Kutz Cougar Courier Times
May 10, 2024
Check Out These Important Dates!
- Monday, May 6- Friday, May 31- Dominic's Toy Chest (see information below)
- Monday, May 13- Bike to School Day (see information below)
- Monday, May 13- Thursday, May 23- Presents for Pets Collection (see information below)
- Wednesday, May 15- 2nd Grade Field Trip- Churchville Nature Center
- Wednesday, May 15- Author Visit (Grades 4-6)
- Wednesday, May 15- Deadline to Register for Sky Zone Event (see information below)
- Friday, May 17- Dress Like Your Future Career Day
- Friday, May 17- Student Council Meeting @ 8:15 AM
- Friday, May 17- 1st Grade Field Trip- Barn Nature Center and Central Park
- Friday, May 17- Kindergarten Field Trip- Honey Hollow
- Sunday, May 19- Sky Zone Event (see information below)
- Tuesday, May 21- 6th Grade Visit to Lenape
- Wednesday, May 22- Spring Concert Assembly
- Wednesday, May 22- 3rd Grade Music Fest
- Wednesday, May 22- Spring Concert @ Lenape (in the evening)
- Thursday, May 23- Spirit Assembly
- Thursday, May 23- Early Dismissal @ 12:10 PM
- Friday, May 24- No School
- Monday, May 27- No School
- Wednesday, May 29- 6th grade Field Trip- Peace Valley
- Wednesday, May 29- 3rd Grade Field Trip- Sky Zone
- Thursday, May 30- Field Day (rain date) (see information below)
- Friday, May 31- Field Day (see information below)
Promotion – SAVE THE DATE – Monday, June 10
Time Sensitive Information
Dominic's Toy Chest - Toy Drive- May 6-31
Dominic Liples was diagnosed with a brain tumor in March of 2016. He underwent surgery to remove as much of the mass as possible. Over the course of 9 months, Dominic was frequently in and out of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) for radiation, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy treatments. Unfortunately, he lost his battle against brain cancer in the early morning of December 7, 2016. Dominic’s parents, Kira and Kenny, wanted to do something for the children at CHOP. “When kids go through treatment it is year-round. Toys are usually only sent at the Christmas holidays. The children also get gifts when they complete treatment. Well, not every child will get to complete treatment or be there during the holidays. We want each child to get something, so they know they are loved and prayed for always.”
The Liples decided to do a toy drive in May since it is brain tumor awareness month, and Dominic was born on May 1st. Our school would like to help them with their collection. The items must be new and in their original packaging since they are going to children in the hospital. Click here for a list of items to donate: Amazon.com
There will be collection bins in the school lobby and bus hallway so students can drop the items off on their way to class in the morning. Items could also be sent directly to the Liples household from the Amazon Wishlist.
Presents for Pets Collection Information
New Information Below
Kutz- Field Day- Volunteers Needed
Kutz's FIELD DAY is scheduled for Friday, May 31 (with a rain date of Thursday, May 30th). This is one of the most FUN days of the school year, and Mr. Durie, Mr. Bocklett and Mrs. Leuthe need your help to make it happen! :)
We need volunteers to ...
- Coordinate our volunteers
- Run Field Day event stations
- To help clean up
Click here to sign up- Field Day: Kutz Field Day 2024 (signupgenius.com)
Each Field Day station needs two volunteers to run the event, oversee the teams, and keep score. Whatever station you volunteer for, we ask that you stay at that station for the entire Field Day time period.
The students will know most of the Field Day activities/relays from PE class, so they will know the events and the rules. Each Field Day station volunteer will receive an explanation of the event and directions for how to run and score the event (this will be distributed ahead of time, so everyone is prepared).
It will be a very easy and fun day, and your assistance will be much appreciated! Your children will also enjoy seeing you during Field Day. :)
Please note that all volunteers will need all CBSD CLEARANCES to be up to date.
In the list below, each event is listed by Station Number and event name, and also includes a list of grade levels that will be visiting the station.
If you have any questions about the sign-ups, please contact Mr. Durie at adurie@cbsd.org.
For all volunteers -- We'll be in touch around the middle/end of May with more details.
Thank you so much for your help!
Kutz- Student Information Input for 2024-2025 School Year
We will soon begin the process of assigning students to an appropriate class for next year. In putting together our roster of classes, we will take into consideration many factors including: girl/boy ratio, academic ability, behavioral characteristics, talents, personalities, needs, and learning styles. Our goal is to ensure that each child is in a class that has an appropriate balance of students with the proper teacher. We will assess each child using the data collected from the present classroom teacher(s) and the input of the student support counselor, reading specialists, and principal.
