Lebanon Owl Pages
December 2024
MSAD #60 Vision Statement
Inspired Learners- Empowered Citizen
MSAD #60 Mission Statement
We empower all students to develop enthusiasm for learning, foster confidence through successes and failures, provide service to others, and achieve their personal, social, and academic best, leading to fulfilling and engaged lives for all.
Dear Lebanon Elementary School Families,
December is upon us and the weather has cooled off. We’d like to remind families to send students with a jacket, hat and mittens as we will go out to recess, unless it is bitter cold.
Also, we are in need of sugar free gum. It is an item we have in our school store for students to purchase with their green tokens, in addition to using it for students during testing. Any donation is appreciated.
Heather LaFrance - Principal
Lori Lodge - Assistant Principal
Upcoming Events
December 2024
Mon. Dec. 2nd & Tues. Dec. 3rd - Cromwell Center will visit 1st-5th grade classrooms
Thurs. Dec. 5th - Band and Chorus concert @ NHS Auditorium 6:30pm
Sat. Dec. 7th - PTO Festival of Trees 9:00am-3:00pm
Mon. Dec.9th - PTO Meeting 5:30pm Hanson School Art Room
Thurs. Dec. 19th - Tooth Protector Clinic @ Hanson/LES
Mon. Dec 23rd - Wed. Jan 1st - No School Holiday Break (We will see everyone back on Jan. 2nd)
Attendance Matters
We Track Attendance Every Day
We post the percent of students in attendance each day for 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th grades. The goal each week is 96%. Here is the monthly average by grade level K-5 for the month of November.
Average Attendance: Month of November:
Kindergarten - 91.4%
1st Grade - 93.2%
2nd Grade - 93.3%
3rd Grade - 93.0%
4th Grade - 95.7%
5th Grade - 92.8%
PBIS for Families
November Community Meeting
Our November Community Meeting was full of well deserved recognitions. Students with perfect attendance received a Perfect Attendance card. We welcomed a student from each class into the Owls Club for demonstrating the character trait of Responsibility. Students learned about the Owls for Good club and 3rd graders presented a Reader's Theater about Empathy and Compassion. Students and staff also recognized Mr. Mark, our school counselor, for the award he received (more information about this award included below.)
Lost and Found
Lost and Found in both buildings has quite a few items. Please have your child check for any missing clothing items or parents can stop by during school hours to check these items. All unclaimed items will be donated at the end of the day on Friday, December 20th.
Math Moment
Family Math Webinar
Carrie Wilson, district math coach, will be hosting an online Family Math Webinar on Tuesday, December 3rd from 6:15-7:15pm. See the flyer for more information.
Around the School
Balloons Over Broadway
The 5th grade culmination of their study of Balloons over Broadway was a balloon parade at LES. Each 5th grade student created a balloon character emulating the balloons used in the Macy's Day Parade and creator of the original balloons, Tony Sarg. Students read about Tony Sarg through their Literacy classes. They read articles, watched videos and used graphic organizers as they studied Sarg's life and creations.
Balloons Over Broadway Parade
Balloons Over Broadway Parade
Balloons Over Broadway Parade
Helping a School in North Carolina
After the devastating hurricane in North Carolina, Lebanon Elementary School reached out to Senator Susan Collins who paired us with a school in North Carolina. We were matched with Atkinson Elementary School in western North Carolina. Atkinson Elementary is a PreK - 5 school with approximately 320 students. They had been displaced from their building and are currently conducting classes in a nearby Boys and Girls Club. Their principal, Mr. Page, was deeply thankful for the offer of support and shared that they have received donations of school supplies, food, water, and other essentials. As they adjust to being relocated, needs arise almost daily. Monetary donations would allow them to quickly purchase these necessary items and ensure that all contributions directly benefit their school and those in need. It could also allow them to restore or enhance some aspects of their currently unsafe and damaged school building.
The empathy and compassion of our Lebanon Owls has been amazing and we will be sending $1541.68 to Atkinson Elementary School in North Carolina.
November Field Trip
Second and third grade attended the musical Dot, Dot, Dot at the Rochester Opera House, based on the story of Marisol by author Peter Reynolds. Classes have read many books by Peter Reynolds as they prepared for their field trip, studying the style and illustrations of his books.
Congratulations to Mr. Mark
Counselor Corner
Spirit Week Dec. 16th - Dec. 20th
Nurse's Nook
Owl Code of Conduct
Respect-Responsibility-Empathy & Compassion
Lori Lodge, Assistant Principal