AES Community Connection 1/23/25
Stay connected with our school newsletter...
Dear AES Families,
Update on Report Cards: Due to the cancellation of school on Tuesday, report cards will be available to families on Friday, January 24th. This will give us an extra day to make sure everything is in order. This year's report cards have been modified slightly to align with the IB Primary Years Programme. You will see an additional comment box describing the PYP Units of Inquiry studied in semester 1. The report card was also modified to include the Approaches to Learning: Social Skills, Research Skills, Thinking Skills, Communication Skills and Self-Management Skills. This replaces the "SKIER Traits" on our previous report card.
STAR and DIBELS Reports: The family reports for STAR Math, Reading and EL and the DIBELS reports will be sent home on Friday. This FAMILY LETTER explains the purpose of the assessments and at which grades the assessments are administered. Ideally these family reports will be a nice compliment to the report cards.
Intervention Block 2: Following our middle of the year data collection, grade level teams and the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) team met to review and analyze the data. Intervention groups were created to provide instruction to meet each child's needs during the WIN (or What I Need) intervention blocks. This includes planning for students who are above, at and below grade level benchmarks.
We hope the information you receive this Friday will give you a good picture of your child's progress. We welcome your questions.
Warm regards
Ashley Bodkins
Donations for Victims of the Wildfires... Aspen Helping LA
As we all know Los Angeles is going through a devastating time right now. Families and businesses have lost their whole lives due to the wildfires. We are collecting donations for newborns to teens of very gently used, clean clothing including shoes, jackets, beanies, gloves new underwear and socks.
Drop off days are:
January 31- Aspen Elementary & Aspen Middle Schools 8am-3pm
February 1- 555 E Durant Ave (at Alicia Adams Alpaca) 9am-5pm
February 2- Crossroads Church (726 W Francis Street, Aspen) 9am-Noon
We will be sending all the donations to an organization in need
week of February 3.
Please reach out to for any questions:
Katie Cooper 917.378.1098
Alicia Adams 845.702.2055
Normal Weekday Schedule for AES:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 8:00-3:15
Wednesdays 8:00-1:45
Friday, January 24 - Report Cards Available to Families on PowerSchool at 3:00All Week Jan 27-31: Swim Week on the days your child has Physical Education!
Swim Weeks: Your child's swim day will be the day they have Physical Education
- Jan 27-31
- Feb 24-28
- Mar 17-21
- Apr 14-18
Monday, February 10- PTO Meeting! All are welcome! In person or remote with THIS LINK
Thursday, February 14- Teacher & Staff Valentine's Appreciation- LINK to sign up to bring treats
Wednesday, February 19- AES Movie Afternoon- details to come!Thursday, March 6- 12th Annual Bingo Night- details to come!
Tuesday, March 18 - High Mountain Harmony Concert at 2:15 and 5:30
Thursday, April 17th, Monday, April 21 and Tuesday, April 22: 3rd and 4th grade CMAS testing - Please do not schedule appointments or vacations during this window. Thank you!
Sunday, May 11- 2nd-4th Grade Musical Performance, 6:00 District Theater
Friday, May 16- AES Family Dance- details to come!
Monday, June 2- AES Field Day & Family BBQ- details to come!
4th Grade Families- send in your Baby Photos for the Year Book!
We would love to include a picture of your 4th grader as a baby in the Yearbook. Pick your favorite picture (only one per child) and send it to us via THIS FORM. The deadline to receive baby pics is January 31st- no late entries can be accepted.
We have only received 26 so far- please get those pictures in!!
No Family Photos This Year
We will not be doing family photos in the Yearbook this year and will be focusing on student life!
2nd-4th Grade Spring Musical! Sign up to participate!
This year, we are so excited to offer a 2nd-4th grade after school spring musical Imagine a Dragon as a performance opportunity for AES students. In this production, students interested in performing will have a substantive opportunity with more focused training, be surrounded by peers just as excited about being onstage, perform a professionally licensed show, and gain the social-emotional and life skills that come from performance! Please click HERE for the packet with lots of information! Please click HERE for the flyers in English and Spanish. Questions? Please contact Vanessa at vstrahan@aspenk12.net!
Show the LOVE! Teacher & Staff Valentine's Appreciation Signup!
The PTO would love to get volunteers to bring treats in to show the love to AES teachers and staff! Please use THIS LINK to signup!
Attendance Works!
Happening Around School....Getting Our Ski On!
Bingo Night March 6th!
Please click HERE for the flyer in Spanish.
Wait Until 8th
Join the many AES families who have already taken the pledge to Wait Unitl 8th grade and delay giving children smartphones. Interested in learning more? Click here.
Check out this recent Aspen Daily News Article:
More Community News...
Girls Who Code
New... FREE AVSC SkiMo Program
AVSC has a new FREE youth skimo program for ages 8-11 after school Fridays January 17th through March 14th. Coaches include olympian Simi Hamilton!
Revolutions Skating Club
Learn to skate during National Skating Month!
Mondays 4:00-5:00 pm Aspen Ice Garden
Fridays 4:00-5:00 pm Aspen Rec Center
Click HERE for the flyer.
Click HERE for the flyer in Spanish.
Things You May Have Heard Before...
This year, every Wednesday at AES is an early release Wednesday. Students are released for the day at 1:45. Please mark your calendars and prepare accordingly. We will not be sending weekly reminders.