Class placement is made after reviewing considerable data. If you feel that we would benefit from additional information, please complete the Student Information Input Form by clicking here. You SHOULD NOT name a specific teacher. District staffing is not complete until the summer and teaching assignments may change. This form is designed to speak to your child’s area of strength and need, and not to a specific teacher preference. Please note: Requests for specific teachers will not be considered.
Much time and attention go into creating well-balanced class groupings that consider social, academic, and emotional needs of our students, as well as any input which is shared by parents on the Student Information Input Form. We ask all parents to respect the amount of hard work and thought that the principal, school counselor, reading specialists, classroom teachers, and special education teachers put into this process and not request changes to your child’s placement.
Moving even one child from a class could upset the balance of a classroom and have an impact that extends far beyond your child. Your child may not have gotten their “first” choice of teacher. Your child may not be with all their friends from last year. You may be disappointed because you’ve heard through the grapevine that Ms. “A” isn’t as “warm and fuzzy” as Mr. “B”. All our teachers are caring, capable, and highly-qualified educators. Our job as adults is to support students and to help them develop confidence and a positive outlook as they begin the new school year, encouraging them to look forward to the challenges and excitement that accompany making new friends and getting to know a new teacher. Thank you for your cooperation in not requesting changes and for your understanding, trust, and support.
We want what is best for your child and that involves them having a wide variety of educational experiences. For your convenience the Student Information Input Form is linked here again. You are not required to fill out this form. If you choose to fill out this form, it must be completed by Friday, May 17, 2024. Forms not submitted by the return date may not be able to be considered.
Please know we are working on our Move Up Day plans, as well. That will be communicated in the coming weeks.
Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing me at cadelberger@cbsd.org. Thank you!
Repeated Information Below
A note from the school nurse:
Several counties in our area have seen an increased number of pertussis (whooping cough) cases recently. Symptoms of pertussis include a cough lasting more than 2 weeks. There may be coughing fits, possibly followed by vomiting. Pertussis can be treated with antibiotics. Those considered most at risk are babies under 1 year of age (particularly less than 6 months of age), elderly or immunocompromised individuals. If you are pregnant or have concerns, you should speak to your health care provider.
Thank you,
Jennifer L. Donovan RN, BSN, CSN, MEd.
Certified School Nurse
(267) 893-3915
Community Blood Drive
District Art Show
Interested in supporting the school, students, and staff?
Are you passionate about making a positive impact in our school community? Do you want to be involved in shaping the educational experience for our children? If so, we invite you to join one of our committees!
Our multiple committees play a vital role in enhancing the school environment, supporting educational initiatives, and fostering a sense of community among parents, teachers, and students. We're currently seeking enthusiastic individuals who are willing to volunteer their time and skills to help us achieve our goals.
We have various roles and responsibilities available to suit different interests, skills, and availability.
Some of our committees include:
Book Fair
Bulletin Boards
Cougars 4 A Cause
Family Fun
Fundraising Active
Fundraising Passive
Holiday Boutique
Homeroom Parents
Red Cross Blood Drive
Science Fair
School Play
Spring Fair
Staff Appreciation
Look for more information to come!
Home and School Volunteers Needed
Dear Kutz Families,
The Home and School Board has three openings for the 2024-25 school year. We are currently looking to elect a new president, co-president and co-treasurer. Each position is for a two year term.
- Open Roles
- President
- Co -President
- Co- Treasurer
In addition to these open board roles, we are also looking for the following committee members:
- Family Fun Co-Chair
- Active Fundraising Co-Chair
- Passive Fundraising Co-Chair
- Yearbook Co-Chair
Please reach out to Laura Murray at lcgmurray13@gmail.com if you are interested.
Summer Camp Opportunities
Repeated/Ongoing School and District Information
Smart Watch Reminder
Teachers have noticed an increase in the amount of electronic devices, especially smart watches, being brought to school by students. In some cases, student personal electronic devices are interrupting instruction, especially if alerts are set to go off throughout the school day. Considering this, we would ask the following:
- Please consider having your child keep their personal electronic devices at home.
- If you feel your child must bring their personal electronic device to school, please have them put it on a setting that blocks alerts during the school day. For instance, the newer versions of Apple Smart Watches have a Schooltime feature that allows parents to limit the watch’s functionality during the school day (some older versions, however, do not have this feature).
- Another option is to have your child keep their personal electronic device silenced and in a secure part of their bookbag during the school day.
Additionally, we cannot ensure that a student’s personal electronic device will not go lost or missing when it is brought to school.
Thank you for your understanding.
