominate a school staff member for a shout out? The Staff Shout Out Form can be used anytime you want to report a staff member being awesome!
Message from our Guidance Department
Guidance Department Information
We are moving in a wonderful direction as far as getting schedules fixed for our students. Please
continue to reach out to your student’s guidance counselor, if need assistance:
Mrs. Grant – Alison.grant@weschools.org, 440.975.3653 Serving students A-G
Mrs. Scripp – Lindsay.scripp@weschools.org 440.975.3624 Serving students H-O
Ms. Joyce – Virginia.joyce@weschools.org 440.975.3657 Serving students P-Z
As we move forward, we would like to invite you to save the dates and mark your calendar for the
following events:
October 17: Naviance Update and Training - 11th Grade
Our Counselors will be going into 11th grade English classes to help our 11th grade students with Naviance training.
October 24: Junior Night at 6:30 pm When should we visit colleges? What if my student does not want to go to college? How many colleges should he/she apply to in the process? All these and
many more questions will be answered during this session at South LGI at 6:30 p.m. Please
come and join us to learn many things about your child’s future
November 20: Parent/Guardian Conferences and FINANCIAL AID NIGHT beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Parents and Guardians are invited to participate in Financial Aid Night in the LGI. LEAF
(Lakeland Educational Assistance Foundation) will have a representative there to present
the timeline and process for applying to colleges, FAFSA and ways to use Naviance to help
your student find colleges and help with career choices.
What else is going on in Guidance?
a. Credit checks – 12th , and 11th graders are meeting with guidance counselors to go over credits
and graduation pathways to make sure that they are moving toward graduation readiness.
b. Group Guidance: guidance counselors are going into the classrooms to speak with the students
about Naviance. Naviance will help the students find a career path, apply to colleges and create
resumes and activity sheets.
Advice from our Counselors:
Remind your students to:
a. Start strong and end strong
b. Ask for help or any of type of assistance
c. Come to see us in guidance for help or just to say hello!
d. Join a club, athletic team or say hello to one person in the first weeks of school.
e. Make sure that they are carrying 5-6 credits for the year. Check for athletic eligibility
We are looking forward to and planning for the best year ever!
South Drama Fall Play
Make plans to see our Drama Club's Fall Play, "Dracula"
South Clinic Reminder - Senior Immunization Information
Seniors are required by law to provide proof of MCV4/meningococcal meningitis vaccination (see district communication from the Spring) It is very important that you submit updated immunization information to our clinic via fax (440-975-3645), or hard copy (return to clinic ). If you have any questions, please email them to our School Nurse at eileen.krancevic@weschools.org.
Join Our Booster Organizations!
Willoughby South High School has 3 phenomenal Booster Organizations that support the students!
- Our BAND BOOSTERS support our Rebel music and band programs
- Our REBEL FAMILIES support our Rebel academic programs and provide scholarships
- Our ATHLETIC BOOSTERS support our Rebel athletics teams
Please support these fine organizations! They volunteer their time to give back to our kids in so many ways!
Rebel Family News
Supported homecoming through constructing the balloon arch for the dance
Supporting our student section providing spirit items to go with the Friday night football theme (last week, white pom poms, this week camo clappers!)
Bringing in new concession stand offerings with different treats, as well those things you might need at games like ponchos and hand warmers!
SPECIAL THANKS TO SOUTH ATHLETIC BOOSTERS for their monetary donation to Rebel Families that have helped us upgrade physical items in the concession stand to help us prep food and keep things warm!
SENIOR FAMILIES: Your help will be needed to plan and organize prom related activities! Be sure to fill in the PARENT/GUARDIAN CLASS OF 2025 SURVEY if you haven’t done so already!
Find out more about us at the DTW Chili Cook-Off (or come march with us in the parade!)
Join us at our Monthly Meeting (Third Wednesday of the Month). Our next meeting is October 16 @7pm in the Commons!
Work the concession stand - AND GET PAID (funds earned toward your child’s sport or school club/activity). SIGN UP TO WORK HERE: https://tinyurl.com/RebelFamsSUG
The only way we can continue to provide things for our students is through raising money! (Our annual goal is $25,000), so please GET INVOLVED!
facebook.com/southrebelfamilies Instagram @rebelfamilies
Rebel Express - South High Spirit Shop
Rebels Express, the South High Spirit Shop, would like to welcome everyone back to school!
Our store is now open for business online.
You can place an online order and pickup in the main office from 7-3. We can also send your order home with your student. The online website is : https://rebelexpress.square.site/
Please follow us on social media to stay updated on new items, special promotions and store hours.
Instagram: @rebels_express
X (Twitter) : @RebsSchoolStore
Facebook : Rebels Express Spirit Shop
Yearbook Information
Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools Produce Market
The Willoughby-Eastlake City Schools and the Cleveland Food Bank will provide monthly produce for any family in the community. Our first market will be open on Thursday, September 5th from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. at North High School. Service will not begin prior to 10 a.m. See the posting for more dates and information.
District Reminders
Bussing Information: The radius for school transportation widens from Middle School to High School. Transportation information is now available in PowerSchool Parent Portal. Please call Transportation Department at (440) 975-3736 if you have any transportation questions.
Food Services Flyer
Please see the following for information about our Food Services - Food Services Flyer
School Fees, Lunch Accounts & Free/Reduced Lunch Application: Manage student meal accounts & Apply for free and reduced meals at https://www.weschools.org/PayForIt.aspx
Open Positions at W-E Schools
Check out the Employment page to find opportunities for joining the Willoughby-Eastlake team: https://www.weschools.org/AssistantSuperintendent.aspx