PO Box 5722, Austin, TX 78763-5722

* * JUNE E-Newsletter * *
Neighborhood Meeting
Monday, Jun 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
Howson Branch, Austin Public Library, Exposition Boulevard, Austin, TX, USA
RSVPs are enabled for this event.
Notice: Our June Meeting will be a joint meeting of the WANG Board and Central West Austin Neighborhood Plan Contact Team to discuss a Neighborhood Plan Amendment and Rezoning Case for 2614 Exposition Blvd:
NPA-2024-0027.01: To change the future land use map (FLUM) from Single Family to Mixed Use/Office land use.
C14-2024-0051: To change the zoning from SF-3-NP (Family Residence district-Neighbohood Plan) to GO-MU-NP (General Office district - Mixed Use combining district-Neighborhood Plan) for private school and religious assembly/church.
President's Message
by Holly Reed and Mary Arnold
1924 - 2024
This year the Lions Municipal Golf Course (MUNY) is 100 years old! Events are happening throughout the year to honor this historic public golf course in the heart of Austin. As the first public course to desegregate in the South (1950) MUNY is a nationally recognized Civil Rights Landmark. Yet despite its incredible history, essential open green space with hundreds of heritage trees, wildlife refuge and water recharge zone, needed now more than ever in this growing City, MUNY is still in danger of being closed and paved over as a luxury mixed use development. We must not let this happen!
Please join WANG in celebrating MUNY’S CENTENNIAL by supporting the effort to SAVE MUNY. Visit www.savemuny.com for information on how you can help!
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 3rd, 2024 for MUNY’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION sponsored by the Founder Lions Club of Austin and the Muny Conservancy. Parade, Proclamations, Music, Golf Tournament and MORE!
WANG Board Member Mary Arnold has been working to SAVE MUNY for 50 years and has written this wonderful summary of how MUNY began.
IT’S JANUARY 1, 1924!
Calvin Coolidge is President of the United States. Pat Neff is Governor of Texas. William D. Yett is Mayor of Austin Texas.
Members of the University of Texas Board of Regents include Regents Stark (Chairman,) Caldweil, Cochran, 0'Hair, Royall, R. G. Storey of Tyler succeeding Marshall Hicks, (resigned,) Wooten, and Wroe. William S. Sutton is Interim President of the University of Texas at Austin.
The local newspaper reported that the New Year’s celebrations in Austin were certainly
not as loud and noisy as usual! The Society section reported many members and guests celebrating at the Austin Country Club.
And the Lions Club members in Austin were looking forward to continuing their efforts to
initiate and support projects that would benefit the citizens of Austin. One of the projects that the Lions Club helped with in 1923-1924 was raising funds for the University of Texas to build the Texas Memorial Stadium. Teams of Lions Club members were formed, and each team solicited funds.
Another group of Lions Club members had been working on a project to find land in Austin
suitable for creating a Municipal Golf Course for the City of Austin. At this time, there was only one golf course in Austin and it was a private club….NOT open to the public, called the Austin Country Club.
The Lions Club had examined several potential areas, but had decided to ask for land that was part of the Brackenridge Tract, belonging to the University of Texas.
The Lions Club group approached the UT Board of Regents at their April 15, 1924 meeting.
The UT Board of Regents Minutes for that meeting report the following:
A committee from the Lions Club of Austin, Mssrs. A.W. Griffith, Johnnie Tobin, and Frank Rowe, came before the Board with a proposition to lease a portion of the Brackenridge Tract
for the purpose of constructing a municipal golf links. After discussion, the Board, on motion of Mr. Jones, voted in favor of the lease, subject to the approval of the Attorney General, for a
consideration of sixty dollars per year (which is an increase over present income) and the beautifying of the grounds and upkeep of the fences, with the understanding that the trees are not to be cut, only underbrush cleared off, and no concessions allowed on the grounds.
The Chairman of the Board was empowered to execute the lease.”
