Knights News
Vol. #16, December 8, 2024
Good Things
*The Angel Tree campaign is in full effect! Thank you to our families that are supporting each other!
*One Book, One School is in full effect!!! Thank you, Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Russell, for helping our school come together for this literacy effort!
Angel Tree
Would you like to help provide Christmas assistance to one or more of our Knight students this year? We have an Angel Tree set up with these student's sizes and wish list items. If you would like to contribute please stop by the front lobby to choose and sign out an Angel off the tree. Donations are due back Monday, Dec. 16th. Please contact Ms. Johnson ( or Ms. Byrum ( if you have any questions!
Scenes Around AMS
NC Check-in Schedule
Winter Concert and Arts Showcase
Please join us for our Winter Showcase!!!
Tongue Twisters in Ms. Robinson's Class
December's This or That Challenge
Please take a look at the flyer below. Mrs. Hill's deadline to report your This or That is December 20.
Winter Dance
Parent Volunteers
Any parents wishing to volunteer to chaperone and help out, please email Mrs.Wooten @
Educational Foundation
Greetings from the Pitt County Educational Foundation!
Each year, the Pitt County Educational Foundation competitively awards grant funding to Pitt County School educators. IMPACT Grants are monetary awards for innovative and creative classroom projects. Each attendance area has a committee that reviews applications, selects recipients, and evaluates the implementation of each project.
Ayden Middle School has been the recipient of these grant monies for several years. Please consider donating. You can use the link below or we have $1.00 tickets in the office.
8th Grade News
PBIS Qualifications
School Cash Online Information
This is a very convenient way to take care of school fees, technology insurance, and other items.
These items can be paid in advance using the link below.
- School Fees - $10.00
- Technology Insurance - $20.00
Important Dates
These are dates of important activities or events that you want to be aware of:
Marking Periods
2nd: Oct. 30. - Jan. 17
3rd: Jan. 22 - April 2
4th: April 3 - June 10
Progress Reports
Week of December 9th
Christmas/Winter Break
December 23 - January 3. 2025
Early Release Days:
December 20
February 13
March 5
Holiday Spirit Fun
Sports Information
Basketball Schedule
****All games start at 4:00pm.
12/12 - Home vs. Greene County
12/16 - Away @ Wellcome
12/19 - Away @ Grifton
1/9 - Home vs. Whitfield
1/13 - Home vs.Chicod
1/16 - Away @ Bethel
1/27 - Away @ Greene County
1/30 - Away @ Wellcome
2/3 - Basketball Tournament, TBD
2/6 - Basketball Championship, TBD