Shawnee Heights Elementary Scoop
Monthly Update (October 1, 2024)
Upcoming Events at SHES
Monday, September 30
- No School-PD/CT day for certified staff
Tuesday, October 1
- PTO meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 2
- Custodian & Maintenance Appreciation Day
Friday, October 4
- ECSE/Prek Screening at TS Call 785-357-5440 for an appointment
Monday, October 7
- Fire Safety Week
- BOE meeting SHHS @ 7:00pm
Friday, October 11
- End of First Quarter
Monday, October 14
- No School-Teacher Work Day
Thursday, October 17
- 3rd Grade Music Program @ 6:30pm @ SHHS
- 4th Grade Music Program @ 7:30pm @ SHHS
Monday, October 21
- BOE meeting at SHMS at 7:30
Wednesday, October 23
- School Transportation Appreciation Day
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00pm
Thursday, October 24
- Parent/Teacher Conferences 8:00am-8:00pm
Friday, October 25
- No School for Students or Staff
Thursday, October 31
- Halloween Parade @ 9:30am
- Halloween Classroom Parties 9:45-10:15am
A Note from our Principal; Mrs. Shawnie Hays
Greetings SHES Families,
It is just so hard to believe that fall is here, and with that comes cooler temperatures (finally)! Our first quarter is also coming to an end on October 11th. We look forward to meeting with all of our families during Parent Teacher Conferences (listed above). Please be sure to use the SignUp Genius link to schedule your conference with your child's teacher.
At the end of this month, we will continue with our traditional Halloween parade and parties. Those events will begin at 9:30am with the parade and party to follow until 10:15. As a reminder, we discourage masks that cover the entire face, blood, gore, or anything deemed inappropriate for an elementary school setting. Thank you for adhering to these rules to ensure all of our students have a fun and comfortable experience celebrating Halloween. Our parade route will be outside, weather permitting, if we need to change routes, you will be notified via Thrillshare.
A huge THANK YOU to all of our Grandparents and special adults that joined us for Grandparents Day in September. We had a huge turnout and the Book Fair was a big success! Also, thank you to everyone who showed up to celebrate our 50th Anniversary of SHES yesterday. A great time was had by all!
We will begin our United Way Fundraiser with our students next week. Information will go home at the end of this week. We encourage our students to bring loose change to fill the KSU or the KU jar. The non-winning team gets to wear the school colors of the winning team!! (Yes, we will share pictures!)
Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns. I can be reached at
785-730-5345 or at hayss@usd450.net.
Shawnie Hays, Principal
A Note from our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Katie Clay
Happy October! We can hardly believe that we are saying this as September seemed to fly by. We have a full month ahead with lots of exciting things coming up.
School Transportation Appreciation Day is on Wednesday, October 23rd. We encourage students, staff, and families to write thank-you notes to show our bus-drivers how much we appreciate all they do for us at SHES. Another great way to show our appreciation is for our students to practice those three most important expectations while riding the bus.
- Backs and booties on the seat! This looks like sitting upright and facing forward.
- Hands and feet to self, always!
- Level 2 voices; only loud enough for your bus buddy to hear you.
Thank you to our families for your support in reinforcing these bus expectations at home!
We look forward to another great month here at SHES. As always, please reach out to me with questions or clarifications at any time at clayk@usd450.net or 785-730-5183.
Take care,
Katie Clay, Assistant Principal
PTO Fun Run
What a huge success our PTO Fun Run was this year! Thanks to all of you, we raised over $7700! It was a great time, a little warm, but it sure didn't stop our Thunderbolts and some "extra special visitors" to move and groove to the music. Thanks for all your support!
Tribute to Nurse Julie
As you can imagine, our hearts were broken with the news of our sweet and caring Nurse Julie. We will forever be grateful for the kindness she shared with our students and staff. Our students worked on a project during counselor time this week. The end result is absolutely beautiful and is a special memorial to Nurse Julie. Thank you all for your support as we worked through this, your kindness was very much appreciated.
SHES 50th Anniversary Celebration
What a great 50th Anniversary Celebration we had! The weather was absolutely perfect, the music was so fun with some trivia questions with great prizes, the food trucks were so yummy, and the Bubble Bus was a big hit! The slide show was perfect and took us down memory lane from the past 50 years. Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate with us. The students made projects in their classrooms that were put in a "Time Capsule" to be opened in 2034. Looking forward to seeing how things have changed in the next 10 years!
Some line dancing fun!
SHES Pettit Building Principals
Bubble Fun!
Staff Spotlight
Custodian Appreciation Day
On October 2nd, we want to celebrate our amazing custodians for all of their hard work that they do each and every day for us. Thank you Bob, Aaron, and Dennis for keeping our building clean, and helping with all the things we need!
Thunderbolt Thursday's
New shirt styles have been added, along with our 50th Anniversary t-shirt! We will continue to have this link in our monthly newsletter for anyone who would like to order SHES gear. Show your school spirit and wear SHES attire on Thursday's. Click on the link below and happy shopping!