Forestdale School News
October 2023

📝 Week of December 16th - 20th, 2024 Notes from Mr. Dintino
As the weather gets colder I will encourage classrooms to briefly get outside in the fresh air, especially if the day becomes an indoor recess day. Please be sure to send students with the appropriate clothing (hats and gloves) through the winter months.
Grade 2 students will be allowed to sled at recess when snowy conditions exist. Students will need boots, gloves, hats, and preferably snow pants to participate. We will supply the sleds and hills.
Kindergarten and Grade 1 students will be allowed to play in the snow with appropriate clothing as stated above. If a student is in need of boots, hats, gloves, snow pants, or a coat please contact social workers Mrs. Pestilli (apestilli@sandwich.k12.ma.us) or Mrs. Marshall (smarshall@sandwich.k12.ma.us).
Spirit Week
This week Forestdale School will have a week dedicated to the holiday spirit. Each day is a dedicated theme for all students and staff to participate in.
We have made an effort to coordinate identical spirit days at each Forestdale and Oak Ridge for the ease of families of students in both buildings to manage.
Jingle Jog 2024/Wellness Day
Families are invited to participate with their student in a Jingle Jog on Friday, December 20th, starting at 10:00 am. Please be sure to be in the parking lots before 10:00 am, as the parking lot is part of our running route. The entrance into the school, at the stop sign entering the bus loop, will be closed to all incoming traffic when the race begins.
*Families can not double park on Bill Richards road during the race or the Sandwich Police will ticket your vehicle. For safety purposes, there must be 2 lanes of traffic open at all times. This was an issue brought to my attention during the Turkey Trot.
We will also facilitate wellness activities for students and staff throughout the remainder of the school day.
Winter BOKS Sign-Ups
BOKS winter signs up will be open to families this upcoming week. BOKS is a morning movement program for students.
Kindergarten will be included with gr. 1 and 2 during the winter session. The winter session of BOKS runs from January 13th - March 13th. BOKS is offered 2x's per week from 8:00 am-8:45 am in the gymnasium and is free of charge to students.
Polar Express Day At Forestdale
Friday, December 6th
Librarian, Mrs. Scott, takes a "selfie" with Kindergarten students before the Polar Express reading in specials classes.
Forestdale Nutcracker
Wednesday, December 18th @ 6:30 pm in the Forestdale gymnasium
Meet the Kindergarten Team
In this months spotlight on the Forestdale staff I would like to highlight our kindergarten teachers. From left to right: Lisa Kent, Shauna Maki, Allison Dimmick, Laura Tedeschi, Courtney Crociati, Mary Elliott, Kerri Duvall, Sarah Balkam, and Beth Hickson
Please click the link to learn more about our Kindergarten teachers: Meet the Kindergarten Team
A Quick Note From Mrs. Lopes and Mrs. Nardone
Students are going outside for recess everyday (weather permitting). The fields can be very wet at times, please send in a change of clothes for your child in case they get wet, we try to save our extra clothes for students who have accidents in school. Also, if your child does borrow clothes from the health office, please wash and return them at your earliest convenience, we are running low!
Order Your Forestdale Memory Books Now
Memory Book Ordering
Memory Book 24-25 ordering is now available!
Create Love Lines, a Parent Ad or a Business Ad.
Memory Book Online Pay
School Code: 188843
December Important Events/Dates:
Forestdale Nutcracker Performance
Wednesday, December 18th @ 6:30 pm
Last Day of School Before Holiday Break/Jingle Jog
Friday, December 20th is a full day of school. There will be a Jingle Jog run/walk starting at 10:00 am. Families are invited to attend/participate.
Holiday Break
Monday, December 23, 2024 thru Wednesday, January 1, 2025. Students return to school on Thursday, January 2, 2025
Happy Holidays From the Forestdale School!
Sandwich Elementary PTA Schedule
2024-2025 Meeting Schedule
January 14, 2025 6-7 pm @ Forestdale
February 11, 2025 6-7 pm @ Oak Ridge
March 11, 2025 6-7 pm @ Forestdale
April 8, 2025 4-5 pm @ Oak Ridge
May 13, 2025 6-7 pm @ Forestdale
June 10, 2025 6-7 pm @ Oak Ridge