What's Up Westside
June 7, 2024
From the Desk of Principal Vance
Wildcat Families,
I wish I could be sending out an end-of-year message with all of the excitement and positivity that the end of a school year typically generates. However, I am compelled, by the senseless death of another student in Seattle Public Schools due to gun violence, to a least share a few thoughts and resources in an effort for our communities to help put an end to this. Please talk with your students about gun violence and share these resources if they or anyone they know is in crisis, demonstrating risky behavior, or threatening others.
As we move towards the end of this school year and prom and graduation and the sense of accomplishment our students feel from another year of learning and growth, please do not lose sight of the fact that there are many who are having a very different experience right now. My heartfelt condolences go out to the Garfield HS community. The message I want to send out for the end of a school year and in response to a tragedy such as this, is that each and every one of us has a responsibility to build the world we want to live in, where we are safe, seen, and able to achieve our goals. Let us empower each other and our young people to make the changes we need in our society. Thank you for your continued involvement and support of WSHS.
Mayor Harrell Statement on Garfield High School Shooting
Additional Community Resources:
- Teen Link 1-866-teenlink (833-6546): Offers young people peers to listen and discuss concerns. Calls and chats are confidential.
- Crisis Connections 1-866-427-4747: Discuss any mental health, substance use, or emotional concern, or get assistance with basic needs like food or housing.
- 988 Lifeline – Provides 24/7 free and confidential support and counseling for people in crisis or distress, and connects them to resources.
- Harborview Abuse and Trauma Center 206-744-1600: Support for students and families impacted by trauma.
- Additional community resources are available on the Seattle Public Schools Mental Health Services department webpage.
Go, Wildcats!
- June 8: Saturday Study Hall (9am, WSHS Library)
- June 10: Jazz Ensembles Concert (7pm, WSHS Theater)
- June 12: WSHS Night at the Mariners (6:40pm, T-Mobile Park, Tickets)
- June 12: Orchestras and Choir Concert (7pm, WSHS Theater)
- June 13: Bands and Percussion Concert (7pm, WSHS Theater)
- June 15: Saturday Study Hall (9am, WSHS Library)
- June 18: West Seattle High School Graduation (8pm, Memorial Stadium)
- June 19: Juneteenth (NO SCHOOL)
- June 21: Last Day of School (1-hour early dismissal)
For WSHS Families
WSHS Music Concerts
All Concerts 7pm, WSHS Theater
Enjoy our music department's end of year concerts!
- Monday, June 10: Jazz Ensembles I and II
- Wednesday, June 12: Concert Orchestra, Chamber Orchestra, and Choir
- Thursday, June 13: Concert Band, Symphonic Band, and Percussion Ensemble
WSHS Night at the Mariners
Wednesday, June 12, 6:40pm, T-Mobile Park, Tickets
Join WSHS students, families, and friends for a great night with the Seattle Mariners. Enjoy specially-priced tickets for this game vs. the Chicago White Sox. Deadline to order is Monday, June 10.
Encouraging Student Attendance for Final Weeks of School
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we approach the final weeks of the school year, it is essential to ensure that our students are maximizing their time and efforts to finish strong. With finals on the horizon, attendance and participation in classes become even more crucial for academic success. We kindly ask for your support in encouraging your child to attend classes regularly and engage actively in their learning during this critical period.
Here are a couple reasons why attendance in these last weeks is vital:
- Grade Improvement: Many students have the opportunity to bring up their grades during the final weeks through assignments, projects, and participation. Attending classes allows them to receive valuable instruction, clarification, and support from teachers to enhance their understanding of the material.
- Final Exam Preparation: Regular attendance ensures that students are fully prepared for upcoming final exams. Every class session provides valuable review, discussion, and practice that are essential for mastering the content and performing well on exams.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's attendance or academic progress, please don't hesitate to reach out to their teachers or the attendance office. Together, we can ensure that every student achieves their full potential and experiences academic success.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in education.
Erin Dolan (she/her)
Attendance Specialist, West Seattle High School
Student Life
Saturday Study Hall
Saturdays, June 8 and June 15, 9am–12pm, WSHS Library
Saturday Study Hall is available for all WSHS students to finish the year strong with a tutor's support. Students should connect with their teachers in advance to get missing work/projects and to retake tests. Breakfast will be provided.