Families Helping Families Continue
Even though the holidays are over, we still have families in need at Kutz. You can continue to make a donation on My Payments Plus under Kutz Home and School- Families Helping Families. There are three donation options- $20, $50, and $100. If you want to donate more than this, you can do it multiple times. These funds directly support our Kutz families and students. Thus far we have provided food for families, gift cards for families, and access/tickets for many Kutz events.
Safety Information
In an effort to keep all students and staff safe during arrival and dismissal, please review the following information:
- If you are driving, please travel at no more than 15 MPH in the school zone and parking lot.
- If you are driving, please do not stop in the crosswalks.
- If you are walking, please use the intended crosswalks.
Thank you for your efforts in keeping our students and staff members safe!
Snacks in the Cafeteria
The cafeteria manager is only permitted to buy a certain number of snacks each week. There are students with later lunches that are not able to purchase snacks because they are all gone by their lunch period. Moving forward, students will only be permitted to purchase 1 snack or ice cream in total per day.
Students in grades 1-6 are allowed to purchase snacks and/or ice cream at lunch in addition to the items listed on the lunch menu. Students are able to purchase snacks as long as they have money in their My School Bucks account. Students on free and reduced lunch cannot get these additional snacks unless they have money in their My School Bucks account. Snack prices are not reduced or free because they are in addition to the well-balanced full lunch provided. Ice cream costs $1.50 and chips cost $1.25, for your reference. Please check in with your child about their spending and monitor their account if they are buying lunch or snack.
Visit MySchoolBucks.com to set up recurring payments, create low balance alerts, and track and review what your student is purchasing.
Here is the FAQ section regarding Student Breakfast and Lunch: Food Services / Breakfast and Lunch Account FAQ (cbsd.org)
Car/Walker Dismissal Request
In an effort to keep all of our students safe, students cannot cross Turk Road or walk through the parking lot without an adult. Please do not park on Turk Road to pick up your child. Please either use the car line, park on Rolling Hills (a bit further down to not disrupt the car line), or park in the parking lot (and walk up to get your child). The car line is very efficient and most days the car line is finished around 3:40. Thank you for your support in keeping our students safe!
Laptop Reminders
- Students are expected to bring their laptop to school every day in the laptop carrying case.
- Students are expected to fully charge their device at home each evening.
- In the event the laptop did not charge fully, students are expected to bring their labeled laptop charger to school. We have very few extra chargers here.
- Students should not change the settings (the time zone, mouse settings, keyboard settings, etc.)
- If there is an issue with your child's laptop, they should log a help desk ticket so it can be repaired.
Laptops are used for instruction and assessment and when devices are not charged properly, this inhibits their learning.
Bike and Scooter Safety
Thanks for your help with keeping our students safe!
Recess Information
- Grades 1-3
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday- Supervision coverage will allow students to play gaga.
- Grades 4 and 5
- Monday/Wednesday/Friday- Supervision coverage will allow students to play on the large and far soccer field.
- Tuesday/Thursday- Supervision coverage will allow students to play gaga.
- Grade 6- Gaga and large and far soccer field open all days due to supervision coverage and interest.
- The schedule above is dependent on weather conditions and coverage.
- A game may be shut down for a period of time due to unsportsmanlike conduct. Certain students may be removed from a game due unsportsmanlike conduct.
- No cheerleading stunts or gymnastics are permitted for safety reasons.
Car Line Request
Thank you for your efforts to keep our students and staff safe.
Do you need to change your child's dismissal?
For half days, please call and/or email the office by 11:30 AM.
For car rider dismissal, please make sure the lettering is in thick, dark, large print on your yellow placard that can be read by our staff members from a distance. Please also either have your placard in the passenger side window or if you want to keep it on your dashboard, please hold it up for staff members to easily see. This will ensure our car line moves as efficiently as possible.
This is just a reminder that students cannot switch buses for play dates. If you need your child to ride a different bus home due to an emergency child care situation, you must call the office at 267-893-3900. We will then contact the transportation department to determine if we can obtain an emergency bus pass for your child for the day.
Thank you!
Important Attendance Information
Central Bucks School District attendance policies conform to the Pennsylvania School Code sections 1326 to 1333 dealing with compulsory school attendance. “Every child of compulsory school age having a legal residence in this Commonwealth… is required to attend a day school in which the subjects and activities prescribed by the standards of the State Board of Education are taught.”
For Parents / Attendance (cbsd.org)
Online Absence Request (See below for directions on how to report an absence.)
- Parents and guardians will be able to submit absence requests via the Parent Portal. Parents can request a full day absence, early dismissal, or late arrival.
- Absence requests will be reviewed by School Attendance Staff and approved or denied.
