Susie Dasher Elementary School
Week of January 8th
Level Up with PRIDE - Week
Greetings, STEAM Family!
On behalf of the dedicated, experienced staff and enthusiastic scholars of SDE, we are excited about the start of our spring semester for the 2023-2024 school year! As the demands and complexities of teaching children increase, it becomes more evident that we ALL – the school and the community – must work TOGETHER in an extended family environment to ensure high achievement and success for all of our students. We believe that it is everyone’s personal responsibility to empower and prepare our students to be effective communicators, problem solvers, and lifelong learners.
With this in mind, we invite you to become an active participant at SDE! In DCS, we believe early and ongoing engagement by family and community is critical to success; therefore, it is our desire to keep you informed of all events, policies, and standard operating procedures associated with our school. Please be sure to take a moment to familiarize yourselves with policies and standard operating procedures which sent home frequently and will strictly be followed in order to ensure student and staff safety and well-being throughout the remainder of this school year.
This week as we continue to “Level Up with PRIDE”, we invite all parents & guardians to attend our 2nd Academic Parent-Teacher Team (APTT) Meeting on Tuesday, January 9th from
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm. It is extremely important that parent/guardians make every effort to attend this meeting because 2nd Nine Weeks Report Cards will be distributed, and teachers will conduct mini “status checks” to discuss your child’s current academic standing. Special incentives will be provided for all students who have a parent/guardian to attend! Check out the details on the flyer below. Also, as a gentle reminder, our PRIDE Afterschool Program resumes this week.
In the meantime, stay tuned for another week full of PRIDE at SDE!
WHO ARE WE???...
Academic Parent-Teacher Team Meeting #2
ATTENDANCE MATTERS - Parents, please make sure your child maintains regular attendance and arrives to school in a timely manner. Students are tardy at 8:15 am. Five (5) tardies and/or early dismissals count as one (1) unexcused absence. Student attendance will be a part of criteria used to determine eligibility for school-wide celebrations. Remember, every minute really counts!
- Weekly grade level newsletters will be sent home each Monday, so please check your child's folder and/or book bag.
- The dress code will be enforced DAILY at SDE! Any "Dress Down" days will be communicated in advance. Repeated dress code violations will result in students becoming ineligible to participate in school-wide and/or classroom PRIDE celebrations and events! Please make sure your child adheres to the required dress code. Remember, the P in PRIDE stands for "Personal Responsibility".
- The PRIDE Afterschool Remediation/Enrichment Program takes place on Mondays - Wednesdays from 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm. Snacks and transportation will be provided. For more information regarding the after school program waiting list, please contact the school at (478) 353-8250.
Student Handbook 2023-2024
January 8th - 12th: DCS Benchmark Administration (Grades K-2)
January 8th: PRIDE Afterschool Program Resumes
January 9th: Continuous Improvement Team Meeting (6:30 am)
January 9th: Academic Parent-Teacher Team Meeting #2 (APTT); 2nd 9 Weeks Report Cards
January 10th: Schoolwide Spelling Bee FINALS (3rd & 4th Grade)
January 13th: 28th Annual MLK, Jr. Parade (Downtown Dublin) - 12:00 pm
January 15th: MLK Jr. Holiday (NO SCHOOL)
January 18th: Superintendent's Advisory Council Meetings
January 19th: 2nd Nine Weeks PBIS PRIDE Celebration /100th Day of School Celebration
January 19th: PRIDE Cafe' #2
January 22nd- 26th: R4L "Snowballs & Hot Chocolate" Fundraiser
January 22nd: Winter Continuous Improvement Plan Review (8:30 am)
January 23rd: HGRESA Writing Contest 3rd/4th
January 24th: Central SE GA Regional LSGT Meeting @ DHS Auditorium (Time: TBD)
January 26th: DCS District Spelling Bee (DHS Auditorium - 9:00 am)
January 30th: DCS Elementary Science Fair (Time/Location: TBD)
Dublin, Georgia 31021
(478) 353-8250