Safety and Security at AES
Keeping students safe is our number one priority at ASD. Therefore, during the school day you will find all AES doors locked. However, please know you are WELCOME to visit and volunteer at AES.
- Visiting - Please remember your ID (driver's license) if you are visiting the building for any reason. Virginia and Carrie will meet you in the office with a smile and issue you a sticker/ visitor badge that must be worn while in the building.
- Volunteering - We love including "fingerprinted" parent volunteers in the classroom or on field trips. If this interests you, be proactive and get ASD Fingerprinting for Volunteers Procedure completed ASAP. This certification will last five years and you can get it done up at the District Office connected to the High School.
Below are the protocols we follow in an emergency. Families will be notified in the event of an emergency. Please do not come to or call the school.
Attendance Matters!
Academic achievement: Students who attend school regularly are more likely to succeed academically. Research shows that attendance is a strong indicator of success.
- Learning: Students who attend school regularly are able to learn more and participate in classroom discussions and activities. They can ask questions and get clarification from their teachers.
- Building relationships: Students who attend school regularly can build relationships with their peers and teachers.
- Developing good habits: Regular attendance helps students build routines and develop good habits for the future.
- Foundation for learning: School is critical to building a strong foundation for learning that will help students succeed in middle school, high school, and beyond.
- Missed opportunities: Each day a student is not in school is a missed opportunity to learn something they will need in order to understand more difficult material later.
We know that many families rely on schools for meals. We encourage families to submit a Free & Reduced Meal application, which provides families with access to additional benefits as well. Please know that even if you qualified in previous years, an application must be submitted every school year. To access the application and instructions click HERE. If you have any questions or problems please reach out to the finance department, or, if you need a paper form, please reach out to Virginia.
We love dogs, however...
2024/25 FEES:
All students were assessed an $85 supply fee and a $25 technology fee on August 15th. If you have not paid your fees yet please do so as soon as possible. The Supply Fee covers all the supplies your child will need for the year. The technology fee covers your child’s device and licenses for the year. These can be paid through e~Funds, or you can bring cash or check attention Virginia to the front office.
Cafeteria Volunteers Needed!
Are you passionate about promoting healthy eating habits and making a positive impact in our community? Come and join us as a lunchroom volunteer!
Our dedicated chef prepares delicious and nutritious meals, and we're looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help serve these wholesome lunches. By contributing your time, you'll play a pivotal role in ensuring that everyone in Aspen Elementary School has access to healthy, balanced meals.
Volunteer Responsibilities:
- Assisting in serving lunches
- Engaging with our AES community members in a friendly manner
- Collaborating with our team to maintain a welcoming lunch environment
Benefits of Volunteering:
- Being part of a meaningful initiative promoting healthy eating
- Connecting with our vibrant community
- Contributing to the well-being of our [school/organization/company]
Details: Sign up here!
Parking for Parents, Volunteers, Visitors etc.
Please check in with the front office of the building you are visiting. You will receive a badge and a temporary parking pass. Please make sure your pass is clearly visible on the dashboard of your vehicle. If you do not have a parking pass, your vehicle may get a ticket or be booted.
Parking is available in the middle school lot. The parking lot located behind the high school is for staff only.
Drop-Off and Pick-Up
- Be sure to stay in your car if you are in the active loading and unloading zone. Parking and walking up to the school is highly discouraged.
- All kindergarten and 1st grade students play on the Little Playground at the side of the building before the bell rings. They will alternate going into the Library if they would like.
- All 2nd, 3rd and 4th grade students will cross the plaza and go down to the Big Playground.
- Students who would like to buy breakfast may enter the front doors and go down to the cafeteria.
- The bell rings at 7:55am for students to line-up and enter the building.
At the end of the day...
- The dismissal bell rings at 3:15pm
- Teachers on duty will walk the pick-up students down to the gate and will wait with children until their ride has arrived. Please do not walk up to the school. This will help to reduce congestion and ensure we have a smooth dismissal.
Adults will be on duty to help direct students to the proper locations.
Healthy Choices for Celebrations
Alternatives include: stickers, pencils, extra recess, dance party, cards, star student etc.
Quick Links
- Haga clic AQUÍ para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducir este boletín.
- Click HERE for the Bus Change Request Form.
- Aspen Family Connections
- Aspen School District Absences and Excuses Policy (Click here for Spanish)
- AES Attendance (Click here for Spanish)
- Pre-Arranged Absence Form
- Click HERE for information about fingerprinting for volunteers.
- Volunteer to work in the Cafeteria.
- Click HERE for the latest document from the state about when to exclude students and staff from school/work because of illness. How Sick is too Sick Spanish version.
- Please click HERE to see the staff's favorite things!
- Order SPIRIT WEAR anytime with this link!
Breakfast Offered at AES
Students will be able to enter the building at 7:35am. Please be sure to talk to your child about whether or not they have your permission to purchase breakfast. The cost is $3.50 and there are NO free seconds. (if your child gets seconds there will be another charge for $3.50).
Breakfast follows Free & Reduced guidelines. If your child qualified for Free/Reduced lunch they also qualify for Free/Reduced breakfast and will be charged accordingly. We want to make sure no child is hungry during the school day.
Please click HERE for more details.
Who are we? We are IB!
Last year, Aspen Elementary School became an authorized International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme. The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.
Mission Statements:
Aspen Elementary
To empower an innovative, mindful community of learners in a challenging and nurturing environment that promotes inquiry and academic excellence.
International Baccalaureatae
The International Baccalaureate® aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.
These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.