The North News
24-25 MNMS Back to School Info

It's Almost Time!
Welcome to the 24-25 school year at Mustang North Middle School! We are excited that the school year is almost here and can't wait to see our students back in the hallways. This year promises to be filled with many opportunities for all of our students. Our main goal is to provide a high quality education in a safe and supportive learning environment to ensure that every student achieves their highest potential.
Throughout the year, we encourage your student to engage in extracurricular activities. Research shows that student participation in student activities increases their GPAs, graduation rates, and college acceptance and success rates. It practically eliminates the likelihood that a student will choose to drop out of high school. We have a variety of athletic opportunities, performing arts programs, along with several clubs and organizations.
We are looking forward to working with you in providing enriching experiences for your student. As principals, our doors are always open, and we welcome your input. Please feel free to email, call or make an appointment to come in to discuss any concerns, suggestions, or ideas to help make this the best year yet!
Christy Bradley, Principal
Brandi Owen, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Kameron Hill, 8th Grade Assistant Principal
7th Grade Orientation - August 5 - 10:00 am - Noon
This will be a fun 2 hours of large group activities, small group activities, building tours, etc. designed to help incoming 7th graders learn more about what they can expect this year at MNMS along with answer questions they may have. The orientation will be led by our TAG teachers and student leaders. The student leaders for MNMS are students who were hand selected from a large pool of applicants and have met the qualifications of being a good role model and a positive leader on our campus.
Details about the day...
- All incoming 7th grade students are strongly encouraged to attend, but it is not mandatory.
- Please do not bring backpacks, purses or other like items as the day is quite active.
- Students should wear comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement.
- This is a student only function - we encourage you to let your child attend on their own.
- Schedules cannot be picked up this day or prior to this day. Schedules need to be picked up on SCHEDULE PICK-UP DAY - August 6 or in the Front Office August 8, 9 or 12 between 9:00 am and 3:00 pm each day. (closed for lunch 11-11:45)
Our office hours will be 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. both days. Closed for lunch 11:00-11:45 both days.
Prior to schedule being released, you will need to:
- PRESENT ONE FORM OF PROOF OF RESIDENCY IN ORDER TO PICK UP YOUR SCHEDULE* (Gas/electric/water bills, mortgage/lease agreement from July/August. Does NOT include phone/cell/cable bills.)
- Pay the student fee ($20). This can also be paid prior to coming to North online through your ParentPortal InTouch Account beginning Wednesday, August 1. Please bring a copy of your receipt with you or have a picture of the receipt on your phone.
- 7th Grade - Turn in TDap* shot records if you haven't already done so.
Return lost items or pay fees (credit card, check, or correct change only) for non-returned books, chromebook chargers, chromebooks, etc. from the 2023-2024 school year.
*7th grade students are required to have the Tdap shot.
***Students will not be given a schedule unless updated shot records are previously on file or provided at the time of schedule pick-up.***
MNMS Open House - August 19 - 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Fall School Picture Day - August 28
Labor Day - NO SCHOOL - September 2
PD/Teacher Collaboration Days - NO SCHOOL - September 19 & 20
Parent Conferences - September 26 & 30 4:30-7:30 p.m.
Fall Break - October 16-21
Fall Picture Retakes - October 30
Free/Reduced Lunch Applications
More than 30 percent of Mustang Public Schools' families qualify for the Free and Reduced Lunch program. Even parents who believe they will not qualify are encouraged to apply for this much needed program. Applying for the program is confidential and significantly helps with funding for classrooms. The online application is safe, secure, private and convenient. Your data will be transmitted to the Child Nutrition Office the same day you apply, allowing for quicker processing so you can receive benefits faster. Have questions about online free/reduced apps? Learn more here English /Espanol.
First Day of School Information
- Students will need to have paper, folder/binder, pen/pencil with them on the first day of school. As for the rest of their supplies, the students should just bring what they have room to bring. The rest of the supplies can be brought on Friday.
- Students will be leaving many of the supplies in their core classes. Teachers will give students specific direction on what to keep and what to turn in.
- If your student rides the bus, please be sure he/she knows what their BUS NUMBER is so they will know what bus to look for after school!
- For bus riders, please be aware that busses will likely run late for morning pick-up and afternoon drop-off for the first few days of the year. Please be patient with us! It will improve within the first week!
- The school day is 8:40 am - 3:35 pm. Please do not drop your student off earlier than 8:10. Students are not let in the building prior to 8:10 throughout the school year because there is no adult supervision available prior to this time.
Stay informed throughout the year by checking our website and social media pages regularly!
USERNAME: mustang PASSWORD: guest
If your address is NOT populating in the finder, call our district office for assistance at (405) 376-2630.
Mustang North Middle School
Location: 10901 Southwest 15th Street, Yukon, OK, USA
Phone: 405.324.2236