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Texas School Nurses Organization
November 2020
Mission Statement & Vision Statement
To enhance whole student wellness in support of health and learning by advancing school nursing practice.
Student access to health and learning. All day. Every day.
This newsletter takes NASN’s Framework for 21st Century School Nursing Practice approach.
President's Message
I can’t believe November is here already. I will be your president for another week and then Karen Schwind will be installed. She is an awesome nurse and I feel very confident that she will lead TSNO is a great direction.
I am sad that we aren’t all meeting in Houston this weekend for annual conference but I believe the TSNO EC made the correct decision in cancelling it. Our annual business meeting will be held via zoom on November 11th beginning at 5:00 pm. It should take more than 30 minutes. We do need to make some changes to our bylaws but we will have to put this off until we can all meet together again. We will announce the location of the 2021 conference at the end of the business meeting. Hope you all can jump on-line for it.
Zoom invites will be sent via email!
I wish you all could have attended the zoom webinar put on by ProjectADAM. It was very informative and helpful. Watch the newsletter each month for further zoom webinar ideas.
One of the big questions right now involves the K-12 testing that Governor Abbott has endorsed. It is an ‘opt in’ program, meaning that your superintendent has to request to do the testing in their district. The COVID rate in your area will determine how often you will be asked to test. Each district will need a district coordinator that will be responsible for sending in an accurate inventory count weekly. They say it doesn’t have to be a nurse performing the testing but whoever it is will have to watch a short video to become certified. TEA and TDEM are supposed to supply the districts with the needed PPEs but told us that they are already experiencing a shortage with gloves. TSNO was not asked for input prior to this program being implemented and we were only asked to attend a zoom conference after it had been announced. We tried to stress how overwhelmed and overworked the nurses were this year and the fact that some districts had nurses at multiple school and some districts didn’t even have a nurse. Their solution to this was that anyone on the campus can be trained to do the testing. Maybe next time they will ask for our input before deciding to do something.
We can only hope.
I have enjoyed serving as your President the past two years. I feel I have grown in my profession and changed the way I look at many things. Being on the board of TSNO is an eye-opening experience and if I can do it, anyone can. If you would like to be more involved with TSNO just email one of the board members and let them know. We are always in need of nurses willing to serve.
The Texas Board of Nursing is responsible for regulating the practice of nursing within the State of Texas for Vocational Nurses, Registered Nurses, and Registered Nurses with advanced practice authorization. The standards of practice establish a minimum acceptable level of nursing practice in any setting for each level of nursing licensure or advanced practice authorization. Failure to meet these standards may result in action against the nurse's license even if no actual patient injury resulted.
(1) Standards Applicable to All Nurses. All vocational nurses, registered nurses and registered nurses with advanced practice authorization shall:_______________________________________________________________________________________
Did you know?
The SchoolNurseNet logo has received a facelift! Below is the current logo and the new logo. I hope you like it! It is much cleaner and provides an immediate connection to NASN.
Congratulations Newly Elected Board Members!
Luisa Herrera
Deana Bunting
Laurie Smith
Notes from your NASN Director!
Season of Thanksgiving
November has finally arrived, with the treasured traditions of Thanksgiving: We are constantly reminded to be thankful for the positive happenings in our lives. Whether we work in a rural or urban school district, in a public, private, or charter school, what we do each, and every day matters in the lives of our students, families, and school staff in promoting safety, health and well-being. The insidious coronavirus pandemic, however, continues to challenge and stress all school nurses, from direct care to administration. Folks have shared countless stories of school nurses working beyond their normal workload, hoping to narrow the gap in inequality our families may face with housing woes, compromised financial resources, food insecurity, or lack of comprehensive healthcare services. I offer my thanks and admiration for your hard work and sacrifices to balance both the needs of your students and the public health of your community, plus your faithful support and invaluable contributions to TSNO, will always be treasured in my heart. Speaking of balance, I again urge you to spend well-earned “me” time in this season of thanksgiving with your family, friends, and fellow nursing colleagues. You are amazing.