At the May 28, 1924, meeting of the UT Board of Regents, the Minutes report the following:
“MUNICIPAL GOLF LINKS - On the motion of Dr. Wooten, seconded by Dr. Storey, the
Board authorizes the Chairman of the Board to sign the lease contract with the Lions
Club of Austin for a municipal golf links on the Brackenridge Tract after carefully examining
the contract and finding it satisfactory.”
Neighborhood Announcements:
a) Please Register for the Blood Drive Sunday June 9th!
b) Tarrytown 4th of July Parade!
It's almost that time of year again! Save the date and register today for the
Tarrytown 4th of July Parade and Party!
New this year: Don't miss the Party (immediately following the parade) at Reed Neighborhood Park. The party will feature free activities, food, games, music, and refreshments for the whole family!
c) Reed Park Needs Your Help!
Friends of Reed Park is making a major push to spread news about the Watershed Protection Department's proposed plan to permanently change Reed Park!
You may have heard about this plan over the last year, however our group recently had the chance to dig into the detailed designs of the plan. We've analyzed their plan technically and had calls with the folks at Watershed to learn more. Most recently we re-visited a similar Watershed project that is farther along at Battle Bend Park in South Austin, as we were told it is most comparable to what they envision for Reed Park.
Our conclusion after investigating the Watershed Plan closely: WE ARE ADAMANT THAT IT IS NOT A GOOD THING FOR REED PARK!
The Watershed Plan will drastically change the use and character of Reed Park forever. We are firmly of the opinion that the City can and should find a better way to meet their goals than by drastically changing a significant portion of Reed Park. The Plan is still in its design phase and we are hopeful that if the Watershed Department faces significant neighborhood opposition, it can be stopped!
- Watch our 3-minute video to learn more about the Watershed Plan and why we oppose it.
- Sign our petition.
- Email the people in charge: Mayor Watson, Council Member Alison Alter, and at Parks & Rec and the Watershed Protection Department.
- **Find suggested email and email addresses on our website **
- Spread the word - please forward this email to your networks in Austin! We need everyone who loves and cares about Reed Park to know about this.
- Visit Friends of Reed Park and SUBSCRIBE HERE so you can stay up to date on the proposed Watershed plan and all things Reed Park. Follow us on Instagram for daily updates, as well.
Keep informed and Follow "Friends of Reed Park" on Instagram
Let those in charge know how you feel about Reed Park
@ the Mayor’s office:
Alexis Garcia, Parks and Open Spaces advisor to Mayor Kirk Watson: https://www.austintexas.gov/email/alexisgarcia
@ the City Council:
District 10 Council Member Alison Alter:
@ the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department:
@ the Watershed Protection Department of the City of Austin:
d) Neighborhood Swimming Pool Schedules
Our Neighborhood Pools are open! Please click on the links to see schedules.
Deep Eddy 401 Deep Eddy Ave.
Reed Pool 2614 Pecos St.
Westenfield Pool 2000 Enfield Road
West Austin Pool 1317 West 10th St.
e) Ride the ZILKER SHUTTLE this summer!
May 2024 Meeting Minutes
· Call to Order by Holly Reed at 6:06 pm.
Present: Holly Reed, Cathy Kyle, Blake Tollett, Joe Bennett, Joyce Basciano, Mary Arnold, David Bolduc, Sarah Hawthorne Cain
Absent: Mike Cannatti, George Edwards, Craig Lill, Heidi Gibbons
· Minutes from April 2024 meeting were approved unanimously.
· Neighbor Communications/Announcements
· Reed Park update: City’s plan would change the playfield to a detention pond. WANG agreed to support the Friends of Reed Park’s proposals for alternate WPD project. Plans for the WPD project and a petition to oppose the plan are available here: https://www.change.org/p/stop-the-proposed-watershed-plan-at-reed-park
· Casis Shopping Center has come under new ownership leading to some rumored changes. No plans have been confirmed, but we will continue to watch.
· Ashika Ganguly is running for City Council D10 spot after CM Alter’s term expires. Ashika came to the meeting to introduce herself to the Board and neighbors.
