Burbank Bulletin
September 14, 2022
Dates to Remember
September 15: LBMS/MRE School Picture Day
September 16: Early Release, 11:30 Dismissal
September 22: LBMS Open House, 6:00 PM
October 10: Holiday, No School
October 21: Early Release, 11:30 Dismissal
School Picture Day!
LBMS Open House, September 22nd
LBMS Extra-Curricular Offerings, 2022-2023
We are excited to announce that our after school activities gearing up!
ALL students participating in an extra-curricular activity must be picked up by a parent/guardian or pre-approved adult. The Mary Rowlandson buses will not be available for middle school ridership. Pick-up time for the majority of activities is 3:00 PM. Students will be waiting for parents/guardians by the flagpole with their advisor at 3:00.
- Any student with a sibling who will be picked up at MRE may be dismissed with their sibling in the MRE pick-up line. Advisors will dismiss LBMS students joining the MRE pick-up line at dismissal.
- Please note: Chorus, Jazz Ensemble, and Intramural pick-up time will be 3:20 PM; Cross Country pick up will be at 3:30. For these activities, parents picking up MRE students should pick up MRE students first and then pick up LBMS students by the flagpole.
Parents should pull into the parking lot and drive down the first row. Do not pull into a parking space. Students will be directed to their car by their advisor. Thank you for your prompt arrival for pick-up and for your continued support of these opportunities for our students.
Art Club (Advisor: Mrs. Slattery)
Art Club is an opportunity for students to enjoy additional time to create and express using a variety of art materials. Art Club activities include painting, printmaking, collage, drawing, and working with clay. The Art Club will meet in the Art Room on Monday afternoons beginning September 26th. Permission slips must be returned prior to attending the first session and can be picked up from the Art Room or printed out from the Art Club Google Classroom (a link is posted on Mrs. Slattery's website). Mondays
Best Buddies (Advisor: Mrs. Lonardo)
Since 2008, Luther Burbank Middle School has been an “officially chartered chapter dedicated to establishing mutually enriching one-to-one friendships to enhance the lives of people with intellectual disabilities.” Our membership has continued to grow through the years, developing strong friendships between the students. Our chapter will plan to meet on the first Wednesday of each month in Mrs. Lonardo’s classroom, beginning in October. If your child is planning to participate, please go to bestbuddies.org/join and complete a member application (it will take 5 minutes or less). Additionally, there will be LBMS extracurricular activity permission forms and instructions posted in the main hallway. These forms need to be completed and returned to Mrs. Lonardo prior to the start of our activities. We are looking forward to another year of fun and friendship! First Wednesday of the month
Chorus (Advisor: Ms. Belhumeur)
Chorus is a place for students to come together, sing, laugh, and enjoy choral community. Chorus is NOT auditioned!! Students with or without singing experience are welcome and encouraged to give it a try. The LBMS Chorus explores repertoire from a variety of genres including jazz, folk, classical, musical theatre, and even pop! Students learn about vocal health, technique, 2-4 part singing, and experience singing in both English and other languages. Wednesdays
Creative Writing Club (Advisor: Mrs. Pettis)
The Luther Burbank Creative Writing Club is a productive, reflective, fun, and collaborative space where students will be invited to engage in a variety of creative writing activities and discussions about creative writing. Students will be writing, discussing each other’s writing, and working to build their skills as authors! This is a great opportunity for students to make new friends, develop collaboration and critical thinking skills, and have a lot of fun! Joining the club requires a permission slip in advance of participation. The first meeting for those who submit signed permission slips will be on Monday, September 26th. The club will meet in Mrs. Pettis’ room. Mondays
Drama Club (Advisor: Mrs. Kramer)
All interested students are invited to join the new LBMS Drama Club! LBMS Drama Club will give students the opportunity to participate in supervised creative dramatic activities. Students will learn about all aspects of Theater; on the stage, behind the scenes, lights and sound, promotions and so much more. We will practice different forms of dramatic writings and give the students the chance to perform alone or in small groups. Maybe you want to sing a song from your favorite musical or perform a monologue from your favorite movie, or even act out a scene with a group of friends. Each session will end with a small showcase for families.How is this different from the school musical?
The musical is a bigger commitment, it requires students to audition and be cast. Rehearsals are twice a week for 2 1/2 months ending in two performances of a Junior version show. Drama Club will be a smaller group setting for kids to explore theater and have some input into what they will get out of it.
Do I have to do both?
