Talawanda High School
#EducateandPrepare #THSFamily
School Counseling Office
Scholarship opportunities are available now! Oxford Community Foundation Scholarship Packet: HERE THS Local Scholarship Packet: HERE
Please note that these applications are due to the School Counseling Office by Thursday, February 23rd at 3 PM!
The summer and fall applications windows are now open for all of our partner institutions! For more information or links to apply, please click HERE.
Senior Incentive
Seniors (and senior families), as the 4th quarter grading period approaches, it is time to revisit "Senior Incentive!" 4th quarter begins Monday, March 13th
Senior Incentive Plan: Senior students may be exempt from exams in May if they meet all four of the following thresholds during Quarter Four:
1. B or better in the course
2. No more than 3 total tardies (sum of tardies to school and all classes)
3. 0 Unexcused absences - meaning all absences must be accompanied by a parent/guardian or doctor's note. ** Only 10 parent/guardian notes are available for use per school year **
4. No ISA or Suspensions from school.
Note: Seniors taking Government must still complete the Ohio State Test/End of Course exam in April.
NHS Seniors
NHS Seniors: NHS graduation stoles may be ordered from Ms. Alfonsi in room 315 at THS by April 21, 2023. The cost is $25.00 each, and the graduate keeps the stole. This year, we will wear white stoles to contrast with the blue graduation gowns everyone will wear. It is fine to borrow an NHS stole from an older sibling or friend, but please make sure it is white. We will NOT wear the light blue stole from the past. Please contact Ms. Alfonsi directly with questions at alfonsic@talawanda.org.
Please bring cash or a check payable to Talawanda High School by April 21.
Yearbook and Senior Pictures
Senior Pictures are due to the yearbook by MARCH 31, 2023. To upload. your senior picture...
1. Follow this LINK
2. Click on 'Yearbook Snap'
3. Enter the code 'talawanda2023'
4. Upload a picture greater than 1MB
If you have any questions please email yearbook@talawanda.org
If you would like to have our yearbook staff take your senior pictures or have any questions, please email yearbook@talawanda.org for more information!
If you would like to order a yearbook, click this link! The deadline to order is MAY 30th.
Mock Trial
Mock Trial would like to thank the following sponsors for their generous financial gifts:
The Fankhauser Family, Fey Bruder Insurance, Oxford Animal Care Clinic, and MaryEllen Parker
If you are interested in sponsoring Mock Trial, please email Coach Weatherwax at weatherwaxa@talawanda.org
Mock Trial would also like to thank Kei Brown, Daniel Cox, Erica Edwards, Kathryn Milders, Sam Morrish, Ben Sandlin & Miami University Mock Trial Members Emersen Kolb and Rachel Pritchard
Best Buddies Dance
Calendar of Events
THS Calendar of Events 2/26/23-3/4/23
Sunday, February 26th
All Day-Drama Tech Rehearsal, PAC
Monday, February 27th
3:00-5:30pm Drama, PAC
Tuesday, February 28th
2:50-3:45pm Art Club, Room 603
2:50-3:45pm Tribune, Room 417
3:00-5:30pm Drama, PAC
5:30-7:30pm Mock Trial, Room 417,
Wednesday, March 1st
ACT Day-Juniors Only Report
2:00pm Athletic Signing Day, PAC
3:00-5:30pm Drama, PAC
7:00pm THS Band Concert, PAC
7:00pm, Athletic Boosters, Media Center
Thursday, March 2nd
3:00-5:30pm Drama, PAC
5:30-7:30pm Mock Trial, Room 417,
7:00pm THS Choir Concert, PAC
Friday, March 3rd
3:00-5:30pm Drama, PAC
6:30pm NHS Volleyball, GYM
Saturday, March 4th
All Day- Drama Tech Rehearsal