The month of March traditionally marks a turning point in our school year. We are now well into the second semester and the next four weeks provide one of the most consistent blocks of instructional time within this school year. Ahead of our Spring Break in early April, March provides us the an unencumbered window of time for academic growth.
March also provides our students with an opportunity to peak forward. Beginning next week, we will begin talking about options and classes for the forthcoming 2024/2025 school year. Our eighth graders will become oriented to their coming transition to high school including how they will register for their ninth grade classes. Seventh and sixth graders will receive similar information but specific to next fall at North. Families, please know that initial transition information is forthcoming and will continue across the spring as we prepare for the next school year.
Please note that the April edition of North News will come your way during the week of Spring Break. As a reminder, this year's Spring Break begins on Monday, 4/1 and concludes Friday, 4/5. That entire week is a non-school week for our students. Please see the below Important Upcoming Dates section for other calendar highlights. Additionally, please review the other below sections for North specific updates.
Para obtener una versión de este boletín en español, haga clic aquí.
Important March Dates:
- 3/5: PTA Dine-Out at Brooklyn Bros. Pizzeria (3:00pm - 8:00pm)
- 3/8: Initial 2024/25 Registration Presentations (see below)
- 3/8: EHS Band Corridor Concert @ EHS Civic Auditorium (7:00pm)
- 3/10: Daylight Savings Begins (set clocks forward)
- 3/11-3/15: Educational Support Professionals Week
- 3/11: 5th Grade Parent Night @ North (6:00pm)
- 3/19: Hearing Screenings for 7th Graders
- 3/21: Students of Color Conference @ EVCC
- 3/22: Full-Day/Normal Schedule Friday (2:50pm Dismissal)
- 3/25: EHS Choir Corridor Concert @ EHS Civic Auditorium (6:00pm)
- 3/28: March PTA Meeting (6:30pm)
- 3/29: Full-Day/Normal Schedule Friday (2:50pm Dismissal)
Other Upcoming Dates of Note:
- 4/1-4/5: NO SCHOOL (Spring Break Week)
- 4/30: State Testing Begins at North
Full-Day/Normal Schedule Fridays: 3/22 & 3/29
Typically, our Fridays are "early release" days with dismissal at 1:35pm. However, due to transportation conflicts related to minimum days at the Elementary level, we have two upcoming Fridays with our traditional, 2:50pm dismissal time. Please note the below dates and altered dismissal times.
- Friday, March 22nd - Dismissal time shifts from 1:35pm to 2:50pm.
- Friday, March 29th - Dismissal time shifts from 1:35pm to 2:50pm
Aside from the above listed dates, all other Friday dismissal times will remain 1:35pm.
Honoring Women's History Month
March is Women's History Month and, here at North, we are looking forward to advancing our collective learning while honoring the past, present, and future of Women's History. Our celebrations begin at home by honoring the efforts of the women who help shape our lives, past and present, each and every day. This includes our sisters, mothers, grandmothers, and others who make sacrifices, on a daily basis, for our benefit.
Our month-long honoring will include the celebration of International Women's Day this coming Friday, March 8th. Please join us across the month of March in celebration of Women's History Month.
Your Feedback is Valued & Appreciated!
Our annual parent/family survey is open and we would be sincerely grateful for your feedback as we plan forward for the coming year. Our annual survey is linked here and open until March 29th. We utilize the feedback we receive to guide our planning across the forthcoming spring and summer. Your time is precious and we certainly respect and appreciate all that you do. That noted, your time and feedback via this survey will be truly appreciated as we work to better recognize both our strengths and needs as a school.
SY 24/25 Registration Forthcoming
As we approach the coming spring, registration discussions for the 2024/2025 school year will begin. This includes grade-level specific presentations this coming Friday, during our weekly STAR period. During these presentations, students will learning about class options for the coming year. Additionally, Everett High is hosting an 8th Grade Family Night on Wednesday, March 13th (Opportunity Fair at 5:30pm, School Presentation at 6:00pm).
Likewise, North will be hosting similar welcome meetings for families of current fifth graders including Monday, March 11th (6:00pm). Families of current fifth graders will receive initial registration information through their home elementary schools as school visits occur to fifth grade classrooms.
Please look for grade level specific class registration information across the coming weeks.
STAR Update
As noted above, March will be an unusual month especially in relation to our weekly STAR blocks (Friday mornings, part of second period). This includes class registration discussions this coming Friday and two forthcoming Fridays later in the month (3/22 and 3/29) without STAR blocks. In mid-March, we will host our monthly STAR Celebration for students that are striving to meet our academic and readiness expectations. Below are images from our recent February STAR Celebration last week.
State Testing Begins in Late April
As we returning from Spring Break next month, we will begin the countdown to the start of annual State Testing. For our students, this will include a several opportunities to engage with the state testing platform prior to our first assessment on April 30th. While additional information will be included as part of next month's edition of North News, below is a preview of our anticipated testing schedule.
- 4/30 + 5/1: English Language Arts (ELA) Computer Adaptive Test
- 5/7 + 5/8: English Language Arts (ELA) Performance Task
- 5/14 + 5/15: WCAS/Science Test (8th grade only)
- 5/21 + 5/22: Math Computer Adaptive Test
- 5/28: Math Performance Task
Upholding Healthy Digital Habits
Last month, parents and community members attended a Let’s Connect at Cascade High School to hear University of Washington assistant professor Dr. Magis-Weinberg talk about promoting healthy digital habits. The digital world presents both opportunities and risks. While young people today are highly familiar with technology, they cannot simply unlock all its benefits without guidance and support. Additionally, there are measures we can take to prevent online harms from occurring. At your convenience, take a moment to watch this live-streamed event via our EPS Parent University site.
March Everett Public Schools Newsletter
Our March edition of the Everett Public Schools newsletter is linked/attached below. This specifically crafted, monthly communication is designed to connect with all of our families and provide information pertaining to all of our schools/programs. This month's newsletter includes updates pertaining to:
- Spring Art Shows
- Cyber Kidnapping Warning
- Stakeholder Survey Reminder
- Kindergarten Registration Reminder
- and more!
Thank you again for taking the time to read through our March edition of North News. Our team is grateful for the opportunity to work with your child/children here at North and look forward to finishing this year strong as we enter the final four months of this school year.
Enjoy & goNorth!
With Gratitude,
Allison, Drew, & Tyler
North Middle School
tream@everettsd.org - amacgregorfornes@everettsd.org - abaewilliams@everettsd.org
Phone: 425-385-4800
Fax 425-385-4802