A Letter From Dr. Pete Hannigan

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October 31, 2023
Dear Hawthorn Families,
It is with heavy hearts that we inform you of the passing of Collin Lis, a sixth grade student at Middle School North. Collin attended Elementary North before transitioning to sixth grade. He had a larger than life personality, and was a charismatic student who always made everyone smile. On Monday, October 30, Hawthorn District 73 was notified that Collin passed away while surrounded by his family. Collin will be deeply missed, and we extend our deepest condolences to his family during this very difficult time.
Responses to death are varied and can depend upon such factors as age, personality, previous losses, and ones’ relationship to the person who has passed. If you feel your child has been affected, you may wish to assist them in the following ways:
Take time to listen to and talk with your child about what happened.
Reassure your child that you will be available to help them through this difficult time.
Help your child verbalize some of the feelings they might be experiencing but may be struggling to express.
Reassure your child that you will do all you can to keep them safe. Providing specific examples may help to reduce some fear and anxiety.
Reach out to the school social worker if you feel your child needs additional support.
If you would like to send a card to the Lis family, please bring your card to the Middle School North office by November 8, 2023. Thank you for supporting one another as we remember the positive impact Collin had on all of us.
Dr. Pete Hannigan
Superintendent of Schools