Big Bend Elementary Newsletter
November 2024
Fax: 262.662.1309
Office Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
School Hours: 8:30-3:35 M-F
From Your Principal
Families of BBES,
Thank you for a fantastic October! The students have been getting back into the groove of school and working so hard. Conferences were a success with close to 100 percent of families joining us. The PTO Halloween party was packed with families and everyone was having a great time. This last month the Rotary Club recognized Tyson Dragolovich for all of her hard work here at Big Bend. Patty Menden was also recognized for her work with our district's Vision Keeper Award. As always, thank you for your work with us as a community and making Big Bend a better place.
Greg Burton, Principal
Big Bend Elementary
Important information
Revised Plan to Replace Park View Middle School on November 5 Ballot
On November 5, a referendum for a mix of new construction and renovation of the 1993 section of Park View Middle School will appear on the ballot. The new plan would create 210,000 square feet of new construction and renovate 32,400 square feet of space. In total, 87% of the facility would be new construction.
The plan would create space to serve 1,200 6th-8th grade students, classrooms and labs for science, technology, engineering, and math courses, a flexible space for student performances, and a gymnasium and fitness area for students and community use.
The tax impact of the plan is $24 for every $100,000 of property value. This is a reduced impact from the April referendum question due to borrowing $13.2 million less, a downward trend in interest rates for public bonds/loans, and prepaying referendum debt for Mukwonago High School, putting the district on pace to have it paid off seven years ahead of schedule.
Click here to learn more about the district’s proposal, including conceptual renderings of classroom space and more. Or, click here to learn about how to vote in the November election, including how to vote early or the location of your polling place. And don’t forget to turn over your ballot when you vote as the PVMS referendum question could be on the back!
Turn Back Your Clocks Sunday, Nov. 3rd
Sleep in, but don't be late for School on Monday! This is a good time to change your batteries in your fire alarms too.
Cold Weather Clothing Rules
The following rules are in place to help keep students safe:
1. Any day it is below 50º students are required to wear a jacket/coat.
2. Any day it is below 35º students are required to wear a coat, hat, and mittens.
4. No student will be allowed off of the blacktop if they do not have boots and snow pants when there is snow.
Get Spirit Wear Before Winter Break!
Scan the QR code or click on the picture to view the store.
* If you are purchasing something as a gift and would like to pick it up in the office instead of it coming home with the student, please email Zimmeni@masd.k12.wi.us or contact the office to arrange pick up.
Grandparent/VIP Lunch Week
November 11th-15th
Your child would like to have lunch with their grandparents or “very important people” in their lives!
Click here or scan the QR code to make your reservation
Here’s the Scoop:
*All guests must complete the reservation form online prior to grandparent lunch week. Guests will check-in at the lobby based on this reservation list compiled from the completed form..
*If you do not complete the reservation form, there will be a delay, as you will have to check in through the main office.
*Each guest needs to bring their own lunch (refreshments are provided).
*Due to capacity concerns, each student may have no more than 2 guests. (We will hold a parent lunch in the spring to provide opportunities for other guests).
*Please try to attend on the designated day for your child’s grade level; however, if you have a scheduling conflict, you may come another day if needed.
*Siblings will not be pulled from class to join each other for lunch, please make arrangements to visit for multiple lunch periods or on multiple days if you have more than 1 student.
**The Scholastic Book Fair will be held during grandparent lunch week! Guests and the student are encouraged to visit the bookfair. Shopping the bookfair for most grades, will be right after they are done eating.
Scholastic Book Fair
Dear Families,
Get ready—the Scholastic Book Fair is coming to our school! This is a great opportunity to connect with your child over the thrill of bringing home new books to dive into again and again. Studies show that kids read more when they choose books for themselves. And fostering a love of independent reading leads to a wide variety of benefits—including academic success and improved mental health. Here’s everything you need to know about the Book Fair:
Dates: November 11th - 15th
Location: Big Bend Elementary Library
Family Event schedule and location: During Grandparent/VIP Lunch Week
There’s even more info on our school’s Book Fair Homepage:
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family can add funds. When you fund an eWallet, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called Share the Fair™. Your contributions directly support our students who need help buying books from the Fair. Many of us still remember the rush of finding the perfect book at a Scholastic Book Fair. I hope you’ll join your child at our school’s Fair and share a reading experience they’ll remember forever.
Happy reading,
Mr Burton
PS: Need one more reason to visit the Book Fair? Every purchase at the Fair benefits our school!
Nov. 3rd -Turn back clocks one hour - Sleep in
Nov. 5th - No School - Election Day
Nov. 11-15th - Grandparent/VIP Lunch and Bookfair
Nov. 14th - PTO meeting 6:30pm
Nov. 21st - Elegant Farmer Pie order Pick up 3:30pm-6:00pm
Nov. 27th - 29th - No School - Thanksgiving Break
PBIS Corner
PBIS is an approach in the school to promote safety and positive behavior. The focus is prevention, not punishment through teaching behavior expectations. All students are taught to follow our 3 behavior expectations:
Be Respectful
Be Responsible
Be Safe
October’s theme was: Be a Buddy, Not a Bully! Throughout the month, students earn Bulldog Bucks for demonstrating our monthly theme and our 3 behavior expectations. They can earn prizes throughout the month when names are pulled out of our raffle drum. We pull names from the drum every Friday. At the end of each month, more names are pulled at our PBIS assembly and our Top Dogs are recognized.. Top Dogs are selected from each homeroom teacher and each specialist teacher. These students are recognized for going above and beyond demonstrating each month’s theme.