· Land Matters
- · H.O.M.E. Phase 2, Compatibility Changes, ETOD, went before Planning Commission on 4/23 and 4/30. President Reed invited the neighbors attending the Board meeting to give their thoughts about the H.O.M.E. ordinance, asking whether they supported the ordinance. They uniformly oppose it. The proposed ordinance calls for a minimum lot size of 1500-2000 sq ft, and could build house on each lot zoned SF 1, 2, or 3. Setbacks would also have to be reduced –0-5’ for side setback and zero front setback are being discussed. The neighbors expressed a significant concern for loss of green space and loss of trees. HOME will also stress the city’s existing infrastructure.
- § WANG has recommended that the ordinance include a “small lot” category to allow builders to apply for a development with greater density. President Reed circulated a letter sent to the Planning Commission by WANG on 4/22/24 expressing concerns about the proposed ordinance.
- · 2614 Exposition - Rawson Saunders Re-zoning and Neighborhood Plan Amendment—the applicant seeks to change the zoning from SF-3-NP to GO-MU-NP (general office/mixed use) and would increase the building footprint from 17K sq ft to 70K sq ft. Initially, the church and Rawson-Saunders said that they were staying, but now that’s in dispute based on the rezoning application. Blake Tollett described an alternative process to rezoning using variance to SF-3 for more building entitlements. Schools and churches are allowed uses for SF zoning category. The proposed rezoning would give more entitlements to the owner and will increase the value of the properties. We would hope for greater transparency; no one has been provided any site plans or drawings.
- The neighbors have received notice from Thrower Design of a zoom meeting with the developers on 5/21. The developer/applicant has not contacted WANG.
· Newsletter/E-Newsletter/Website
· Spring Newsletter, E-Newsletter – Mary Arnold will write an article about Muny’s Centennial Celebration. The deadline for submission is 5/8/24.
· ANC Report
· Representatives from the Austin Transit Partnership came to ANC’s 4/24/24 meeting. They gave a presentation on the current status of the Austin Light Rail Implementation Plan. It was reported that the planning is ongoing, but nonetheless, they are moving full steam ahead in applying for a Federal grant. Also, a full analysis of the plan’s impact under Title VI (1964 Civil Rights Act) is underway.
· Cara Bertron with the City’s Planning Dept. Preservation Office is working on Equity Based Preservation Plan with a group of 26 residents from 19 different zip codes, representing a diverse group. This is an initiative of the Historic Landmark Commission. The plan is at www.publicinput.com/ATXpresplan and the digital toolkit is at www.bit.ly/austinpresplan.
- · ANC adopted a resolution regarding the HOME ordinance.
- · Barbara McArthur gave an in-depth update on HOME Phase 2, Compatability and ETODs.
· Treasurer’s Report
- o Frost Business Checking $ $9268.71
- o Business Savings $ $1228.00
- o 4thof July Tarrytown Parade $ 515.00
· Items from Board Members
· Important Upcoming Dates:
- o 5/10 -- Forever Green Tournament benefiting Muny Conservancy.
- o 5/9 -- 19th Hole Party at Charles Johnson House (American Legion House)
· New Business – Next meeting is June 10, 2024, at Howson Library.
· Adjourn meeting at 7:45 pm.
