MSS March Newsletter
"Let March be the month where we shed our winter skin and bloom into the people we are meant to be"
February Fun at South!
Rock, Paper Scissors Competition-click to see slide show!
The Penny War Winner was the 8th grade class! They all got chill time for the week, and WEB served them popsicles at lunch!
The Winter Pep Assembly recognized our Winter Athletics and clubs along with some fun competition and games!
All of these events were developed and organized by WEB students and MSS Staff. Thanks to Mrs. Coakley, Mrs. Sorvala, Ms Willey, and Ms. Allen, Mr. Arsenault, Mrs. Keena, Mrs. Guerra and Mr. Latona for their help and support to make these a success!
MSS Winter Pep Assembly
The Positivity Project- March Focus and Characteristics
March 3-7- Love of Learning
March 10-14- Perspective
March 31- April 4 -Humor
Click on the links above see what your child is talking about in school and how you can support them at home.
March is READING Month!
How Can You Reinforce Reading and Support Your Child? Click the Links below!
Five Ways Families Can Celebrate Reading
Why is Reading So Important For Our Children?
Put Down the Phone and Read More Books!
Tips to Get Your Teen to Put Down the Phone and Read More Books!
New York Times Young Adult Best Sellers List
**Students can check out books from the MSS Library or check out the MacDonald Library in New Baltimore!
Upcoming Events & Reminders
3/3-3/7 -Social Worker Week and Wellness Week!
3/4-3/7- SCHOLASTIC BOOK FAIR in the Media Center.
3/5 is Popcorn Day at Lunch- $1.00 a bag
3/7 -MSS Counselors talk to 8th graders about scheduling for next year.
3/10 -Choir Festival Performance at Stoney Creek High School
3/13 & 3/14 - High School Counselors Visit for Scheduling- 8th graders
3/18 - Elementary Jazz Band Performance at South
3/24-3/30- Spring Break!
4/4 - End of the 3rd Qrt
4/15 - 3rd Qrt Grades Posted in PowerSchool
4/7 - 5/23 - M-STEP Testing Window
4/8 - PSAT - 8th Grader Only - ½ Day--NO SCHOOL FOR 6th and 7th graders
4/28 - 5/30 - NWEA Spring Testing Window
- Wrestling and Girls Basketball is currently in season!
- Spring Sports Tryouts and Information will be emailed and announced in school later this month.
- Track, Softball and Swim/Dive usually start right after spring break!
- If your child plans on participating and/or trying out for spring sports, he/she must have an updated physical on file dated on or after April 15th, 2024.