SST16 PBIS Newsletter
If a student doesn't know how to behave: WE TEACH IT!
SST16 PBIS Consultant: Missy Baker
I am here to support 24 Southeastern Ohio School Districts. PBIS (Positive Behavior Intervention and Support) is an implementation framework for maximizing the selection and use of evidence-based prevention and intervention practices along a multi-tiered continuum that support the academic, social and emotional competence of all students.
PBIS: Circle Model
The systems, practices, and data you use to build and evaluate your PBIS implementation are like headers in an outline. The items on the TFI give you your subheads. From there, it’s up to you to fill in the details. Your systems reflect your school’s culture and support the adults in the building to do their best work. Your practices build on your students’ strengths and values to help them find success at school. Your data improves your decision-making and holds you accountable for making your implementation work for everyone.
NEW Training Dates: Get PBIS on the 23-24 Calendar
TRAINING Opportunities (use this link to see more details)
PBIS Tier 1 "Train the Trainer": (8:30-3:00) April 18 and 19, 2024 Registraion LINK
PBIS Tier 2 "Train the Trainer": (8:30-3:00) October 25 and 26, 2023 AND March 21 and 22, 2024 Registration LINK
PBIS Tier 3 "Train the Trainer": February 22 and 23, 2024 Registration LINK
PBIS Classroom (NEW training) details to come
PBIS Workshop with Dr. Tim Lewis (Co-founder PBIS) March 8, 2024 registration link
PBIS/OLAC Conference will be January 31, 2024: it is a virtual event and the sessions on that date will be LIVE and recorded.
SWIS (Behavior Data Collection System) training and support: by request
1. NEW: SST16 PBIS Network: SST16 will be hosting a monthly PBIS network beginning in September: SCHEDULE
2. TFI Tiered Fideleity Inventory 3.0: is under review and will published at a later date
3. SAS 4.0: New
"Make PBIS Work For You With Nationally Recognized PBIS Expert Dr. Tim Lewis"
Click here for more details and the registration link.
New: Facility-Wide Tiered Fidelity Inventory Scoring Template
PBIS teams can use this tool to score Tier 1 and 2 of the Facility-Wide Tiered Fidelity Inventory (v0.2). The template will automatically calculate scores and produce graphs of scores across time, by feature, and by subscale. This provides easy-to-use visual reports and simplifies tracking subscale scores across time.
September- January
Mandatory MH training for Coaches
Please share this with School Athletic Coaches You Know!
As you might recall from the July issue of the MHFA Monthly Newsletter, the Ohio General Assembly passed a bill in late July that mandates mental health training to equip school athletic coaches to support their student-athletes mental well-being and prevent mental health crises. We are thrilled to announce that Youth Mental Health First Aid is one of two classes approved by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services that fulfill this requirement.
One of the coaches who took YMHFA and advocated for this law is Matt Triplet from St. Francis DeSales High School in Columbus. He said in a recent interview on public radio that YMHFA changed his coaching style for the better and that it was "an absolutely amazing class."
If you are a coach and are interested in taking YMHFA and seeing the benefits for yourself, we invite you to register today to join our free virtual class on November 10th from 9:00 – 3:00 p.m., exclusively for coaches. You will receive a three-year certification from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing and an online YMHFA manual.
Please register by October 27th
We know this is a bigger time commitment, but it will be worth it. You will gain skills and knowledge that will help you not only with your student-athletes, but also with your colleagues, friends, and family. And your own mental health will improve too!
For more information, please email Kathleen Oberlin, Youth MHFA Coordinator, at
PBIS Network Session Resources
September: Session 1 (slide deck)
First Meet-Up: How to get the School Year Started with PBIS and Using Data to Drive Decisions (Guest speaker: Christine Woodeard)
Student Recovery Dashboard
The Student Recovery Dashboards are tools designed to better understand the impact of the pandemic on Ohio’s students and progress towards academic recovery. The District Student Recovery Dashboards allow for a statewide view of public school students, as well as the ability to sort by public district. The School Student Recovery Dashboard allows for a building-level look at recovery data for public schools in Ohio, including community schools.
