Curtis Chronicles
September 25, 2023
Welcome from Curtis Principal, Sonya Pitcock
Cougar families,
We had a great time visiting STEAM with our 8th graders last week! Students were able to use TI Graphic calculators to code rovers to move in certain directions, learned about hurricanes and storm surges and were able to use the engineering and design process to create protections for a house to survive a hurricane. Students did such a great job listening, thinking and working with their partners to do these outside the box activities.
Kids are also doing a great job attending athletic events and following the expectations of the adults. We are very proud of how our Curtis students are acting!
Our first dance is coming up on October 6 from 7-9 PM. The theme is Barbie and the Great Pumpkin and we are excited to see students enjoy the night! Tickets will be sold the week of the dance in the cafeteria at lunch. Tickets can be bought at the door also.
Quick reminder to all parents, if you have a concern about a class or situation your child shares, please reach out to the teachers directly to ask questions or get clarifications. Administrators and counselors are always happy to talk with you, but often we can’t answer your questions quickly because we weren’t involved. Our teachers are here to work with you and resolve any concerns. I often hear from parents a fear that teachers will “retaliate” against kids if they ask questions. I want to assure you that our staff doesn’t retaliate against a student because a parent asks a question or has a concern. If teachers don’t know something isn’t going well for your child, it’s impossible for them to fix it. So, I encourage you to reach out and work in partnership with the teachers. They really are here to serve kids.
We hope everyone has a great fall break!
Sonya Pitcock
Curtis Middle School
Upcoming Events
October 6: Fall Dance
October 6: End of 1st grading period
October 9-October 13: Fall Break
October 16: Reflection entries due
October 18: Gift & Talent Program Webinar
November 17: Early Release - school out @ 12:35pm
November 20-24: Thanksgiving Break
January 19: PTA Membership Meeting
April 5: PTA Membership Meeting
May 5: PTA Membership Meeting
Adolescents are like turning on a turbocharged engine with an unskilled driver!
They are neither child nor adult and your guidance is essential :)
How parents can help:
- Autonomy: allow more independence over personal choice
- Parental monitoring: Ongoing awareness of what your child is doing, where and with whom....even on technology
- Positive interaction: Develop a connected and appreciated relationship
- Supportive: Showing forgiveness will build their confidence
- Set Boundaries: Be clear, consistent, and precise!
- Communication: Listen! This allows them to open up more
Skyward Success: Now that grades have started rolling in, you may and your child may be checking Skyward on a regular basis. Did you know you can set notifications in Skyward for things like missing assignments and grades? Follow these quick steps:
1. Login to Skyward Family Access
2. Click on 'My Account' in the upper right corner
3. Go to the 'Email Notifications' section at the bottom of the page
4. You can choose to receive an E-Mail Grading Notification if any of the criteria listed are met.
Setting a Low Assignment/Class Grade Percent will ensure that you are notified if your child receives an Assignment or class grade that is at or below this value. The primary parent sets these thresholds for the family. Use the Skyward app? Watch the video for a quick tutorial
Student Nutrition Reminders!
Important Parent Reminder: prior year meal benefits (for the 22-23 school year) only carry over 30 school days in to the new school year, which falls on September 25th according to the Allen ISD calendar. The following day, student eligibility status will change to paid in our system. Families must reapply every school year if they are interested in receiving meal benefits. Please encourage families to apply for the 23-24 Meal Benefits Application.
You may visit the Student Nutrition portion of the district website for more information at https://www.allenisd.org/o/aisd/page/free-and-reduced-price-meal-applications or apply directly online at https://www.myschoolapps.com/Application.
*Gifted and Talented*
Gifted & Talented services will offer an informational webinar outlining K-12 GT services on both August 30th and October 18th. Sessions will repeat, and registration is not required. Families can join with links on the GT portion of the AISD website.
Fall Dance Chaperones needed!