NO! You are welcome to just be part of the Drama Club or just do the play. Either one or both is up to you. Thursdays (October- December and April- June)
Gaming Club (Advisor: Mr. O'Leary)
The Luther Burbank Gaming Club is a fun and collaborative space where students will be invited to hangout, relax, and play classic board games. Bring a friend, or meet some new ones! Joining the club requires a permission slip in advance of participation. The first meeting for those who submit signed permission slips will be on Monday, October 3rd. The club will meet in Mr. O'Leary’s room. Mondays
Intramurals Students should view the Bulletin Board in the gym for start dates. Interested students must have a signed participation form on file. Forms may be found in the office.
Touch Football & Basketball (with Mr. Peirce), Mondays, 2:15-3:15
Floor Hockey (with Ms. Trahan), Thursdays, 2:15-3:15
Jazz Ensemble (Advisor: Ms. Belhumeur)
In Jazz Ensemble, students have the opportunity to explore one of the only styles of music that is uniquely American. The ensemble sets up as a traditional "Big Band," but is open to students who play non-traditional jazz instruments as well. Students study a mix of well-known charts, improvisation, jazz technique, and tunes arranged for Big Bands. Jazz Ensemble is open to any student who plays an instrument at 6th grade proficiency, and is NOT auditioned. Come one, come all! Tuesdays
Math Club (Advisor: Mrs. Weber)
Are you enthusiastic about solving problems? Do you love learning new math concepts? Do you enjoy working in a small group? This is the team for you! Compete each month with teams around the world doing the Math Olympiad Competitions! Beginning October 19, we will practice weekly: solving problems, working in a small group, discussing solutions with teammates, and sometimes playing math games or solving math puzzles. Wednesdays
Peer Leadership/Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) Club (Advisor: Ms. Winn)
A peer leadership group in which the focus is to define what a “peer leader” is and how to use random acts of kindness (a variety of kindness/anti-bullying activities) to aspire others to be peer leaders. Open to all interested students in grades 6 through 8. Students will participate in developing activities and traditions we can use for many years to come. The club will meet in Ms. Winn's room. Mondays
Robotics Club (Advisor: Mrs. Sama)
Students who like Lego, computers and working on teams should consider joining the Robotics Team. Attendance is mandatory and space is very limited - students who are interested please see Mrs. Sama. Meetings will begin in October. Thursdays
Student Council (Advisor: Ms. Campbell)
Student Council is an organization that gives students a voice. Students become part of a group that can make a change. Students organize and carry out events such as dances and service projects and help create a more positive school community by building school spirit through activities like spirit week. Through these various activities and more, students are able to make a positive impact on our school and build leadership skills. Thursdays
Wind Ensemble (Advisor: Ms. Belhumeur)
**Auditions will be scheduled for late September/early October, first rehearsal TBD**
Wind Ensemble is Lancaster's HONORS ensemble, and is our only auditioned ensemble. Students interested in Wind Ensemble should be active members of their grade level Concert Band who are driven, high-achieving in music, and seeking a challenge. As members of an honors ensemble, these young musicians also exemplify leadership in behavior, musicianship, and overall character. Students should audition for Wind Ensemble based on their desire to push themselves and challenge their musical skills. Wind Ensemble aims to have an ideal instrumental balance. This is based on traditional Wind Ensemble section structure. Remaining open seats will be filled based on director recommendation, following auditions. For audition requirements, please visit the Ensemble Page on Ms. Belhumeur's website. Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30
Yearbook Club (Advisor: Mrs. Sullivan)
The Luther Burbank Middle School Yearbook Club is charged with the task of creating a yearbook to be completed and distributed by the last day of the school. Club members will photograph school activities and events, format images, design pages, and assist with the cover contest and the coordination of communications between the yearbook club and students and teachers for submitting information for the yearbook. Thursdays
Returning Student Registration on InfoSnap
Returning Student Registration is now overdue. If you have not already done so, please complete the returning student registration process using the information provided to you via email on August 17, 2022. Completing this process is critical for registration purposes, including providing important information for contact purposes and student safety. If you have any questions please contact Judy Ursuliak in the main office at jursuliak@nrsd.net.
School Lunch Program
The universal free lunch program has been extended through the 2022-2023 school year. As a result, school lunches (and breakfasts) will be offered at no charge to all students this school year. Please be aware that this offer extends to one lunch serving per day. Should a student request a second lunch serving, their account will be charged accordingly.
All students need to register for a lunch account on My School Bucks to receive their daily lunch. Families can register by selecting “Lunch Menu and Payment” under Quick Links on the homepage of our web site nrsd.net.
Interested in Substitute Teaching for the 2022-2023 School Year? We Need You!
Luther Burbank Middle School
Email: jursuliak@nrsd.net
Website: burbank.nrsd.net
Location: 1 Hollywood Drive, Lancaster, MA, USA
Phone: 978-365-4558
Twitter: @LBMSPrincipal