The introductory page of the dashboard captures key indicators such as enrollment, graduation, K-3 on track diagnostic trends, chronic absenteeism and proficiency scores. The tiles to the left allow users to take a deeper look at other contextual information, including ESSER spending rate, KRA data and early literacy.
The Choose Kindness Foundation supports the development of a culture of caring and kindness through grants to PBIS schools. These grants support systematic instruction & recognition of kind behaviors in all areas of the school community.
Act now! Watch this brief video to learn about the 4-kindness skills to be incorporated into your expectations matrix. Use the link above to access all the below items.
CLICK HERE. APPLY for your school to receive $2000 to support the teaching of kindness.
To view the flyer for more information on applying for a grant, CLICK HERE.
To apply for a grant, visit our website at
Please contact CKF via email with any questions:
Effectively responding to incidents of conflict and wrong doing is the hallmark of restorative practices. In this session, participants will learn how to facilitate restorative circles effectively. Participants will also learn strategies to set high expectations while offering support through direct feedback and asking questions that foster accountability. Registration link and more information.
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
2022-2023 PBIS Recognition Award Winners Region 16
Union Furnance Elementary Logan Hocking School District: Bronze Award Winner
Central Elementary Logan Hocking School District: Bronze Award
Logan Hocking Middle School: Bronze Award
Logan Hocking High School: Bronze Award
Alexander Elementary: Bronze Award
Vinton County Middle School: Bronze Award
Virtual Meeting: High School PBIS Leadership Teams
Click Here: Ohio Department of Education LMS Learning Modules
Free, online professional development through the Ohio Department of Education's Learning Management System (LMS)
Free Courses and Professional Development for Ohio Educators
Through the Ohio Department of Education's LMS, educators have access to free courses and professional development opportunities, available anytime and anywhere.
The LMS provides a variety of free courses and professional development on important state education initiatives. Featured courses include:
- High-Quality Professional Development (HQPD)
- Coaching for Self-Reflection and Instructional Change
- Assessment Literacy
- Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
For a full listing of current courses, click LMS Courses Chart
Build Equity. Join Justice.
Leading the nation in Equity-based Multi-Tiered System of Support education research and services
At SWIFT, we believe educational equity is an intentional paradigm shift through which historically disenfranchised students and their communities build and retain systemic power within education.
We believe the process of advancing equity includes the pursuit of a pluralistic culture of teaching and learning, through which the collective health, healing, safety, and connectedness of students, faculty, and communities is made manifest.
Equity lives within educational spaces that include intersectional affirmation, sociohistorical transparency, contextualized resource allocation, and above all, love.
BRAIN-BASED LEARNING: 17 Brain Breaks Tailored for High Schoolers
As high school students navigate more rigorous academic tasks and denser curricular material, the occasional 3-to-5-minute break delivers a wide range of benefits.
Purpose: Teams that regularly self-assess are more likely to ensure that School-Wide Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (SWPBIS) practices and systems have equal impact for all students. Therefore, it is recommended that teams complete the Culturally Responsive SWPBIS Team Self-Assessment tool (CR-SWPBIS) annually. Culturally responsive SWPBIS recognizes the importance of culture by incorporating cultural elements (e.g., perspectives, language and norms) from diverse stakeholders including parents, children, and community members are incorporated into the review of data, and implementation of systems, and practices.
NEW: PIBS Implementation Blueprint 4.0 July 2023
What is the Purpose of the PBIS Implementation Blueprint? The PBIS Implementation Blueprint provides guidance to state, district, and school level implementers on how to use the evidence-based PBIS framework to support positive school climate and improve student outcomes using a team-based approach through a problem-solving process which focuses on data-based decision making, identifying evidence-based practices, and building systemic staff supports to ensure implementation integrity.
