Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School - 5/31/24 Week 37
Principal's Message :
Good Evening, Maple Place Families,
It was a great week at the middle school. Our Student Council attended the Spring NJASC Awards Ceremony at Great Adventure. Our 8th Graders had their 8th Grade Dance, and today they got their graduation pictures taken. And we finished up our week with the fifth grade field trip to Bayshore Waterfront Park. Clearly there is a lot happening as we head into the last month of the year.
Just a reminder as the weather gets warmer, and the students' clothing choices begin to change to meet the needs of the weather, we do have a dress code that is outlined within our student handbook and should be followed in order to prevent any dress code infractions. Additionally, it is important to remember that the school is air conditioned, so students are reminded to keep a sweatshirt or light sweater in their lockers as some classrooms are cooler than others.
The following items are impermissible to wear to school:
Flip flops or strapless shoes (shoes must have backs and/or straps)
Clothing MUST cover undergarments and waistbands.
Extremely short shorts or skirts (the length of shorts or skirts must meet the student’s fingertips with arms extended straight at their sides.)
See-through clothing
If you haven't done so already, please check out Dr. Barry's first Superintendent Update for the month of May. It went out earlier this afternoon.
Have a great weekend,
Melissa Keiser
Champion Chargers - May:
Congratulations to this month's Champion Chargers!
Grade 5: Reagan McGann
Grade 6: Madigan Miller
Grade 7: Trevor Schulze
Grade 8: Evan McSorley
8th Grade Dance:
The annual 8th Grade Celebration Dance was held last night at Jumping Brook Country Club. Many students arrived on the trolley transportation which was organized by the parents. Our photographer took pictures of the group out on the veranda before the students came inside to enjoy the festivities. After dinner, students danced the night away to their favorite songs and ended the night with ice cream sundaes. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Richter & Mrs. Daley - our 8th grade advisors - for organizing the evening's events. Thank you to Mrs. Confessore, Mrs. Daley, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. Hahn, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Richter, Mrs. Scardilli, and Mrs. Spenard for spending the evening with us! A good time was had by all!
5th Grade Field Trip:
Today our fifth graders took a trip to Bayshore Waterfront Park in Port Monmouth on the Sandy Hook Bay. On this trip, students got to experience life along Sandy Hook Bay as it was 400 years ago, by spending the day investigating how local Native American people relied upon the bounty of the bay environment for their survival. Students learn the importance of shellfish and the value of trading important economic goods with other Lenape people. Students were also educated in techniques such as tool making, food preservation, and the creation of dye from berries and wood. They got to decorate shells they collected along the beach with homemade dye to take home.
Student Council:
Congratulations to the 2023-2024 Student Council! This past Wednesday, the members of the Maple Place Student Council attended the NJASC Spring Awards Ceremony at Great Adventure. They were awarded the Community Smiles Award for their hours of community service spent this year! This is a great example of the amazing things happening at Maple Place School! Congrats to Mrs. Lisotto on this inaugural year as an official Student Council!
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, June 3rd:
Tuesday, June 4th:
Wednesday, June 5th:
Creative Writing Club - 2:45-3:45pm - Room 105
Thursday, June 6th:
Friday, June 7th:
Debate Club - 7:20am - Room 109
Chorus at the Blue Claws:
Join the Oceanport and Monmouth Beach Schools for a night of singing and baseball. Watch the choruses perform and then take in a game! Tickets for the Blue Claws Game on June 11th are now available. Please click on the link below to get yours!
Dates to Remember:
Monday, June 3rd - Shore Regional High School Senior Walkthrough
Tuesday, June 4th - PTO Meeting - Maple Place Media Center - 7:00pm
Thursday & Friday, June 6th-7th - 8th Grade Class Trip - Hershey Park & Lancaster
Tuesday, June 11th - Maple Place Field Day!
Tuesday, June 11th - OP Chorus performs at the Blue Claws Game!
Monday, June 17th - Board of Education Meeting - Wolf Hill School - 6:00pm
Tuesday, June 18th - 8th Grade Graduation - Monmouth Park Racetrack - 5:00pm
Wednesday, June 19th - Early Dismissal Day - 12:15pm dismissal
Thursday, June 20th - Early Dismissal Day - 12:15pm dismissal - Last Day of School!
PTO News:
Save the Date!
June 4: PTO Meeting at Maple Place School Media Center at 7:00pm
June 9: Annual Wiffleball Tournament for Boys in Grades 1-8 and their adult baseball buddy
June 13: Pickleball Event for girls in Grades 3-8th and their adult lady pickleball partner
Working Papers:
As summer approaches, I wanted to make sure to send out information about the new procedure for working papers, as students no longer need to obtain their working papers from the school. Minors under the age of 18 are required to have working papers to be employed in the state of New Jersey, and now these papers can be obtained online. The steps to follow are listed below:
- CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR JOB OFFER! You only apply for Working Papers after you get an offer of an employment. If you're still looking for a job, check out our resources here.
- CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Enter your name and email address at myworkingpapers.nj.gov. We’ll send you a link to confirm your email address. Remember: You only need to do this once, even if you need to submit more than one Working Papers application. (See step #5 for more information.)
- COMPLETE THE APPLICATION. You’ll need your employer’s unique 8-digit code and your caregiver’s name and email address to submit your part of the application. Helpful hint: If you don’t have the employer’s code, you can search for the business by keyword. If your employer hasn’t registered with us yet, you can give us their email address and we’ll send them a link to create an account.
- TRACK YOUR PROGRESS. You may need to follow up with your caregiver and employer, who need to submit their parts of the application before you can start working. If your application is rejected for any reason, you can’t work until you submit a new application that is approved.
- GET TO WORK! Once your application is approved, you can start working at your new job. Don’t forget: If you add or change jobs, use your existing account to submit a new Working Papers application for every new employer. Use the "Apply for Working Papers" link after you log in.
OP PD Bicycle Rodeo:
Trinity Hall Spring Festival for 6th & 7th Grade Girls:
Shore Youth Football & Cheer:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS
Instagram: @MaplePlaceOP