ACCESS November Newsletter

November 2024: Counselor Newsletter
Counselor of the Month
Congrats to Jennifer Rains and Stacy Temple of Haleyville High School for being nominated as our October Counselors of the Month!
Important November Date Reminders
Last Day to Enroll in Quarter 2: 11/08/24
Quarter 2 and Fall Block Term 2 Inactive Drops: 11/15/24
Counselor Meeting: December 3rd, 9am
Counselor Meeting
Tuesday, Dec 3, 2024, 09:00 AM
Parent Lunch & Learn: December 4th: Please Share
Parent Lunch and Learn
Password: MC2024
Thursday, Dec 12, 2024, 12:00 PM
Virtual Owl On Demand
Please Share Our Virtual Owl On Demand Help! Click Here for advertisement with Live Links
Student Success Coach, Math
Charlene Deakyne-
Student Success Coach, ELA
Kim Holmes-
Student Success Coach, Special Programs- Macie Couey-
Enrollment Information
Please reach out to mcaccesshelp@madisoncity.k12.al.us for any Enrollment Concerns such as:
If you would like to try to maximize your school with one teacher
Need a special section built
See that a section is full
Or not seeing what you are looking for.
Click HERE for Step by Step PPT
Use your School’s Course Request Link sent out Friday, May 3rd
Register in Section #s beginning with M to stay connected to the Madison Support Center
Contact Melissa Lee Mwlee@madisoncity.k12.al.us or 256.774.4609, ext. 1037 with Enrollment Questions
Click Here to see which Support Center will offer specific AP Course.
ACCESS Virtual Learning operates three support centers in our state. We have implemented a statewide sharing plan for certain courses that helps us ensure optimal resource allocation and instructional support. We may ask you to enroll some of your student(s) in the Troy University Support Center and the University of Alabama Support Center. The Madison City Support Center will still be your primary contact for any concerns. Our statewide section sharing plan only works if ACCESS guides the process. Please do not enroll your students in sections from the other support centers without our direction.
Error Issues Within A Course
- Students will see a “Private Access” Message if the 2-step orientation is not completed
- Students will see an error message if they try to take a test by clicking the To Do list, rather than going through the module.
- If you see any errors or broken links within the course, please notify us at mcaccesshelp@madisoncity.k12.al.us so that we may have it resolved.
Does Your Facilitator Need Help? Let Us Know!
Suspected Use of AI
As we know, many students are using AI and submitting it as their own work. Teachers are recognizing the use of AI, mainly because the quality of work being submitted is college/graduate level with an advanced understanding of the material. If a teacher suspects that AI is being used, they may question the student to determine if their knowledge of the material is their own. If a teacher suspects a student of using AI, the teacher has the right to further investigate with probing questions of the student's understanding of the content. The assignment may not be graded until the teacher can accurately assess whether or not the assignment was completed using AI. This means the student will need to answer the probing questions or risk the assignment counting as a zero. Please encourage students to respond to questions a teacher may ask.
School Dashboards
NEW for this school year: School Dashboards. Interactive way to track your students in ACCESS. To receive the link an administrator must fill out this FORM to allow permissions.
SY25 Nomination Form: Monthly Recognitions
Use this form to nominate deserving stakeholders each month. Complete the form for each nominee. Nominations must be received by the last day of the nomination month. Nominations include Administrator, Counselor, Facilitator, Student, and Teacher.
Important Links for the 24-25 SY
Please contact us and we can walk you through these forms and procedures for special circumstances
Updated 2024-2025 Facilitator and Counselor Quick Guides!
Special Population Students
Provide a list of Special Pop Students to your district's PowerSchool Administrator responsible for transferring student envelopes within 1 week of enrollment.
Upload Plans and Transfer Envelopes for plan review and implementation.
Accommodations cannot be provided until the plan is made available in PS Special Programs.
LEA Responsibility
A component of the Health Course must be completed on the school's campus and is the responsibility of the LEA. Students must receive CPR instruction from someone certified to teach it. This takes place outside of the ACCESS Health Course.
A component of the Beginning Kinesiology Course must be completed on the school's campus and is the responsibility of the LEA. Students must complete their Alabama Fitness Test with a certified PE teacher. This takes place outside of the ACCESS Kinesiology Course.
A component of the Government Course must be completed on the school's campus. The LEA is responsible for giving the Civics Assessment for High School Government courses.
A component of the Career Prep Course must be completed on the school's campus. The LEA is responsible for giving the Financial Literacy Assessment for the Career Prep Course.
NCAA Student Profiles
Please remind Student Athletes that they need to list your LEA as their school, but they MUST also add an additional school of ACCESS Virtual Learning if they took any courses with us. This will help speed along their NCAA Review.
The ACCESS Franchise Model and It’s FREE!
- The ACCESS Franchise Model is an agreement between the school districts and the State Department of Education to use the same content of selected web-based ACCESS courses absolutely without charge.
- The franchise courses are stored on the Schoology Learning Management System (LMS).
- All Alabama public schools (Grades 6th–12th) may use the course content.
- Content for teachers that can be adapted to meet their individual needs
Click Here for more info! We will gladly come out and help your teachers implement this in their face to face courses!
Password Reminder For Students
Contact Information
General Questions – MC Support Center 256.774.4609-mcaccesshelp@madisoncity.k12.al.us
Coordinator, Carolyn Harvey–
Facilitators, Shannon Bentley-
Counselors, Melissa Lee-
Special Populations-
Grade Alerts & Dashboard-
Jennifer McCain & Ashley Strode-
Teachers/Parents, Andrea Wilkinson-
Student Success Coach, Math
Charlene Deakyne-
Student Success Coach, ELA
Kim Holmes-
Student Success Coach, Special Programs,
Macie Couey-
Bookkeeper, Lindsey Barrett-
Program Support Manager,
Sheri Smith- sdsmith@madisoncity.k12.al.us