March 7, 2025
Certificated Spotlight:
Ashley Crawford,
K-12 Science Specialist/TOSA
“Scientists! Scientists!” begins Science Teacher On Special Assignment (TOSA) Ashley Crawford, demonstrating a biology lesson to a class of third graders at Jefferson Elementary School. “Today, in the name of science, we are going to do some investigating. Are you ready?”
She then guides a discussion with the students about adaptation, nutrients, photosynthesis, and the water, soil, fertilizer, and light that plants need to survive and thrive. Next begins the investigation. “We will start studying your plants. Each group will take one thing away from their plants. Group One, your plant will have no water; Group Two, no soil; Group Three, no fertilizer; Group Four, no light. And Group Five, you can add an element of your choice – Do you want to try rainbow lights? Energy drink? Let's observe what the plants look like when I come back in two weeks.”
When Mrs. Crawford returns in two weeks she will invite the students to describe their plants in a scientific discourse. “I observed…” “My data showed…” And then the students will formulate new questions.
Carlsbad Unified is proud of its talented and dedicated teachers, who inspire students in classrooms across the district every day. Supporting our teachers is our team of experts – the Teachers On Special Assignment. We have Ashley Crawford, K-12 Science Specialist/TOSA; Kimberly Guillen, Elementary Instructional Specialist/TOSA; Mary Martin, Secondary Instructional Specialist/TOSA; John Moreno, K-12 Math Specialist/TOSA; Callie Fleury, Technology TOSA; Rob Brown, ELD TOSA; Nicole Moersch Career Education Specialist; and Diana Salazar-Garcia, Early Childhood Education Specialist/TOSA.
These professionals are charged with providing real time support to classroom teachers in the latest curriculum and instructional practices. Today they might be gathering and delivering resources and materials to classrooms, guiding the development of curriculum and lesson plans, offering classroom demonstrations, or organizing professional development days. Or they may be sharing data and information about mandated testing programs. But, most importantly, the TOSAs work is to build communities of learning and engagement among teachers, creating a forum for teachers to share favorite lesson plans and fun projects, and to solve problems.
Science TOSA Ashley Crawford is Carlsbad Unified through and through. She has worked in the district for 15 years, teaching at Aviara Oaks Middle School (AOMS) for twelve years, then serving as the Career Technical Education TOSA for one year before becoming the Science TOSA two years ago. She is a product of CUSD schools, having attended Hope Elementary, AOMS, and Carlsbad High School. She studied Education at California State University San Marcos, where she worked as a student teacher at AOMS. She then went on to earn her masters in STEM education, where she found her passion – engaging students in science.
And there is more. Both of Mrs. Crawford’s parents were teachers in Carlsbad Unified. Her dad taught elementary school for 32 years. And Mrs. Crawford’s two children attend Aviara Oaks Elementary School.
Currently, Mrs. Crawford is working with high school science teachers to create new inquiry-based, engaging curricula for physics, chemistry, and biology. They are using an Open Educational Resources (OER) product, OpenSciEd, to craft curriculum that is aligned with the Next Generation Science standards. OER offers high-quality, free, and publicly available resources and materials that teachers can adapt for use in their instructional programs.
Mrs. Crawford also works with the elementary teachers, who are in year two of implementing their new science curriculum. Mrs. Crawford teaches model lessons, showcases best practices, and oversees science days at the elementary and middle schools. She is the “cart lady,” delivering all of the bowls, strings, and materials that hands-on learning requires.
“I try to bring the sparkle to science, so kids can see how exciting it is,” says Mrs. Crawford. “It's about students facilitating their own learning – their ‘wonder’ – taking ownership, and asking questions. Could we survive on Mars? What causes lightning? How are genetics related to cancer? We are teaching students to think for themselves, and learn scientific discourse. We are developing critical thinkers and collaborators.”
“I strive to be our Science teachers’ biggest cheerleader.” said Mrs. Crawford. “I like to attend department meetings when possible, to be there with teachers, and to make sure they have the materials they need. And to bring snacks.”
“Teachers have such a challenging job,” says Director of Secondary Education Bryan Brockett. “Mrs. Crawford, and all of our TOSAs, are teachers first. They bring teachers together to learn from one another, build on their expertise and knowledge, and support one another in the classroom.”
CUSD Stories - #proudtobeCUSD Video of the Week!
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Carlsbad Unified School District
Location: 6225 El Camino Real, Carlsbad, CA, USA
Phone: 760-331-5000