Council Leader Update
September 2015
First council report is due September 22, 2015
Council Only Section of Website
There is a Council Only section of the Georgia PTA website where you will be able to access the resources you will need for the year. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the GA PTA homepage to access the button. Council log-in is case sensitive.
log in — Children
password — First
Statistical Report
Reporting Council Dues as Paid
On a monthly basis, please have your Council Treasurer send an email to Shiree Lynch at the state office (gapta@bellsouth.net) indicating which of your local units has PAID their Council dues. Paying Council dues is a requirement to be in good standing with Georgia PTA, however, we need the Councils to let us know which local units have made that payment.
Common Core Training Incentive
All presentations must be presented by an approved and trained Common Core presenter by Georgia PTA. Contact Dr. Detrius Jones for more information and to schedule a presentation – detriusjones@gmail.com or 404-202-1373.
All presentations must be concluded by October 31, 2015 to qualify for the financial incentive.
Online Trainings
Georgia PTA is happy to offer online training opportunities for those PTA leaders who were not able to attend CLT, a council training or a PTA University. These trainings can be viewed from the comfort of their own home! If you have local unit leaders who you know have not yet attended training, we recommend that you share with them this training opportunity. They can go to www.vimeo.com/georgiaptatraining and watch the training videos for President, Secretary, Treasurer, Membership, Developing Your Communications Plan, Report Writing and Breakfast in the Classroom.
Social Media
Are you following Georgia PTA on Facebook? We sure hope so! Georgia PTA posts the most up-to the-minute information on our Facebook and Twitter accounts. Be sure to share information Georgia PTA posts to your District, Council or Local Unit pages. It's one of the most effective ways we can reach more people.
Facebook: Georgia PTA | Twitter: @GeorgiaPTA
Important Upcoming Dates
September 9 – Reflections PTA University at the state office 10am
September 10 – Breakfast in the Classroom Grant and Health & Wellness Programs PTA University at the state office at 10am
September 12 — Reflections PTA University at the state office 10am
September 19 – Breakfast in the Classroom Grant and Health & Wellness Programs PTA University at the state office at 10am
September 20 — PTA Day at the Braves (we hope to see you there!)
September 22 — Council Report Due (email to gapta@bellsouth.net and a copy to your District Director)
October 15 – Advocacy Day (registration information coming soon!)
December 4 — Reflections Entries Due to the State Office
About Us
Email: gapta@bellsouth.net
Website: www.georgiapta.org
Location: 114 Baker Street Northeast, Atlanta, GA, United States
Phone: 404-659-0214
Facebook: facebook.com/GeorgiaPTA
Twitter: @GeorgiaPTA