News from District 153
October 25, 2023

May 31, 2024: School's Out Edition!
Governor Signs HB 4284!
Great news! On Tuesday, Governor Pritzker signed HB 4284! Moreover, he signed the bill in time for the correct tax levels to be reflected on second installment of the 2023 property tax bills.
The new law ensures that the school district receives the full amount of tax revenues that voters approved in the November 2022 referendum. So, in addition to the usual inflationary increase that occurs each year, the increased revenue generated through the referendum will be reflected in your upcoming tax bill. Please know that we take being good stewards of your money seriously, and we will work hard to use these dollars to continue to provide a high level of education to our students while also meeting the three goals we identified during the referendum campaign:
- Eliminate our structural deficit
- Build up our fund balances (i.e., rainy day fund)
- Address our aging facilities (starting this summer with a new roof at Churchill!)
Thank you to everyone who helped us reach this legislative goal, especially Representative Will Davis who shepherded the bill through the entire process and Senator Napoleon Harris who was our champion in the Senate. While the school district will always have financial issues to navigate, the passage of this bill will enable us to accomplish our stated goals more easily. Yours in education, Dr. Scott McAlister, Superintendent
District 153 Promotes 206 Students to High School
District 153 wishes a fond farewell to the 206 students who were promoted to high school during James Hart's graduation ceremony at HF High School on May 28th. Special recognition was given to the following students:
Homewood Rotary's 4-Way Test Awards
for displaying the characteristics of truth, fairness, goodwill and friendship
The Betty Dillon Academic Achievement Award
for earning all A's while taking the most rigorous courses at James Hart
The PTA Service Award
for contribution of time and talents to make James Hart a better school
The Wally Burns VFW Post 8077 Award
for honor, courage, leadership and service
Willow and Churchill Schools Celebrate Student Promotions
James Hart isn't the only school sending off their students with fanfare!
Kindergartners Cruise into 1st Grade
This long-time tradition lives on as Willow School's kindergarteners parade around the school in their homemade box cars.
"Clap Outs" for 2nd and 5th Graders
Willow School "clapped out" their 2nd-graders to Churchill, and Churchill "clapped out" their 5th-graders to James Hart during last day of school festivities.
Field Day Caps Off a Great School Year at Churchill School
Churchill's Bulldogs spent a couple of hours in the sunshine playing games with their classmates during Wednesday's Field Day games.
Summer Activities Online Bulletin Board
Mark Your Calendars for August 24!
About Us
Email: shelley.peck@hsd153.org
Website: hsd153.org
Location: 18205 Aberdeen Street, Homewood, IL, 60430
Phone: 708-799-8721
Facebook: facebook.com/hsd153
Twitter: @Homewood153