This Blueprint (a) describes the rationale, essential elements, and key functions of the leadership team and (b) shares resources to assist in building a sustainable PBIS framework that is both culturally and contextually relevant across contexts (i.e., organizational levels [state, district, agency, school], locales [urban, suburban, rural], geographic regions or territories, and communities) and delivered with a high level of implementation fidelity (i.e., implemented as intended) to achieve desired outcomes of partners.1 The PBIS Implementation Blueprint aligns with the PBIS Evaluation Blueprint and the PBIS Professional Development Blueprint.
The Ohio Leadership Advisory Council (OLAC) and PBIS Showcase is a one-day professional learning event designed to share powerful examples about how district, building, and teacher-based teams are working together to impact all learners AND showcase Ohio’s schools implementing positive behavioral interventions and supports (PBIS) with high fidelity.
Through this event, our goal is to help build the capacity of those who lead, teach, and serve students in Ohio’s schools and beyond. For the past two years, thousands of Ohio superintendents, principals, teachers, counselors, and others have participated in this FREE professional learning event.
National PBIS Leadership Forum
This two-day forum is a technical assistance activity of the Center on PBIS and provides an opportunity for the Center to share information on the latest applications of PBIS. It has been designed to support state, regional, and local educational leaders, together with community and family partners, to increase the effectiveness of school environments through the evidence based PBIS framework.
Use this LINK for more details and to register for the event
House Bill 318
PBIS Connections to State Initiatives
Governor Kasich signed House Bill 318 in August 2018, with an effective date of Nov. 2, 2018, to address multi-tiered behavioral supports to reduce out-of-school suspension and expulsions, especially for prekindergarten through grade 3 students.
Report Card Measure for Implementation of Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
Positive Behavior Intervention Supports (PBIS) and the Use of Restraint and Seclusion Frequently Asked Questions
Resources For Support
Practical ideas and activities that are perfect for the first five minutes of class time!
Attendance Works: Advancing Student Success By Reducing Chronic Absenteeism
Mental Health America Back to School Toolkit
Does your District Have An Updated policy on PBIS and Use of Restraint and Seclusion?The InspirED Video Gallery is organized by audience – for families and professionals
Supporting and Responding to Educators' Classroom PBIS Implementation Needs
Supporting and Responding to Students' Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Needs
The Hey, I'm Here Ohio campaign
Ohio’s Free Online Professional Development: Get Started Today at No Cost!
Find Your District on the Student Recovery Dashboard
Early Warning System Data Entry and Review Calendar
Attendance: Prevention and Early Intervention
Intervention: Two-By-Ten Strategy
Excellent resource: Checklist for Meeting the Expectations of PBIS and Restraint and Seclusion
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Coaches’ Tool Chest : used to train coaching personel on PBIS
This teacher self assessment will allow teachers to survey the physical space, attention, time, behavior management, routines, and curriculum and content within their classrooms.
PBIS Forum Fall 2023
PBS WOUB Social Emotional Learning Website
Ohio Healthy Students Profiles
Implementing PBIS with a Culturally Responsive Lens
BIG ideas to make PBIS a school-wide celebration and 350 more ideas
Fabulous PBIS Resource: PBIS World BookIs Your District or Building In Need of FREE Data Collection Tools?
FREE PBIS Training Modules for School Staff and Others
Student Wellness Powerpoint by ODE Future Forward Ohio
Measure, Monitor, and Respond to Students Emotional Needs Survey Company
Tier I Live Binder- full Tier I Modules and Resources
TFI (Tiered Fidelity Inventory) with Action Plan
Reducing the Effectiveness of Bullying Behavior in School
Kinship Connections PPT Shareable
Data Guide for Enhancing Your PBIS Framework to Address Student Mental Health
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
Restraint and Seclusion: What Parents Need to KNOW
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support: Please contact for support and resources.