- Requests made using the Parent Portal will also serve as the excuse for the absence. Parents will not be required to submit an excuse either electronic or written.
- For all vacation requests, please utilize that option through the Parent Portal. Your school attendance office will contact you with any additional information that is required. Parents/Guardians are required to notify the school at least three (3) days prior to the absences covered by this regulation so that the student may obtain work to keep current with class progress.
Please be sure to visit the Attendance web page for your child's school for specific procedures for reporting an absence. This page is located under "Our School" on each school's website.
For additional information about school attendance please see School Board Policy 204.
Free and Reduced Lunch for 2023-2024
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Central Bucks is pleased to announce the availability of applying for Free and Reduced Price Meals online! The process is SAFE, SECURE, PRIVATE, and AVAILABLE anytime, anywhere!
Food Services / Free & Reduced Lunch Application (cbsd.org)
Instructions: If you are applying for Free and Reduced Lunch and would like your child’s school to provide additional resources to your family, there is an additional form to complete in Parent Portal. You can also reach out to Mrs. Adelberger at cadelberger@cbsd.org.
Laptop Breakage
We have seen a rise in the amount of screen breaks for student laptops. Our policy covers for 2 broken screens per device. If your child’s laptop screen breaks 3 times, we will be required to send you an invoice for the repair and labor. The current cost for this is $200. Please remind your child to care for their laptops. Some simple steps to assist are:
- Use two hands when holding or moving the device.
- Use clean hands while using the laptop or iPad.
- Use only the provided digital pen or finger on the screen.
- Use only the power adapter that came with the device.
- Use a microfiber cloth to clean the screen.
- Keep device stored in the provided case. This includes traveling through the hallways, on buses, or anytime the device is not being utilized. Students should not be using the devices on the bus.
- Make sure nothing is on the keyboard, close the lid, and remove all cables if any are plugged into the laptop. Place laptop in your bag carefully.
- Be careful when placing your case on the floor. Keep the device off the floor so screens do not get stepped on by others.
Passive Fundraising
Kutz Information
Daily School Hours
Kutz is a "B" School
- Arrival begins at 8:30 AM
- Student day begins at 8:50 AM
- Student day ends at 3:30 PM
- Dismissal ends at 3:50 PM
- For early dismissal days- dismissal begins at 12:10 PM
- For 2 hour delay days- arrival begins at 10:30 and the student day begins at 10:50
- Morning Kindergarten begins at 8:50 AM (arrival begins at 8:30 AM) and ends at 11:25 AM
- Afternoon Kindergarten begins at 12:55 PM and ends at 3:30 PM
- Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, we implemented a “modified kindergarten” schedule on weather delay days. The schedule will be as follows for Kutz: AM Students 10:50 AM – 12:35 PM and PM Students 1:45 PM – 3:30 PM
Student Directory 2023-2024
The student directory for the 2023-2024 school year is on the Kutz website. Directions for how to find it on the website are included below. The directory is a password protected document. The password was sent to all families on 10/3. Click here to access the directory.
Directions for how to find the directory on the website:
1. Go to www.cbsd.org/kutz.
2. Hover over "Parents/Students".
3. Click "Parent Resources".
4. On the left hand side, click "Student Directory 2023-2024" (at the bottom of the menu).
5. Enter the password listed above.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our office staff.
Kutz Student/Parent Handbook
Click here for the Kutz Parent and Student Handbook for the 2023-2024 school year. This handbook provides a comprehensive summary of school and district policies and programs for students and their families. We hope you will find this to be a valuable resource.
Reminder for Volunteer Clearances
Please click here (https://www.cbsd.org/volunteers) to learn more about the process and requirements to volunteer in CBSD. App Garden Volunteer Tracker (https://appgarden5.app-garden.com/VolTrackPA92102.nsf/VolApp.xsp) is a contactless application and paperwork submission process. Sign-up is required for both new and returning volunteers.
Clearances expire five years after approval, so please check your CBSD Volunteer card to make sure yours are still current.
Clearances are required for parents chaperoning field trips, volunteering for classroom parties, and supporting other classroom and school events.
Thank you for supporting our staff and students by volunteering your time!
Food Service Information
Want to view our lunch menu? Need to add funds to your child's account? Looking for nutrition information? Need to apply for free and reduced breakfast/lunch? Click here to learn more about Food Services in Central Bucks.
Child Care Program
Looking for more information on our Before and After School Programs? Click here to learn how to register your child.
About Kutz
Kutz Character Traits: Perseverance, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility
Email: cadelberger@cbsd.org
Website: www.cbsd.org/kutz
Location: Kutz Elementary School, Turk Road, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-3900
Twitter: @CBKutzElem