Health Class @ LME with Ms. Stacy
October 7 - 11

March 24-28
Sensitive Subjects (K-2nd)
February 3-7 : Body Privacy Lesson for K-2
January 23, 2025
Dear Families of Primary Students (grades K-2),
We hope your child has been enjoying Health class this year. We would like to provide you with some information about these potentially sensitive topics our curriculum will be covering in the winter months.
Body Privacy — We will learn anatomically correct terms for private parts, and the difference between safe touches (e.g. high-fives or hugs) and unsafe touches. Students will learn refusal skills and how to say, “No!” This type of education has been shown to be effective in preventing child abuse.
Please contact me in January if you have any questions or concerns, or would like information about opting-out procedures. I will teach this lesson the week of February 3-7 for kindergarten and 2nd grade. I will teach this lesson the week of March 3-7 for 1st grade.
Happy New Year!
Stacy L. Brooks
360-428-6125, ext. 24111
Sensitive Subjects (3rd - 5th)
Families of Intermediate Students (grades 3-5)
Dear Families of Intermediate Students (grades 3-5),
We hope your child has been enjoying health class this year. We would like to provide you with some information about potentially sensitive topics our curriculum is covering. If you have any questions or concerns or would like to review the lessons for the topics identified below, please contact me.
Puberty — Students will learn about the physical and emotional changes that occur during puberty. Students will also learn about internal and external reproductive anatomy. Instruction will occur in the co-ed health classroom.
Tolerance — Students will be talking about respect and the harmful effects of bullying. Students will discuss the importance of respectful social interaction with all people, despite any differences in race, gender identity, sexual orientation or beliefs.
HIV — Students in 4th and 5th grade only will learn about the HIV virus and how to prevent infection.
Sexual Harassment/Privacy — Students will learn about body privacy, refusal skills, and the importance of reporting sexual harassment.
Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns, or would like information about opt-out procedures.
Thank you!
Stacy Brooks
Little Mountain Health Teacher
360-428-6125, ext. 24111
TK - I Help My Family
TK: I Help My Family
This week we will continuing unit 4. We will list adult family responsibilities. We will list ways children can help the family. Students will also compare the family to a team.
Vocabulary: work, help, job, team, family, children, adults, chores
Class Schedule
- Thornburgh: Monday
- Gonzalez: Friday
Next Lesson:
March 31- April 1: Family Fun
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 5:
April 14-18 - Special You, Special Me
April 21-25 - How Do I Feel?
April 28 - May 2 - Sharing Feelings
May 5 - 9 - Safe Touches (sensitive topic)
Upcoming Units:
Unit 5 - Special You, Special Me
Unit 6 - I Stay Healthy
Unit 7 - Good Things In, Bad Out
Unit 8 - Clean and Dirty
Unit 9 - My Healthy World
Unit 10 - Fit and Fun
Kindergarten & ILC - Stay Away from Dangerous Substances
Kindergarten & ILC: Stay Away from Dangerous Substances
Unit 7 Vocabulary: drugs, medicine, permission, directions, unsafe
Class Schedule
- Ramich: Monday & Wednesday
- Duncan: Tuesday
- Crabtree: Thursday
- Drye: Thursday
Code: GBS_372002
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - Keeping My Great Body Great
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - What Does It Mean To Healthy?
April 21-25 - What Does It Mean To Be Sick?
April 28-May 2- How Do You Get Well?
May 5-9- Helping Those Who Are Sick
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8 - Getting Sick
Unit 9 - Keeping Clean and Healthy
Unit 10 - Every Day, Play!
1st - Drinking Hurts Your Thinking
First Grade: Drinking Hurts Your Thinking
This week we are continuing Unit 7. Students will explain why alcohol is a drug, what it does to the body, and reasons why people drink alcohol. We will show how talking out problems with a trusted adult will help you feel better. First graders will practice recognizing a “dare” and responding to it with good refusal skills. Finally we will predict the consequences of various situations in which you do not use refusal skills.
