Bear Facts
Madison Elementary Newsletter January 26th
Madison Elementary School
Email: fleminge@usd231.com
Website: https://www.usd231.com/o/madison
Location: 800 W Madison St, Gardner, KS, United States
Phone: (913) 856-0400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadisonElementaryBears/
Twitter: @MDEBears
Core Values
Things to remember next week:
Monday, January 29th
- 4th Grade Choir Rehearsal - 7:45 am
Wednesday, January 31st
- 4th Grade Choir Rehearsal - 7:45 am
- Early Release
- 4th grade Wax Museum
Specials Schedule
Tuesday- Day 3
Wednesday- Day 4
Thursday- Day 5
Friday- Day 1
News from Mrs. Fleming
Bear Family,
We have quite a bit going on in the month of February at MDE. So rather than a long narrative, here are some dates you'll want to make sure are on your calendar!
2/7- Madison Night at Papa John's
2/9- PTA Glow Dance
2/13- Friendship/ Valentines Day Parties
2/13 - No Preschool
2/14- 2/15- Parent Teacher Conferences
2/14-No School
2/15 -No School
2/16-No School
2/19- No School - President's Day
2/21- Kindergarten Rodeo
2/21- 4th Grade field trip
2/22- Spring Picture day
2/26- Kindness Spirit Week
Go Chiefs!! Have a great weekend!
Take care!
Emily Fleming
Madison Photo Gallery
Bear P.A.W. Ticket Winners
Congrats to our Bear P.A.W. ticket winners this week! To earn a Bear P.A.W., kids must go above and beyond to show adults in the building a Positive attitude, Act of kindness, or Work ethic. When we catch students working hard, helping others, and staying positive, they can be awarded with a ticket. At the end of each week, a ticket is drawn in each classroom. The students who get their ticket pulled, get to come to Mrs. Fleming's office, get a gumball, and write their name on the map in our front hallway...because these kids are going to change the world and put their mark on the map!
2023-24 Yearbooks Are Now on Sale
The Madison Elementary 2023-24 Yearbooks are $15.00 each. Order online directly from the Herff Jones Yearbook Company via the qr code &/or link listed below. The last day to order a yearbook will be Sunday, March 10th (we will not have extra yearbooks, orders must be placed by March 10th).
Spring Picture Day
Spring Picture Day will be Thursday, February 22nd. Class group photos and individual photos will be taken. You will need to prepay for class group photos (payment envelopes will be sent home within the next few weeks) however, you do not need to prepay for the individual photos. Packets will be sent home approximately 3-4 weeks after picture day. You will be able to preview and pay for what you want or send back all or part of what you do not want to purchase.
2024-25 Kindergarten Information
It is hard to believe that we are ready to recruit our incoming kindergartners for next school year already! To help us better plan for the 2024-25 school year, please complete the link below if you have an incoming kindergartner. If you have a neighbor with an incoming kindergartner, feel free to share the link or direct them to our Madison website to complete the form. Please complete the form/link as soon as possible, preferably prior to February 2nd. Mark your calendars for the Kindergarten Rodeo - Wednesday, February 21st. We have sent our first informational letter out via email for families that have filled out the information on our 2024-25 Kindergarten Form (see link below).
Our Kindergarten Rodeo times for February 21st are as follows:
9:00-9:45 - Incoming students with last names starting A-F
10:00-10:45 - Incoming students with last names starting G-L
1:00-1:45 - Incoming students with last names starting M-R
2:00-2:45 - Incoming students with last names starting S-Z
Please submit all required documents (requested in the initial email) to the Madison office by February 13th. You will not receive the enrollment link (given after Rodeo) until all documents are turned in.
Please note that there will be no school for kindergarten on Wednesday, February 21st to allow our kindergarten team to meet our incoming Bears. Grades 1-4 will still be in session.
We can't wait to meet all of our incoming kindergarten Bears!
Notes from Nurse Angie
A student will be sent home from school with any of the following:
- Temperature 100 degrees or greater, or with incidents of vomiting and/or diarrhea.
- Symptoms related to a possible communicable disease.
- Excessive drainage from eyes, ears, persistent earache, constant cough, or painful sore throat with enlarged lymph nodes.
- Students with acute infectious disease or parasite
Mrs. Angie Serrano, Madison Elementary’s Health Room Nurse, is available to answer any additional questions you might have and you may contact her directly at 856-0450.
A Message From Mrs. Sleeper
We know many families are experiencing financial challenges so we wanted to make sure everyone is aware of some of the awesome resources in our community! Please contact Mrs. Sleeper, school counselor, if you would like additional resources, more information, or to utilize any of these resources.
Joy Closet-
975 E. Lincoln Lane, Gardner
Hours: Mon 10-7, Tues 10-7, Wed 10-4, Thurs 10-7, Sat 10-2
This is a low cost thrift store in Gardner and they have generously provided us with vouchers for FREE clothing, shoes, linens, books, and small household items. Each voucher is good for 20 items of clothes, shoes, and bedding PLUS 10 books per household! If you would like a voucher, please email Mrs. Sleeper, at sleeperm@usd231.com.