May Peace and Wellness be with you!
In your service,
Francis Luna, MSN, RN, NCSN
TSNO has made great strides as an organization, educating the public about the role of professional school nurse. Part of that process involves legislative advocacy. This doesn't have to happen at the Capitol - school nurses can advocate from right where they are!
Find out about legislative wins from the 86th session and look ahead to what we're working on for the 87th Session, which starts in January.
This is our chance to EDUCATE - ADVOCATE - LEGISLATE for our students and our profession. Get involved!
Becca Harkleroad, RN, NCSN
Advocacy Chair
Texas School Nurses Organization
Have you seen the latest NASN Weekly Digest?
President's Message
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. Did you know that diabetes is one of the most common chronic conditions in school-age youth in the United States, affecting about 193,000 youth under 20 years old? You can find out more from the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases.
NASN also offers several resources for your school community. We have a webpage devoted entirely to diabetes in children, and we also partner with the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists (ADCES) to make Danatech available to NASN members. With Danatech, you can:
· Research and review diabetes devices and mobile apps.
· Access tech-focused courses, webinars and device training.
· Discover useful tools and evidence-based research, clinical trials and reports.
· Participate in focus groups, polls and discussions helping to shape the future of diabetes care.
Laurie Combe, MN, RN, NCSN
NASN President
Good evening,
I am excited to say that my proposal to investigate school nurses' perception of telemedicine for school-based asthma case management received IRB approval from the University of Texas. I am ready to start my study!
Loree LaChance, MHA, MSN, RN, NCSN
DNP student, University of Texas School of Nursing
Join us on November 17, 2020 for our very first Virtual Fall Membership Drive.
Speaker: Christy Giddens, BSN, RN, NCSN
Coordinator of Health Services, McKinney ISD
Presentation: Self-Care for the School Nurse
Time: 5:30 pm-7:00 pm
Earn 1.5 hours of CE
Children’s Health Clinical Operations is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. This activity provides 1.5 contact hours.
RSVP by November 13, 2020 to tsnoregion10@gmail.com with your name and email address – this is how you will get your contact hours.
Zoom link will be provided upon your RSVP.
AAP Updates Interim Guidance on Child Care During COVID-19
Check out the amazing COVID-19 Resources Below
Texas K-12 School System COVID Rapid Testing Project Superintendent Kick-Off
Summer Camps Are Already Looking For a Few Good Nurses!
The Value of Membership
Increase Your Knowledge
Online continuing nursing education in the NASN Learning Center is always discounted for NASN members. In many cases, the activities are free of charge to NASN members.
DANA or Diabetes Advanced Network Access created by the American Association of Diabetes Educators is available to NASN members free of charge. DANA connects school nurses with the devices, expertise and innovations shaping the future of diabetes care.
Titles in the NASN Bookstore including ebooks and manuals are always discounted for NASN members.
Did you know...
TSNO Executive Committee
PRESIDENT Lisa Formby - Region 16
PRESIDENT-ELECT Karen Schwind - Region 13
TREASURER Luisa Herrera- Region 19
Secretary Sarah Alexander - Region 15
NASN DIRECTOR Francis Luna - Region X
ADVOCACY CHAIR Becca Harkleroad- Region 13
SCHOOL HEALTH ISSUES Amber Cichockia- Region X
MEMBER SERVICES Denise Kablaitis - Region 13
Membership Coordinator Linda Howard - Region 8
REGION PRESIDENTS Coordinator Deana Bunting - Region 5 deanabunting.tsno@gmail.com
Communications Coordinator Brandy Bowlen - Region IV bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
EXHIBIT LIAISON Amy Huey - Region X ahuey.tsno@gmail.com
Email: bbowlen1@kleinisd.net
Website: txsno.org
Location: Richardson, Tex, United States
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Texas.School.Nurses.Organization
Twitter: @TxSchlNurses