Westside Spirit Gear Drive
Through Wednesday, June 12
Do you have Westside gear that you have outgrown or no longer want? Donate it for other students through the WSHS Community Closet. Drop off at the donation box near the Historic Entrance.
Imortant Dates for Graduating Seniors
- Friday, June 14: Seniors last day in classes; Senior Checkout sheets due
- Monday, June 17: Senior Breakfast and graduation practice
- Tuesday, June 18: Graduation at 8pm at Memorial Stadium
- Thursday, June 20: Diplomas available for pickup in the Main Office
PTSA Presents
Join the 2024–2025 PTSA Board
There is no better way to know what's going on, meet other parents, and support student success than by serving on the WSHS PTSA Board! Commit to two hours each month for our kids.
We are seeking a membership chair, legislative chair, ASB representatives, and staff representatives for next year's board. Email president@wshsptsa.org to find out more.
Counseling Center
Visit the Counseling Center Website for resources related to academics, college and career, and mental health and wellness.
For Seniors:
Please turn in your community service hours. As a reminder, 60 hours are required for graduation. Complete the Service Learning Form.
If you are seeking to waive PE for graduation, please submit the PE waiver form. You will not be allowed to purchase prom tickets without having submitted the PE waiver.
Book an Appointment with Your Counselor
- Erica Nguyen (Last Names A–Fe)
- Kinsey Hedeen (Last Names Fi–Marg)
- Mallory Neuman (Last Names Mari–Pig)
- Christine Nutters (Last Names Pin–Z)
Find Counseling Forms
Athletic Announcements
Girls Soccer Reign FC Fundraiser
Sunday, June 16, 1pm, Tickets
Support the WSHS Girls Soccer team and experience the thrill of a Seattle Reign FC match.
Seattle Public Schools News
Help Craft the New SPS Strategic Plan
Please fill out the School Board Community Engagement online survey to provide your thoughts on the vision and values for SPS. The survey will be open until Friday, June 7.
You are also invited to share your ideas with the School Board on what we should expect from schools and how this will benefit our students. These events will be focused on the vision and values for our new strategic plan.
- Wednesday, June 12, 6–7:30pm, Via Zoom, hosted by Seattle Council PTSA
Seattle Pride Parade
Sunday, June 30, 11am
Seattle Public Schools will be part of an intergenerational group of Grand Marshals in the Seattle Pride Parade! SPS has marched in the parade for over 25 years. Please join us along 4th Ave at the front of the parade. Look for the big yellow school bus! Come before 11am to find us, make signs and decorations with your family, and be ready to march before the parade starts. No need to pre-register, just show up!
Gun Safety
Seattle Public Schools is partnering with the Seattle Mayor’s Office, Seattle Police Department, King County Prosecutor’s Office, and Seattle Parks and Recreation to reduce gun violence and keep our community safe.
If you have firearms in your home, make sure they are stored properly and locked away. Community partners are hosting free community gun lockbox giveaway events on Friday, June 7:
- Seattle: 23rd and Jackson, 2300 S. Jackson St. Suite 101, 9–11am
- Kent: 220 4th Ave. S., 1:30–3pm
- Skyway: 124124 76th Ave. S., 3–5pm
- Rainier Beach: 9262 Rainier Ave. S., 4–7pm
- Burien: 14700 6th Ave. SW, 11:30am–1pm
Community Connections
Open Mic Night
Tuesday, June 11, 5–8pm, Cleveland High School, Sign Up
Students are invited to share their poetry and/or music in a safe environment.
Wednesday, June 12, 6:30pm, Admiral Theater, Tickets
Please join us for a special screening of this award-winning documentary, directed by Madison Middle School parent Francine Strickwerda. ULTIMATE CITIZENS is the story of Mr. Jamshid, a Seattle primary school counselor who uses the sport of Ultimate Frisbee to help immigrant and refugee children find belonging on their way to compete in the world’s largest youth tournament. Watch the Movie Trailer.
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.