NEWS from District 10
Latest District 10 Newsletter
Dear Neighbors, Thank you to the hundreds of people who participated in over 14+ hours of testimony for and against proposed changes to our land development code last week. One speaker, a renter, said they agree we need to make improvements, but they are against making updates that lack nuance or equity; changes that are rushed through just so we can say that we’ve done “something.” I agree. I want to be clear: our code does need to be updated. My position is not “no change”; I championed and supported efforts that were unanimously adopted in the past which reduced compatibility on transit corridors and allowed residential uses in commercial zones. I am for responsible change that strengthens our community, not change that makes our community less safe. Last week, I assessed each proposed item carefully, supporting some and opposing others. I voted against Phase II of the so-called “HOME” II zoning initiative as well as the gutting of our compatibility requirements. While I agree that we must do more to provide safe and affordable housing options, these specific ordinance changes were rushed and not fully vetted before adoption. As adopted, HOME II reduces the minimum lot size from 5750 square feet to 1800 square feet, encourages flag lots, and alters setbacks. The measures passed by Council also gutted our compatibility rules, the buffer zones between single family homes and structures of considerable height and disparate uses. I believe our zoning code should be guided by Imagine Austin, our city’s comprehensive plan, which laid out how we should strategically plan growth on our corridors and around activity centers. I supported the approach taken in our Equitable Transit Oriented Development (ETOD) ordinance, because it targets growth around infrastructure investments that can enhance our environmental goals, while also requiring affordability as part of the new developments. The ETOD ordinance isn’t perfect, but it is based on planning and strives to balance the complexity of our housing, transit, and environmental goals. By contrast, in my view the so-called HOME I & II and compatibility changes place too much faith in the free market to benevolently deliver affordability and environmental protection. I have significant concerns that the so-called HOME changes will have detrimental impacts on neighborhoods through increased impervious cover related flooding, wildfire evacuation and safety challenges, and the continued proliferation of commercial short-term rentals. Additionally, the widespread gutting of our compatibility requirements should have been calibrated to require developers to provide community benefits in exchange for increasing their profit margins. At multiple junctures during our deliberations, I heard that folks believed we needed to take a holistic approach, but clearly that’s not what we are doing; we are moving forward with granting entitlements without adequately solving multiple challenges to health and safety like flooding, wildfire, and displacement. I think we only need to look back at history to know that the deck remains stacked against the everyday person. Those standing to benefit the most will be speculators and the corporate developers who have the expertise and financial wherewithal to take advantage of all the new development rights we are granting - before we have a chance to fix any of the problems or inequities that various amendments clearly demonstrate remain unresolved. As my constituents, you know me. You know my record, you know I do my homework. You know that I’ve been relentless in trying to protect our community from wildfire, and to hold developers to high standards. In my assessment, the HOME ordinance is deeply flawed and the compatibility changes go too far. I respect and appreciate that a supermajority of my colleagues and I have differing views on this issue. I know we share similar goals and values, but we do disagree on the best way forward for Austin. On Friday we also voted to create an electric vehicle (EV) charging use within appropriate zoning areas and locations. This is an amendment I initiated last year to help create the infrastructure we need if we want to accelerate the adoption of electric vehicles needed to meet our climate goals. Learn more here. In closing, please remember that other code amendments are in progress and will be voted on in the next few months, including changes to the site plan review process. You may review the comprehensive list of the timeline for other pending code changes and engagement opportunities here: https://speakupaustin.org/ldcupdates. Below, please also find details for an upcoming open house in District 10, where Austin Water will share information on proposed rate changes. I’ll share more announcements in my full-length June newsletter, which will come out next week. Regards,
Alison Alter Council Member, District 10
Save MUNY Update
This year Lions Municipal Golf Course is 100 years old! Events are happening throughout the year to honor this historic public golf course in the heart of Austin. As the first public course to integrate in the south, Muny is a nationally recognized Civil Rights Landmark. Despite its incredible history, essential open green space with hundreds of heritage trees, water recharge zone and wildlife refuge, needed now more than ever in this growing City, MUNY is still in danger of being closed and paved over as a luxury mixed use development. We must not let this happen!
Please join WANG in celebrating MUNY’S CENTENNIAL by supporting the effort to SAVE MUNY. Visit www.savemuny.com for information on how you can help!
Let’s all work together to Save Muny for many generations to come.
SAVE THE DATE: OCTOBER 3rd 2024 MUNY’S CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION sponsored by the Founder Lions Club of Austin and the Muny Conservancy.
Parade, Proclamations, Music, Golf Tournament and MORE!
Stay tuned for more information and photos from the 19th Hole Party and Forever Green Tournament 2024!
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension
by Wizzie Brown
Genista Caterpillars
Spring seems to have arrived in Central Texas and my mountain laurels are putting on blooms. If you’re like me and enjoy going in for a good sniff of those grape candy smelling flowers, while you’re there take a look around for caterpillars that may be munching on foliage. Genista caterpillars can be quite common on mountain laurel but may also be found on crape myrtle and honeysuckle.
