RHHS Dress Code
Please help us keep our students in appropriate dress code
New fad: long shirts and shorter shorts
Please help us by having a conversation with your child about the school dress code expectations. I know these are high schoolers, but it would also help if you could double-check the length of your child's shorts (shorts must extend beyond the length of fingertips when arms are by the side of the body). The same length rule applies for skirts and dresses for our ladies. Additionally, if jeans with tears/rips/slits/holes are worn, these tears/rips/slips/holes must be below the fingertips as well.
We have done our best to work with students who haven't been dressed appropriately, but after four weeks of school, I would hope we would be seeing fewer infractions by now.
Below are a few pictures of the infractions I have commented about above. I am reaching out for your help and support with this and hope that with your involvement we will see an improvement.
Finally, I am including a link to the Bryan County Schools Student Handbook. Information about dress code, should you want or need to reference it, begins on page 27. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/190122/BCS_Student_Handbook_18-19.pdf
If you have any questions or need additional information, please let me know.
Many thanks,
Debi McNeal