We are looking for volunteers to help chaperone the Fall Dance. Please make sure that you have filled out your volunteer application. https://www.allenisd.org/o/aisd/page/volunteer-registration
Happy Back-To-School!
Market Street Supermarkets and Mrs Baird's Bread are excited to launch the Teachers On The Rise program in North Texas once again for the 2023-2024 school year.
Each month this school year, we will be collecting nominations at www.NorthTexasTOTR.com and honoring three teachers--one elementary, one middle school and one high school teachers from our North Texas schools. We would love to honor one of your teachers, so please help spread the word to your students and families to nominate teachers - past and present - who deserve special recognition.
The 2024 yearbook is now on sale! If you order by Friday 9-15 you will not only receive the 2024 book for theC lowest price of the year, but you can get 4 free cover icons as well! The free cover icon offer ends on Friday 9-15. NOTE: You do have to purchase personalization to receive the 4 free icons.
NOTE TO 8TH GRADE PARENTS: The deadline to purchase an 8th grade yearbook recognition ad is Friday 11-10. Note recognition ads are for 8th grade students only.
You can purchase the 2024 yearbook and 8th grade recognition ad online at jostensyearbooks.com or by clicking on the below link:
Calling all Parents - we need your help!
Taking fun pics this year? Help the yearbook staff by uploading your photos to be featured!
Please submit them here https://tinyurl.com/CMSYBPIX24 or scan the QR code shown.
Need photos of: 1st day of school, CMS football, volleyball, cheer, dances, band, orchestra, etc.
Join the Curtis PTA - Fill out our BTS packet
Curtis PTA is offering a paperless back-to-school packet of forms for the 2023-24 school year. Please complete the following forms online. Thank you for helping to support the staff and students of Curtis Middle School!
Start here: https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/Open_Forms
Who's ready to spoil our Curtis Staff with some frightfully good snacks?!?
Volunteers Needed - Copy Room Helpers!
Copy Room helpers are needed to help staff & teachers during their busy workday. Please take a look at the signup- https://curtisptsa.membershiptoolkit.com/volunteer/114513
Please be sure you have completed your annual Allen ISD volunteer application and background check in order to volunteer. CLICK HERE for application.
PTA Business Sponsorship Program
CMS PTA is pleased to once again offer our business sponsorship program. Curtis PTA would like to invite community businesses to show support for our staff, students and community by making a financial contribution to our PTA for the 2023-24 school year. PTA strives to make every child’s potential a reality.
There are two contribution levels for you to consider.
Red Level, $100
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2024.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
Black Level, $250
- Your logo and link to your website on CurtisCougarPTA.org from now through June 30, 2024.
- Be included in the end-of-year thank you email.
- 1 Thank you in our campus-wide newsletter that goes out to all families.
- 1 Thank you and shout out with a link to your website on our Curtis PTA Facebook page.
CLICK HERE for more details or email Ways & Means
THANK YOU TO CREEKVIEW & MCKINNEY Orthodontics for their CONTINUED support!
Thank you to our Business Sponsor, Creekview & McKinney orthodontics. By supporting the Curtis Cougar PTA, you are supporting every student at Curtis Middle School!
Thank you to our newest Cougar Family Sponsors!
Do you shop at Kroger?
Log onto the Kroger website or stop by the customer service desk at any Kroger. Link your Kroger rewards card to Curtis Middle School.
Our school code is XX655.
Allen ISD Volunteer Application
Volunteers who work with AISD student groups and organizations will need to complete a volunteer application. These groups include, but are not limited to, PTA organizations, booster clubs, cheerleading squads, dance squads (athletic and fine arts) and any other AISD student organizations where adults will be working with students other than their own children at AISD sponsored events.
Click on this link to fill out the volunteer application: https://www.allenisd.org/page/register-volunteer
Curtis Middle School PTA
Email: communications@curtiscougarpta.org
Website: https://www.allenisd.org/curtisms
Location: 1530 Rivercrest Boulevard, Allen, TX, USA
Phone: 972-727-0340
Twitter: @CurtisCougars