Normally genista caterpillars do not cause significant damage to trees, so no management is required. If you feel management is needed because of a large population, it can be rather simple. If plant size allows, caterpillars can be hand-picked and either smashed or dropped in a bucket of soapy water. Other options may include insecticidal soap, horticultural oils, botanicals, spinosad, or Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki, also known as Bt. Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki specifically targets caterpillars but does not distinguish between “good” and “bad” caterpillars, so be careful where you apply it and be aware of drift that may occur. When using spinosad or Bt, good coverage of plant foliage is essential since the caterpillars need to consume a lethal dose. When using any pesticide product, be sure to read and follow all label instructions.
Tell your Friends and Neighbors to sign up for our Newsletter! It's free!!
Send an email to
WANG Board of Directors & Committee Members
Organized 1973......"To preserve our neighborhood and protect it from deterioration"
- President: Holly Reed President@westaustinng.com
- Secretary: Cathy Kyle Secretary@westaustinng.com
- Assistant Secretary: Blake Tollett AsstSecretary@westaustinng.com
- Treasurer: George Edwards Treasurer@westaustinng.com
- Past President: Cathy Kyle PastPresident@westaustinng.com
All Current Members (click on name to send email)
- Holly Reed ............................member since 2015 (President)
- Cathy Kyle ............................member since 2010 (Secretary)
- Blake Tollett .........................member since 1994 (Asst Secretary)
- George Edwards ..................member since 2004 (Treasurer)
- Mary Arnold .........................member since 2006 (Muny Tract)
- Michael Cannatti .................member since 1999 (CWANPCT)
- Joseph M Bennett ...............member since 2001 (Membership/E-Newsletter)
- Craig Lill ...............................member since 2017
- Joyce Basciano ...................member since 1999
- Sarah Hawthorne Cain.........member since 2020 (Advertising)
- Heidi Gibbons.......................member since 2020 (ANC Liason)
- David Bolduc ........................member since 2023
- Open board seat
- Open board seat
- Open board seat
Honorary Committee Members
- Honorary Kirk Watson
- Honorary Alison Alter
City Council Representatives
Contact your City Council Representatives:
(click on name to send email)
· Mayor: Kirk.Watson@austintexas.gov 512-978-2100
· District 1: Natasha.Madison@austintexas.gov 512-978-2101
· District 2: Vaness.Fuentes@austintexas.gov 512-978-2102
· District 3: Jose.Velasquez@austintexas.gov 512-978-2103
· District 4: Jose.Vela@austintexas.gov 512-978-2104
· District 5: Ryan.Alter@austintexas.gov 512-978-2105
· District 6: Mackenzie.Kelly@austintexas.gov 512-978-2106
· District 7: Leslie.Pool@austintexas.gov 512-978-2107
· District 8: Paige.Ellis@austintexas.gov 512-978-2108
· District 9: Zohaib.Qadri@austintexas.gov 512-978-2109
· District 10: Alison.Alter@austintexas.gov 512-978-2110
Email All of the Council: Entire Council and Mayor
Click on the link City Stage photo above
(Austin Center for Events)
for more info of everything happening around Austin !!!!
events are linked to more info on each
"Photos around the Neighborhood"
The Deep Eddy area neighbors had a potluck "Block Party" in April. They had a great turnout of about 35-40 Neighbors, many of which have lived in the neighborhood 30 to 50 plus years. They were also able to celebrate long time resident, Jeff Sikora's 78th Birthday!
SEND US YOUR PHOTOS ! to include in our "Around the Neighborhood"
Send Photos with description to Newsletter@westaustinng.com
Emergency & Neighborhood Numbers:
Emergency Numbers:
Ambulance (EMS) .............................911
Police Dept.......................512-975-5000
Casis Elementary School.............512-414-2062
Austin High School.......................512-414-2505
O.Henry Middle School...............512-414-3229
Texas Gas Service.............................1-800-700-2443
Grande Communications...................512-220-4600
AT&T (new service)...........................1-800-464-7928
Time Warner Cable (Cust. Svc)...........512-485-5555
Austin/Travis Hazardous Waste.........512-974-4343