UUCSJS Midweek Message
September 23, 2020
Minister's Meditation
This Sunday
You Gotta Put Down the Duckie
-Lay speaker Jack Miller
There may be times when putting something down is a better choice than letting something go. How are these two ideas different?
Information on upcoming services can be found HERE.
For those hearing-impaired, pdf copies of Rev. Dawn's sermons are available on our website at the link above. Also, entire services are uploaded to our YouTube channel each Sunday afternoon where Closed Captioning is available.
This Week's Events
Margaret Circle
The Margaret Circle will meet by Zoom on Thursday, Oct. 1, at 1:00 pm.
The topic, presented by Denise O’Meara, will be based on a TED talk by Dr. B.J. Miller, a physician specializing in Palliative Care and Hospice. His talk is entitled “What Really Matters at the End of Life”. We will be discussing how to ”bring intention, creativity, and meaning to the end of our lives”. Below is a link to this talk, including the narrative version.
Margaret Circle is open to all those in the congregation who identify as women.
Animal Blessing
In our first October service, we will celebrate the feast of Saint Francis of Assisi with a blessing of the animals.
As we did with our water ritual, you are encouraged to send photographs of your animals to Jess Dunn Safonof at uucsjsadmin@gmail.com. Be sure to share the name of the animal and who their person is.
Please send in your photos by October 1, 2020.
Children's Religious Education Survey
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the South Jersey Shore
Email: uucsjsadmin@gmail.com
Website: www.uucsjs.org
Location: 75 S Pomona Rd, Egg Harbor City, NJ, USA
Phone: (609) 965-9400
Facebook: facebook.com/uucsjs
Twitter: @UUCSJS