Scaffolding Secondary Reading
October 25th, 2019 BCTESOL Conference
Sonja and Loa's Slides
Shift to Modern Thinking about Literacy
the ability to read and write
Ability to use language, numbers, images and technology to understand, communicate, gain knowledge, solve problems and assess complex contexts.
English is TOUGH!!
Fight, Flight or Freeze? Remember the Affective Filter!
Strategies that Work!
Pre-During-Post Reading Activities
•Many reading activities that take place in classrooms occur AFTER a text is read and focus on assessing comprehension.
•Classroom reading should serve 2 purposes:
•Help readers understand the type of text they are reading
•Help readers develop good strategies for reading other texts
Planning for Reading (Wallace 1992)
1.What you will do before the reading.
2.What you and students will do together while the reading is going on.
3.What you will do after the book or text has been read.
SWBST Strategy
Greek and Latin Roots
Figurative Language
•Have students write a story, character sketch, summary using thematic idioms
•Have students summarize a chapter (ie: biology) using idioms
•Have students communicate orally using only idioms