Blue Hills News
May 9, 2023

Dear Blue Hills Families
As we are just a month from the end of the school year, it is crucial that students are keeping up on their grades and attendance. Summer school will be required for students who exceed the attendance limit set by the attendance policy, which is in the parent-student handbook and at the end of the newsletter for your reference. Students who earn a 49-59 in an academic class are eligible to attend summer school to make up these course credits. A student who fails an academic class with less than a 49, or fails their vocational program, is not eligible for summer school or promotion.
2024-2025 School Year - The calendar for next school year will be released soon, likely next week. However, you can tentatively plan on Tuesday, September 3, 2024 as the first day of school.
Graduation 2024
Seniors: Information is now available for graduation. Please be sure to read and review the information with your families. Graduation rehearsals start in just two weeks. You must have all fees/debts paid before you receive your cap and gown at the last rehearsal. Don't wait!
Senior Awards Night - Thursday, May 23, 6 p.m. Congratulations in advance to each of the Class of 2024 award and scholarship recipients. Your hard work and dedication has been noticed, and we are proud of your accomplishments!
Student Government Day
Congratulations to Chris Sweet and Caitlin Dennehy for representing Blue Hills at Student Government Day on April 5, 2024!
DVC Art Show
May 15 was a fantastic evening at BHR, with an outstanding art show put on by our Design and Visual Communications program under the direction of Ms. Murphy and Ms. Wayland. A great turnout for these deserving artists! Over 110 attended!
Vocational Collaboration
Under the direction of Facilities Director Tim Rose, HVAC and Electrical students have been working to install an a/c unit for one of our server rooms. Great job coordinating a team effort, and our students are doing a tremendous job on a real-world application!
SkillsUSA Fundraiser
MVADA Track Meet
Congratulations to Coaches Flynn, Joyce-Grikis, Fiascone, and Athletic Director Catabia for hosting another successful another wonderful MVADA Track Meet on Tuesday, 5/13/24. (The photo below doesn't do it justice - hundreds and hundreds of athletes competed! Great job BHR team!)
Congrats to the boys track team for placing third overall in their division at the MVADA state vocational meet.
1st place went to Jiai Gonzalez in the 400 and Karl Jean Mary in the triple jump.
2nd place went to Zach Jean Pierre in the 100, Damion Howitt in the 110 hurdles, the 4 by 100 relay team, Nelson Aimiuwu in javelin, and Jiai Gonzalez in the long jump.
The girls track team put on an impressive performance at the Massachusetts State Vocational Championship Track Meet, finishing 3rd in their division. Scoring points for the Warriors were:
Nailani Ridore - 4th in the 100 meters and 5th in the 200 meters
Sanye Campbell - 4th in the 200 meters
Juliette Alonso - 2nd in the 400 meters
Chynna Delisca - 4th in the 400 meters
Ify Okusanya - 5th in the 400 meters
Jackie Choukas -5th in the long jump and 6th in triple jump
Zuzanna Kaczkowska - 6th in the long jump
The 4x100 team of Ify Okusanya, Sanye Campbell, Nailani Ridore, and Aliya Anthony finished 3rd and broke the school record.
The 4x800 team of Ivette Tobias, Bridget Devine, Braylin Lynch, and Brielle Doolin finished second and also broke the school record.
Booster Club Updates
- Next Boosters Meeting: June 12, 7 p.m., Chateau Restaurant
- Anyone that has not picked up senior signs may contact treasurer@BH-Boosters.org
- Online Store: Open through 5/17 - Orders must be picked up by 5/30 - https://blue-hills-boosters-store-2022-23-copy.cheddarup.com
Summer Work Information from the AG of Massachusetts
NHS Tutoring
May/June Calendar
May Lunch Menu
Upcoming Events
May 16 - Graduation Rehearsal
May 17 - Senior Field Day
May 21 and 22 - MCAS Grade 10 (Grade 12 Late Arrival)
May 23 - Senior Awards 6 p.m.
May 24 - Graduation Rehearsal
May 27 - Memorial Day, No School
May 29-30 - Senior Finals (a.m.)
May 31 - Seniors Last Day, Breakfast, Graduation Rehearsal
June 4 - TUESDAY NIGHT, 6 p.m. - GRADUATION Class of 2024
Attendance Reminder
The student attendance guidelines are contained within the Parent-Student Handbook. Please be advised:
A student will be required to attend summer school upon the accumulation of sixteen (16) absences in order to fulfill BHR attendance requirements. An additional course will be required for every five (5) absences accumulated after (16). All such courses must be taken at the Blue Hills Regional Summer School. All course subjects must be approved by the (ARB) Academic Review Board. If a student is absent on consecutive days it will be counted as one day’s absence if accompanied by a doctor’s note. Notes must be provided within one week of the student’s return to school. All notes must be originals with an authorized signature and date(s) on the doctor’s office stationary. The student’s home phone number and homeroom must be on all doctors’ notes. Absences on special days, assemblies, etc. will be counted as a full day’s absence. A student must be in attendance for at least half the school day to be counted present. Half the school day means being in school from 7:47 am to 11:00 am or 11:00 am to 2:20 pm.
All out-of-school suspensions will be counted day for day towards a student’s maximum number of absences.
If you are not in class or homeroom by 7:48 AM, you are considered absent from school. You must sign in at Student Affairs Office and receive an admittance pass in order to attend class. If you arrive late for school, you are considered tardy and you must report to the Main Office prior to admission.
On the 4th tardy per term and every 4 tardies thereafter, you will be subject to Saturday detention. You and your parent/guardian may be required to meet with the Principal. Parking privileges may be suspended or revoked. Continued tardies may result in more severe penalties being assigned.
Health Authorization Form
Thank you to the many of you that have completed this already on PowerSchool. In order to provide any medications (even over the counter) to your student, we must have parental authorization. Log into PowerSchool and complete the Health Authorization Form.
Bus App Instructions - FirstView
Please use this First Student provided app to track your bus route. It updates frequently, and is a tool to help provide real-time (or close to it) information.
2023-2024 School Year Calendar
Blue Hills Regional Technical School’s mission is to continue its history of academic achievement, technical training and character development through a curriculum which emphasizes the integration of cutting-edge technical programs and challenging academic courses, enabling its students to become competent, caring and productive people in a diverse and changing world.
Core Values:
Community, Opportunity, Relevance, Employability
Website: www.bluehills.org
Location: 800 Randolph Street, Canton, MA, USA
Phone: 781 828 5800
BHR on:
The Blue Hills Regional Technical School District is an equal opportunity educational institution. All programs, courses of study and activities are open to all students without regard to race, color, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin or disability. The School District is in full compliance with Massachusetts Law, Chapter 622 of the Acts of 1971, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (U.S. Code), and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Individuals may make inquiries relative to Chapter 622 and Title IX from the coordinator, at the school address or by phoning 781-828-5800.