Sleep in Heavenly Peace-
This is an organization of amazing volunteers in Gardner who build, assemble, and deliver top-notch bunk beds and new bedding to children and families in need.
Harvesters’ BackSnack program provides a weekly sack filled with nutritious, child-friendly food for school children to take home over the weekend throughout the school year. Mrs. Sleeper will deliver these to students at the end of the day on Fridays, putting them straight in their backpacks. We will start this in October so please sign up your children by emailing Mrs. Sleeper at sleeperm@usd231.com.
Hope Market-
This is an awesome food pantry in Gardner!
611 E Main St., Gardner
Hours: Tuesdays 5pm-8pm; Thursdays 9am-11am; Saturdays 9am-12pm
They don’t have any requirements other than to have a need for food.
See additional USD 231 Family Resources
In the event USD 231 closes school due to inclement weather or other school-related closures, the information is communicated as soon as the decision is made in the following ways:
- Posted on our website - www.usd231.com
- Posted to social media ( https://www.facebook.com/gardneredgerton and https://twitter.com/gardneredgerton.
- Local television stations (ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC)* Please know we are at the mercy of these stations as to whether or not they relay the information. There have been instances when the district has provided information, and the news station did not get it posted.
- Thrillshare App ( Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.apptegy.gardner&hl=en_US OR Apple: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/usd-231-gardner-edgerton/id1446800227)
Thank you for your continued support and understanding.
Community Happenings
Nutrition Services-How to Add Lunch Money
We are excited to inform you about the convenient way to add money to your student's lunch account (Available now!). All funds can be added through My School Bucks, which is available via Power School.
For step-by-step instructions on adding money to your students lunch account, please refer to the attached guide: How to Add Lunch Money
Additionally, you can set up a low balance alert at your preferred minimum balance amount or automatically fund accounts when balance reaches a desired amount.
USD 231 Nutrition Services
Students & Employees of Distinction Award
We are writing to remind you of our employee and student recognition programs.
- The "Gardner Edgerton Students of Distinction" (GESD) program is designed to recognize students throughout the school year (approximately 3 to 4 employees a month - 30 or more a year).
- The "Great Employees Serving the District" (GESD) program is designed to recognize employees throughout the school year (approximately 3 to 4 employees a month - 30 or more a year).
Answers to a few questions you may have:
- Nominations from previous years have been removed from the database.
- Even if a student or staff member has been selected as a GESD in previous years, they are again eligible.
- To learn more about the GESD - Students program, click HERE.
- To learn more about the GESD - Employees program, click HERE.
Please see the attached for more information and start nominating!!! We will recognize our first student and staff member sometime in September. This will allow time for nominations to be submitted.
Madison PTA
Join us for a night of music and fun with the Madison community! The PTA is in need of some items to help make our event a success. If families would like to donate items, they can purchase them from our Amazon wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1825MFLDXX0VT?ref_=wl_share. PTA is also in need of volunteers for this event. Here is the sign-up link for volunteers: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0C45ADA722A4FE3-47392010-glow.
Thank you in advance for everything you do to support our bear family!
The Madison Elementary PTA Executive Board is excited about the upcoming 2023-24 school year! PTA works to enhance student experience throughout the school year including supplementing the funding for Field Day, Assemblies, Musical Refreshments, Teacher Appreciation, and purchasing additional resources to enhance the learning environment for our students. Get involved to make your child's elementary school years extra special! Joining the Madison Elementary PTA will ensure you are up to date on school events and helps you get involved in Madison Elementary activities. Check out the PTA link under Parent Info on the Madison Elementary website for more information.
Madison Elementary PTA Executive Board Officers
President: Leah Bates
Vice-President: Jessica Grimes
Treasurer: Heather Musselman
Secretary: Andrea Satterfield
Membership Chair: Trisha Perkins
Madison Elementary PTA Meeting Dates 9/11, 10/2, 11/13, 12/11, 1/22, 2/12, 3/18, 4/8, and 5/13. All meetings will occur in the Madison cafeteria at 7 p.m.
Email us at: Madisonbearpta@gmail.com Like us on Facebook "Madison Elementary PTA Gardner, KS"
Interested in the Madison PTA Happenings? Stay in the know!
We invite everyone to join the Madison PTA Facebook page. By searching Madison Elementary PTA Gardner, KS under Pages, you will be able to join the group and receive updated PTA information.
If you are interested in joining the PTA, please see the membership form.
Upcoming Weekly Promotions
Each week we will feature a different product line at a discounted price! Upcoming promotions include:
- 1/22: 1/4 Zips
- 1/29: Crewneck Sweatshirts
- 2/5: Pajama Pants