This month’s theme is giving! Giving can be shown in a lot of ways, not just by buying things. What a wonderful month to focus on giving and being grateful. A gratitude giving tree will be displayed in the cafeteria starting November 1st. Students will be able to write something they are thankful for, appreciate, or write some words about someone on a leaf. These leaves will then be put on the branches for all to read and enjoy.
The PBIS committee met at the end of October to review our Think Sheets. Think Sheets are given to students after a behavior is repeatedly not following our school rules of being respectful, responsible or safe. Think Sheets encourage students to take responsibility for their actions and consider how their behavior impacts others. This is used as a tool for student reflection. Depending upon the grade, students may fill out a Think Sheet with their teacher or on their own. After a student completes the reflection, then a restorative conversation is had between the student and teacher. Copies will be sent home or via email.
Big Bend Crafters
Happy Halloween from Ms. LeMaster, Mrs Teeters and the Big Bend Crafters. We hope your day and evening is spook tacular.
We have a few seats left for Christmas crafting, sign up at Mukwonago Community Education.
MHS Presents Les Misérables
It is musical time at Mukwonago High School and over 100+ of our students are involved in this Fall's epic production of one of the longest running musicals on Broadway "Les Miserables". Seeing you in the audience supporting the production will mean so much to the cast, crew and pit. They wish to share this memorable achievement with you!
Be sure to get your tickets as soon as possible, as they are quickly selling. See below for ticket info, cast list, story and content warning
Click for entire cast/crew/orchestra pit list
All Casts will remain the same for each show except the following leads:
BLUE CAST: November 7th and 9th: Ava Pasierb as Fantine, Adele Bartlein as Cosette,Katie Lesczcynski as Eponine, Rayna Jellish as Madame Thenardier
GOLD CAST: November 8th and 10th: Lily Grochowski as Fantine, Harper Lawrence as Cosette, Cheyenne Youngblood as Eponine, Anastasia Gountis as Madame Thenardier
Story of "Les Misérables: Set in 19th-century France, Les Misérables follows the journey of ex-convict Jean Valjean, who is determined to leave his criminal past behind and build a new life. After breaking parole, he is relentlessly pursued by Inspector Javert. Along the way, Valjean crosses paths with a cast of unforgettable characters, including the destitute Fantine and her daughter Cosette, as well as the idealistic Marius and the courageous street urchin Gavroche. Against the backdrop of a nation on the brink of revolution, the story weaves themes of redemption, love, sacrifice, and the fight for justice.
Content Warning: This production contains the use of strobe lighting, fog, haze, and prop weapon effects, which may be disruptive for some audience members. Additionally, the performance explores sensitive themes, including abuse, suicide, death, warfare, and harm to children. Viewer discretion is advised, as these elements may be disturbing for certain individuals. Please consider these factors before attending, and thank you for supporting our students and this production.
PTO Happenings
*PTO MEETING- NOVEMBER 14th @ 6:30 PM- We encourage everyone to attend our monthly meetings. All are welcome! Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month in the library. You can also attend virtually using the zoom link below! GRANDPARENTS/VIP LUNCH & BOOK FAIR-
*NOVEMBER 11th-15th- Be sure to send in your RSVP for your child’s guest this week. Book fair will be open from 10:30-1:30 each day. Click on the link below to help during this busy week!! ELEGANT
*GIFT BAGS NEEDED- Our holiday shoppe is collecting any neutral gift bags for our December event. We are not asking you to purchase new. Looking for any used gift bags you have collected and are willing to share. Please send them to the office. Thank you to everyone that attended our annual Halloween Party!! FUN was had by all!!
Thank you to everyone that volunteered to help the night of the party and those that donated candy and soda. We appreciate you!! Our fundraiser wrap up assembly will be happening this month. The kids are very excited to see Mr. Burton be turned into a taco salad. We will also announce our second Apple Watch winner, classroom prize winners and individual prize winners. Who will be this year’s principal for the day?!?
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED for our upcoming events. Please sign up if you can help. THANKS!! GRANDPARENTS/VIP LUNCH & BOOK FAIR:
HOLIDAY SHOPPE: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EA5AB2DABFB6-holiday1
SPRING DANCE BASKET RAFFLE CLASSROOM COORDINATOR: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0E4EA5AB2DABFB6-51865382-spring
What’s Coming Up…
HOLIDAY SHOPPE- 12/12 & 12/13 PTO MEETING ZOOM LINK https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87433901291?pwd=KC1W5xCQFpn3jgSbV54aX1sah5ceIt.1
PASSCODE- 970099 LIKE us on Facebook: Big Bend PTO ~ JOIN our Instagram @BIGBENDPTO