Unit 7 Vocabulary: drug, nicotine, alcohol, street drugs, medicines, consequence
Class Schedule
- Hall: Monday
- Visten: Tuesday & Wednesday
- Batista: Friday
Code: GBS_372003
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - Safe and Strong
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - Getting Sick
April 21-25 - Germs
April 28-May 2- Getting Better
May 5-9- Do Not Share Your Germs
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8: Get Well Soon
Unit 9 - How I Breathe
Unit 10 - Run, Jump, and Skip
2nd - Solving Problems
Second Grade - Solving Problems
Unit 7 Vocabulary: drug, alcohol, habit, vapes, nicotine, medicine
Class Schedule
- Andersen: Tuesday & Wednesday
- Rice: Thursday
- Kelsey: Friday
Code: GBS_372008
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - Drug-Free and Safe Communities
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - Germs: What They Are and What They Do
April 21-25 - Keeping Germs Out
April 28-May 2- Body Battles: Fighting Germs
May 5-9- Community Health Helpers: Germ Fighters
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8 - Germs! They Make You Sick
Unit 9 - My Skin and Me
Unit 10 - Muscles in Motion
3rd - Addiction
Third Grade - Addiction
Unit 7 Vocabulary: drug, alcohol, liquor, tobacco, nicotine, tar, illegal, addicted, inhalant
Class Schedule
- DiTullio: Monday
- Wagner: Thursday
- Goodman: Wednesday & Friday
Code: GBS_372010
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - Build That Skill (goals)
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - Being Sick
April 21-25 - Fighting Diseases
April 28-May 2- Keeping Clean and Healthy
May 5-9- Medicines
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8 - Things You Might Catch
Unit 9 - When Bodies Have Challenges
Unit 10 - Finding Out About Bones
4th - How and Where to Find Help
Fourth Grade - How and Where to Find Help
Unit 7 Vocabulary: drug, addicted, emphysema, substance use disorder, peer, edibles, goal, opioid, assets, influence
Class Schedule
- Laney: Tuesday
- Mosness: Thursday
Code: GBS_372011
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - How and Where to Find Help
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - Puzzled About Germs
April 21-25 - Universal Precautions
April 28-May 2- Know Yourself and Your Friends
May 5-9- Illness and the Community
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8 - Puzzled About Germs (HIV/AIDS)
Unit 9 - Your Incredible Hearing Machine
Unit 10 - Exercise!
5th - Drugs and Advertising (Understanding Influences)
Fifth Grade - Drugs and Advertising (Understanding Influences)
This week we are continuing Unit 7. By the end of this week's lesson, students will identify positive and negative influences around drug use, including advertisements and peer pressure. Fifth graders will show the value of advocacy by creating a PSA warning about the potential dangers of substance use. Students will analyze print and electronic media ads to determine whether or not they promote the misuse or abuse of drugs. Finally, we will compare and contrast media influences with peer influences.
Unit 7 Vocabulary: addicted, drug misuse, drug abuse, proper use, stimulant, depressant, hallucinogen, inhalant, substance use disorder, assets
Class Schedule
- Lee: Monday
- Otterholt: Tuesday
Code: GBS_372012
Next Lesson:
March 31 - April 4 - Choose to Be Drug Free & SOS (Signs of Suicide)
April 7 - 11 - Spring Break
Upcoming Lessons in Unit 8:
April 14-18 - Your Circulatory System
April 21-25 - Your Blood and Your Immune System
April 28-May 2- HIV, Enemy of the Immune System
May 5-9- Helping Hands
Upcoming Units:
Unit 8 - About Blood and Disease (sensitive topic: HIV)
Unit 9 - All of the Right Stuff
Unit 10 - Bones and Muscles
5th Grade: SOS - Signs of Suicide Prevention Program - March 31 & April 1
Throughout the year, school staff has been working to teach students about mental health and how to seek help if they are worried about themselves or a friend. We are using a program called SOS Signs of Suicide. The program teaches students about this difficult topic and encourages them to seek help.
SOS has been used by thousands of schools over the past few decades. Studies have shown that it effectively teaches students about depression and suicide while reducing the number of students’ self-reported suicide attempts.
Through the program, students learn:
that depression is treatable, so they are encouraged to seek help
how to identify depression and potential suicide risk in themselves or a friend
to ACT (Acknowledge, Care and Tell a trusted adult) if concerned about themselves or a friend
who they can turn to at school for help, if they need it
Students will watch age-appropriate video clips and participate in a guided discussion about depression, suicide, and what to do if they are concerned about a friend. Following the video, students will complete a response slip which asks whether they would like to talk to an adult about any concerns. School staff will conduct brief meetings with any student asking to talk.
Following the video, students will complete a brief google survey on their current stressors in their life. This survey cannot provide a diagnosis of depression but does indicate whether a young person should be referred for further support by our school counselor or even an outside mental health professional.
We encourage you to look at our Parent Webinar on Depression in Children or visit www.sossignsofsuicide.org/parent for information on warning signs for youth suicide, useful resources, and some of the key messages students will learn.
We are including:
If you have any questions or concerns about your child’s participation in this program please contact me at (360) 428-6125 ext. 24111 (8:00-4:00) or sbrooks@mvsd320.org (anytime). You can also contact our school counselor, Pam Ridenour, at (360) 428-6125 ext. 24143 (8:00-4:00) or pridenour@mvsd320.org (anytime).
Stacy Brooks-Malcolm (Ms. Stacy)
Little Mountain Elementary School
Health Teacher
Class Codes
Use the following class code to see your child's health materials online. There is currently not any TK online material available.
Join Code:GBS_372002
First Grade
Join Code:GBS_372003
Second Grade
Join Code:GBS_372008
Third Grade
Join Code:GBS_372010
Fourth Grade
Join Code: GBS_372011
Fifth Grade
Join Code: GBS_372012
Ms. Stacy's Contact Information
(360) 428-6125 ext. 24111