Bison Stampede
08/23/2024 ENGLISH
Our Vision
At Rosemont, our vision is to be an exemplary campus with established leaders that exemplify a commitment to academic excellence and educating the whole child.
Week at a Glance
Monday 08/26:
- GT Nomination Window opens
- 3:45pm - 5:30pm Dance Company Auditions (at Rosemont Upper Dance Studio) for Royals (grades 4-5)
Tuesday 08/27:
- 3:45pm - 5:30pm Dance Company Auditions (at Rosemont Upper Dance Studio) for Royals (grades 4-5)
Wednesday 08/28:
- 3:45pm - 5:30pm Dance Company Auditions (at Rosemont Upper Dance Studio) for Royals (grades 4-5)
Thursday 08/29:
- 3:45pm - 5:30pm Dance Company Auditions (at Rosemont Upper Dance Studio) for Royals (grades 4-5)
Friday 08/30:
- Jeans and College Shirt
Principals' Messages
Ms. Benningfield, Lower Campus
Time flies when you’re having fun! It brings me joy to see how much our little bison have grown over these last two weeks. Every day our bison are more excited to collaborate with their peers and more confident when speaking in class. One of the questions I receive the most is, “How can I help my child be more successful?” My answer is always the same: set routines at home and make connections with your child. Please ensure that your bison are getting to bed early and getting a great night’s sleep. This week, our teachers are engaging in reading lessons on fables and fairytales so some great ideas to connect with your child would be to read your favorite fable with your child or ask them to tell you about the story they read in class today. The more questions you ask - the more background information and connections they will make. Thank you for being partners in our little bisons' learning.
Ms. Munves, Upper Campus
It's been so fun to see our Bison engaged in instruction throughout this week. Every Thursday, Ms. Pablo and I meet with teachers across all grade levels in PLC (professional learning communities). This time is spent working collaboratively to plan for upcoming instruction and align our efforts to support every student, every day. This week, we noticed a clear trend in our conversations with teachers: the level of productive academic talk and meaningful student discussion in our classrooms is impressive for this early in the year! I’m inspired to see the way your students are engaging with the curriculum and driving insightful conversations with their peers.
Next week, our counselor Dr. Villanueva will begin guidance lessons with 4th and 5th grade students. Her first lesson is “Meet the Counselor” and is focused on defining her role and developing a strong sense of belonging for students. She is a wonderful resource and support for our Bison and I encourage you to connect with her throughout the year as you or your child may need.