ASASP Union Times
September 11, 2024 Second Wednesday Edition
Greetings and Salutations ASASP!
Back In Stride Again
Happy New School Year...Back In Stride Again 2024-25
It is my hope that all is well with you and your family and that you all were thoroughly able to enjoy your summer of 2024 to the very last drop. As for the state of this union , it is as strong as the day of Labor you celebrated this past Monday as a result of unions in America. It is as strong, resilient and dedicated as you have been to the work that you have done for the education of our young people over the years and I hope that you are too! If you are half as strong, I don't have to worry that you will survive.
As summer has come to an abrupt end and we have now completed the first two weeks of the new school year, the first presidential debate between Harris and Trump is behind us and we celebrate 23 years since 9/11, there's going to be a little pain but along with that comes the joy of the success of those we strive to educate. Please don't hesitate to let us know.
Welcome Back ASASP Members,
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Negotiations, Negotiations, Negotiations!
Negotiations Are Ongoing
Negotiations are currently underway between ASASP and PGCPS. We are fighting diligently during each session to secure a contract for all members that will be most beneficial to all members. As we go through the contract line by line, article by article, your negotiations team will leave no stone unturned. Pease be informed that we remain under our current agreement until anew agreement is reached.
ASASP Members Opening Schools Across PGCPS SY 2025
Bowie HS Assistant Principal Lisza Morton-Wilson
Bowie HS - Assistant Principal Darrin Lee
Central Office Staffer Assisting At Thomas Johnson MS First Day
G. James Gholson MS - Assistant Principal Sedrick Issac
G. James Gholson MS - Principal Young
G. James Gholson MS - Assistant Principal Jereme Joseph
The Board of Directors
Thank you for your membership, support and dedication to the education of our young people. Feel free to reach out to the board to share concerns, we are here to serve!!
Jeffery J. Parker, Executive Director
Brian Galbraith, President
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Your ASASP Board of Directors - Fifteen (15) Representatives
Mr. Brian Galbraith - President
Mr. Danny Miller - Vice President
Ms. Michelle Towles-Monroe - Secretary
Ms. Felicia Colbert - Treasurer
Ms. Kristy Miller - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dana Brown - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. Dee-Onn Everette - Board Member (Unit 3 Seat)
Ms. JeVivvien Ray - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Nichelle Williams - Board Member (At Large Seat)
Ms. Jewel Preston - Board Member (Elementary Principal)
Ms. Tisa Morgan - Board Member (Middle School Principal)
Dr. Ronald Hollis – Board Member (High School Principal)
Ms. Crystal Bright-Mundell (Elementary Assistant Principal/Wing Coordinator)
Mr. Thomas Childs - Board Member (Secondary Assistant Principal)
Ms. Summer Carter - Instructional Supervisor (Instructional Supervisor)
A Word from our National Affiliate
The Sick Leave Bank Open July 1, 2024 - October 1, 2024.... Sign Up Now!!
Don't Miss Out..... The Bank Closes In 25 Days On October 1, 2024.
If you snooze you lose......
Please be informed that the Sick Leave Bank "SLB" is still open and will be open for new membership for the next 20 Days.
From July 1st through October 1, 2024, members of ASASP are eligible to join the SLB, which is a great investment and benefit in time of need away from work if ever a medical condition causes your temporary absence for a period of time.
If you do not sign up by October 1st you will have to wait until next year when the window reopens. Email Veronica Matherne at asaspunion@asasp.org for details. Don't delay!
ASASP 11 Month Employee's Salary Based On 210 Days of Work for 210 Days of Work!
Keep Up With Your Time.....
Pay Attention Members!
Don't Say We Didn't Tell You!! 210 not 211, 212, etc....
August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025
As an Eleven Month Employee you are scheduled to be paid for 210 Days of Work
There are actually 240 Days between the August 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, however 24 of those days, Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students.
That leaves 216 actual work days that you can schedule your 210 days.
