Weekly Update June 14, 2024
Strive Center for Autism
First Fun Friday is a Big Success!
Our first fun Friday was a great day! The kids looked great in their Strive shirts and everyone had so much fun outside with all the wheels. We even took an ice cream break in Burton! Thank you parents for your support and sending in all the wheels.
Keep wearing those tennis shoes!
Just a friendly reminder as it gets warmer – PLEASE send your child in closed-toe shoes to therapy.
Sandals of any type and crocs are not allowed.
We'd love to see your child’s adorable toes, but we need to protect them from our own feet, our rolling stools, and any other hazards, so please send your child wearing socks and closed toe shoes every day.
Fun Fridays start in June
Each Friday in the summer, we plan for an extra fun activity and a dress up day. All the dress up days are designed to be simple ones you can do with things you have at home, please don’t feel obligated to buy anything to make these happen. Staff and children will both participate in dressing up! Dress up days are listed below so you can plan.
We will provide the children with Strive shirts to wear on School Spirit Days. The shirts have been ordered and should arrive next week. We will send them home as soon as we get them!
6-21-24 Beach Day
6-28-24 Red, white and blue Day
7-12-24 Hat day
7-19-24 School Spirit Day – wear your Strive shirt! - Water Balloon/Water Play Day - bring your swimsuit, sandals, or water shoes, and a towel! We'll play outside with water balloons, sprinklers, and all the fun stuff!
7-25-24 Mismatch Day
8-2-24 Super hero Day
8-9-24 Sports Day
8-16-24 School Spirit Day – wear your Strive shirt! - Wheels Day/Wheels Wash - bring your wheels and helmets again - today we'll ride them and wash them!
8-23-24 PD Day - NO THERAPY
8-30-24 All one color Day
Vacations and other time off
We'll just keep this link right here, for your convenience. For any absences scheduled in advance, please use this form to report the dates. You may take an entire day or half day, depending on your needs.
Here are some upcoming dates that the centers will be closed:
Friday, June 7 - BOTH CENTERS CLOSED FOR Professional Development Day
Thursday, July 4 - Friday July 5 - BOTH CENTERS CLOSED FOR Independence Day
Friday, August 23 - BOTH CENTERS CLOSED FOR Professional Development Day
If your family is planning a longer absence around one of those dates, or at another time, please let us know as soon as you are able!
About Us
Email: info@sc-centers.com
Website: www.sc-centers.com
Location: Burton and Brighton, MI
Phone: 810-344-8082