RVJHS Newsletter
October 21, 2024
Week at a Glance
Monday, October 21 (D Day)
Tuesday, October 22 (A Day)
Wednesday, October 23 (B Day)
Thursday, October 24 (C Day)
Friday, October 25 (D day)
Picture Day is Coming!
10/21/2024 and 10/22/2024
Picture day is scheduled on the day your child has PE class
Visit https://vando.imagequix.com/S9SRC9J and enter the school Online Code RondoutInterMS24 to order online. (The preorder site closes 48 hours after the last picture day.) Post picture day ordering is available once the school receives the proof sheet. These orders include an additional shipping fee and are mailed directly to your home address.
JHS News!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Thank you so much for attending our conferences and embracing our new format! By using this new format, we were able to accommodate more parents, giving everyone the opportunity to meet with their child's teachers. We truly appreciate your time and involvement in supporting your child’s education.
To help us continue improving, we’d love your feedback. If you attended, please take a moment to answer the one question poll below. If you'd like to provide additional feedback, please send an email to vsaffioti@rondout.k12.ny.us. Your feedback will be taken into consideration for future planning.
Did you like the format for Parent Teacher Conferences?
Spooky Story Brainstorm Session!
Students in Mrs. Bradley's ELA class brainstorm ideas for their Spooky Stories
Cooperative Group Creative Writing Activity. Imagining that they are employees for a new theater company, it is their task to develop a suspenseful plot and create an atmosphere that builds surprise and intrigue by putting on a play that keeps members of the audience on the edge of their seats!
Fall Festival
On October 16th, Junior High students attended the annual Fall Festival! Students were able to visit various booths and activities. The Kerhonkson Accord Fire Department, a sensory tent, pumpkin decorating, Birds of Prey, the K9 unit, and a friendship bracelet station are just a few of the activities our students were able to enjoy.
Field of Flags Campaign
This Veterans Day we are partnering with the Disabled American Veterans (DAV) to host a Field of Flags campaign. This initiative allows us to honor veterans in a meaningful way, answer are hoping to fill the field area near Kyserike Road with flags.
We are accepting donations for flags until October 28. After that, the DAV will send us the number of flags corresponding to the donations received. The week before Veterans Day, we will assemble the field and hold a special ceremony with music from our band. We are also inviting local veterans and members of Ms. OConnor's dad's DAV group (he is a Vietnam veteran and involved with the DAV in Dutchess County, who have generously donated $500 toward this project).
Please contact Ms. OConnor for more information.
Information from Nurse Kelly
Winter Sports!
Anyone interested in playing a Winter sport and needs an updated physical -please sign up with your school nurse. Physicals will begin shortly. See your school nurse if you are unsure of when your physical expires. Remember- athletes CANNOT participate in practices or try-outs without Family ID approval.
Lunch Menu for the Week
Monday: Chicken Parm Sandwich
Tuesday: Walking Taco
Wednesday: Baked Chicken Tenders
Thursday: Two Cheese Grilled Cheese
Friday: Fluffy Whole Grain Waffles
After School Activities
After School Tutoring
Mondays with Ms. Dubois in APOD 5 for all subject areas
Wednesdays with Mr. Corigliano in C202 for all subject areas
Thursdays with Ms. Vertucci in A211 for math
Diversity Club
Diversity Club (4th-8th grade) will meet every Thursday in the Library starting October 10th. Permission slips can be picked up from Mrs. Tourtelot in the library or from Mr. O'Shea in room A101.
Environmental Club
Do you care about the environment or enjoy being outdoors in nature? If so, come to the first meeting of the Environmental Club after school on Wednesday, October 16th in A204. Club advisor is Mr. Garbowski.
After School activities end at 3:30. Students can be picked up by their parent/guardian or take the 3:35 late bus. Contact Ms. Cusher at x.4606 to find out which late bus your child should ride.
Coming Soon...
eGaming Club
Drama Club
Cooking & Crafting Club
Yearbook Club
News from the PTSA!
For those of you who were not able to participate in our Walkathon fundraiser, we have a convenient opportunity for you to show your support for the PTSA, students and the middle school! We understand that participating in certain fundraisers is not always feasible for everyone, so we are now offering our OPT OUT fundraiser so you can provide a one time (any amount) open donation to help the RVMS PTSA. Unlike some other fundraisers, 100% of your donation goes directly to the PTSA and every contribution helps! You can donate online using https://bit.ly/RVMSPTSADONATE or fill out the attached form and send it back to us at school with a check made out to RVMS PTSA. These forms should also be coming home with your students this week.
Still hunting for LUCKY #100! We’re less than 10 away from our goal of 100 memberships for the 2024-2025 school year! If you haven’t already: staff, parents and students can join here: https://rvmsptsa.memberhub.com/store or send in the paper form with a check to the school and our 100th member will receive a special gift from the PTSA!
Join us on Saturday, October 26th at The Big Cheese in Rosendale for this month’s restaurant to the rescue, anytime between 8:30am - 8pm. Mention you're supporting the RVMS PTSA and a portion of your bill from hot prepared food ONLY will be donated to the school!
Upcoming Dates
- October 21 & 22: Picture Day (during PE class)
- October 25: Half Day for Students
- October 31: Half Day for Students
- November 5: No School for Students
- November 7: County-Wide Evacuation Drill (students dismissed 15 mins early)
- November 8: End of Quarter 1