Schools and Offices Closed for Staff and Students during SY25 on:
September 2nd and 16th Labor Day/Prof. Development
October 7th and 18th Parent Conf./Prof. Development
November 5th and November 27-29th Election Day/Thanksgiving
December 23rd -31st Winter Break/Christmas
January 1-3 and 20th Winter Break/MLK Holiday
February 14th and 17th Prof. Development/Presidents Day
March 17th
March 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29th Spring Break
April 1, 10, 23rd Spring Break/Eid-al-Fitr/Primary Election Day
May 27th Memorial Day
June 19th Juneteenth
As an Eleven Month Employee, you must work 210 Days during the work year or submit leave when need to be absent from work. Your 210 Days should include each day that school is scheduled to be in session for students, as well as those days scheduled for staff professional development. Otherwise, if you need to be off submit your leave.
If you plan or are asked to cover a Weekend Game, Weekend Homecoming Game, Weekend School Detention, Weekend Workshop or any school activity on the weekend, those days should be included in your 210 days even if they are a couple of hours or half day.
Important Dates and Celebrations!
Upcoming Events and Interests:
Barrack Obama Elementary looking good.
Barrack Obama ES Principal Ashworth and A. P. Pace-Walker at the end of day one.
Gholson Knights Middle School Carrying The Torch
Education News Affecting PGCPS and the State of Maryland
Our Students Deserve The Best
School System News You Can Use. Just in case you missed these stories or haven't been able to keep up with the major issues that are impacting our children and our school leaders daily.
How Does Union Membership Benefit Me?
Union 101..... Take The Class!
Please take a few minutes to educate yourself or refresh your knowledge of the history and current struggles facing unions. The three videos provide and overall basis of union roles and responsibilities, as well as the limitations and obstacles unions face every day.
Let us know if like the information provided in these articles by clicking "LIKE." If you don't like it or see the benefit, let us know that as well. We want to make sure that we are providing what you need to know.
The Blueprint, the good, the bad and the ugly!
Maryland Blue-Print for Education Matters
Maryland’s Blue Print for Education may be beneficial to some members but not all of our members.
Maryland Blue-Print Testimony
Tell your colleagues to Read Maryland’s Blueprint for Education your future depends on it!
The Maryland Blueprint is a Very Serious Matter. Watch each story and see if you think PGCPS could benefit from a news project such as Project Baltimore.
Join A Committee Now To Make A Difference
Ain't No Stopping Us Now.
ASASP is always looking to involve and engage union members in our various committees. Don't let anything stand in your way, the following committees are currently in need of membership and leadership:
Unit 3 Committee
Unit 2 Committee
Community School Coordinators Committee
Scholarship Committee
Sunshine Committee
Events Committee
Assistant Principals Committee
Principals Committee
Central Office Committee
Nurse Managers Committee
Human Resources Committee
Food Service Managers Committee
Transportation Supervisors Committee
Legislative Committee
Blueprint for Maryland Committee
Retiree Committee
The evaluations committee and the negotiations committees are already filled, but if there is a committee that you or your colleagues feel we should consider establishing please let us know, otherwise join one of the many listed above. You all know we don't own the rights to any clips that have used here, they are strictly for your edutainment!
Email Veronica or me at asasp@asaspunion.org or jeffery.parker@asasp.org immediately to join our movement for SY 2024-25.
Jeffery Parker, Executive Director ASASP
Brian Galbraith, President ASASP
1300 Caraway Court #204
Largo, Maryland 20774
Prince Georges County Board of Education
PGCPS Board Information
School Board Of PGCPS
The Members of PGCPS Board of Education.
The Board Docs and upcoming events.
The Board of Education Meetings.
Links For Maryland Education Leaders
Resources for All
Visit our ASASP Website for Updates as they come in….
Shout to the many Supervisors and Administrators for providing knowledgeable, program planning and support.
Links You Can Use:
Maryland Association of School Health Nurse Association
Maryland School Nutrition Association
MASSP – Maryland Association of Secondary School Principals
MAESP – Maryland Association of Elementary School Principals
Prince George’s County Board of Education
Maryland Department of Education
United States Department of Education