Mustang Minute
Friday, February 24th
From the Principals' Offices
Next week Thursday is Parent Teacher Conferences. Conference request forms have been sent home with all students. If you have not yet done so, please return your form to your child's homeroom teacher on MONDAY so that we can get you a firm appointment time on the books for you if you wish to have a conference or if a teacher has requested one. We have lost some time to collect these from students on account of the weather, so your prompt attention to returning these asap is appreciated. Feel free to also simply call the main office if you'd like to request a conference and we'll get one one the books for you.
It's Read Across America week next week! Teachers at both buildings will be doing a variety of activities to celebrate and encourage READING! Read on for more information regarding our upcoming Book Fair at BMS and some fun dress up days at both schools!
Lastly - don't forget that tonight is the Read S'More Books Night, from 5-7pm at BES! We hope to see you all there for some cozy reading and delicious smores! Don't forget to bring a gently used book for the book exchange!
Have a fantastic weekend, Mustangs!
Mrs. Franz
Principal, BMS &
Mr. Braden
Principal, BES
2/24 - Yearbook Club Planning, 6-8th grade @ BES, 2:45-4:15pm
2/24 - Read S’More Books Family Engagement Night @ BES, 5-7pm
2/25 - Science on Saturdays, grades 3-5 @ BMS, 8:30-9:30am
2/25 - Saturday Morning Basketball, K-2nd grade @ BMS, 10:00-10:50am
2/25 - Saturday Morning Basketball, 3rd-5th grade @ BMS, 11:00-11:50am
2/27 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - All Attend, 2:45-4:30pm
2/27 - BMS Volleyball AWAY game @Wheatland
2/27 - Scholastic Book Fair @ BMS
2/28 - GCJ2 Fitness Room @ BMS, 6-8pm
2/28 - BMS Musical Rehearsal - All Attend, 2:45-4:30pm
2/28 - BMS Volleyball HOME game vs Lakewood
2/28 - Scholastic Book Fair @ BMS
Read S'more Books Night
The Brookwood Family Engagement Team invites you to Read S'more Books Night! Families are invited to come in and visit various classrooms where teachers will host different reading strategies. As you visit rooms you will have to check off your "Bingo" sheet so you can then be admitted to the gym where we will have lights dimmed and families can come in with their sleeping bags, tents, and pillows to read s'more books together while enjoying yummy s'mores!
Join in the fun with community guest speakers and a free book exchange (bring a gently used book exchange for another book to bring home)
Questions or interested in being a guest speaker? email: Helen.Xiong@gcj2.k12.wi.us
Read Across America & BOOK Fair @BMS
The week of February 27 through March 2, BMS and BES will be celebrating Read Across America! Classroom teachers will be facilitating a number of activities to celebrate READING! Read on for some fun dress up days happening next week and information about the Book Fair at BMS.
Monday Feb. 27
Dress like your favorite book character to celebrate the opening day of the book fair at BMS! The Book Fair will run from Mon-Wed. during school hours -4pm and Thurs. during school hours-7pm.
Tuesday Feb. 28
Dress in athletic clothes to celebrate the ongoing Book March Madness at the elementary school and the start of Book March Madness at the middle school.
Wednesday Mar. 1
Dress like a tourist or like you're on vacation for the Read Across America Challenge.
Thursday Mar. 2
Wear Brookwood gear or cozy clothes for "Mustangs cozy up with a good book" to celebrate Read Across America Day.
Thanks again for your help and supporting our students' reading!
Our 4th Graders Rock!
The Golden Horseshoe Moves On...
What's Happening in Mrs. Collins' Band Class?
The 7th and 8th grade band had a fantastic morning last week, making music at Badger High School! Working with Mr. Bunge, they played and performed with the LGMS 8th grade band and the BHS Wind Ensemble. It was great to see some familiar Brookwood Band alumni faces in the BHS band! What a wonderful morning of music!
What's Happening in Mrs. Krueger's 4K Class at BES?
From the Athletic Director...
Congratulations to our volleyball teams for winning their first games against Randall! Way to work hard, Mustangs!
Rescheduled Game: On Monday, February 27th, the Mustangs will travel to Wheatland to make up this Thursday’s game that was canceled due to weather. We also play at home on Tuesday, February 28th. Come out and support your Mustangs!
Basketball players, please return your clean uniforms to Ms. Metcalf. Cheerleaders, please return your clean uniforms, warmups, and poms to Ms. Cottrell.
Saturday Morning Basketball continues tomorrow! Can’t wait to see you in the gym! Mustangs in kindergarten, 1st, and 2nd grade will meet from 10am - 10:50am, and Mustangs in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade will meet from 11am - 11:50am. Shout out to our 6th, 7th, and 8th grade helpers!
Go Mustangs!
Coach Metcalf
BMS After School Events Pick Up
Science on Saturday
Explore new STEM activities with Miss Bartucci, Miss Stanislawski, and Mrs. Kanthack! It's time to register for Science on Saturday at BMS, for 3rd through 5th grade. Interested students should email Mrs. Kanthack at maryellen.kanthack@gcj2.k12.wi.us. You can register for one Saturday or all three. The dates are Feb.18th, 25th and March 4th from 8:30-9:30am. Drop off and pick up is Door 5, where students enter for ball games.
We need your help to get more families to support the Box Tops program. The more people that participate, the more our school can earn to help get the supplies it needs!
PLUS, you can earn a bonus for our school by inviting your friends, family, and other parents to sign up and participate in Box Tops.
To refer friends to sign up, go to the Invite Friends section of the Box Tops app. (You can get there by tapping on the person icon in the upper-right corner of the app home screen.) You'll get a referral code that you can send to a friend. You'll BOTH earn Bonus Box Tops for our school when they scan their first receipt — that's extra cash that counts towards our Box Tops earnings goal of $1,000 this year.
Thanks for your help!
Email the BFO at brookwoodfamily19@gmail.com with any questions regarding box tops.
For Brookwood schools use referral code WY7S80A1
Guth's Games is ON!
Academic Lab at BMS
Students will begin their study time with one of their teachers, right after school in that teacher’s classroom.
At 3:20pm, students will then report to the Academic Lab in the library. A team of Academic Lab teachers will continue to help students in working on the tasks of focus, as assigned by their teacher.
Academic Lab teachers will also assist students with putting any unfinished assignments needing to be completed into their assignment notebooks, so that families are in the loop of tasks that still need attention at home.
Academic Lab will end at 4:25pm. Students will not be allowed to leave early unless a parent needs to pick them up sooner.
The Late Bus will continue to be offered as afternoon transportation home from the Academic Lab, and will depart promptly at 4:30pm. (Note: The Late Bus will also still be available on Tuesdays for students in athletics).
Families: We need your help in giving our students the attention they need and deserve. We hope that you will take full advantage of this resource when your student is in need of additional support.