Troy Intermediate
August 2023

Dear Parents & Guardians,
Welcome back to another exciting school year at Troy. We hope you had a wonderful summer filled with fun and memorable moments. Please be sure to read the newsletter to its entirety as there have been a few important changes to the day at Troy.At the start of the academic year, our focus will be on establishing a strong foundation for learning and promoting a positive and respectful school culture. We will be emphasizing the values of empathy, responsibility, resilience, and respect, encouraging our students to become compassionate and active members of our Avon Lake community.
Mrs. Theresa Lengel
Mrs. Julie Scanlan
Assistant Principal
PowerSchool Parent Account
Over the summer months you should have received an email notifying you to complete your student's back-to-school forms via your PowerSchool Parent Account. All forms are to be completed prior to the first day of school. This is a one-stop shop for reviewing and updating your child’s emergency and medical information as well as signing off on the annual permission forms for school district policies.
If you have any questions about your PowerSchool Parent Account, please contact:
Maria Szarek - (440) 933-4829 or
Theresa Martin - (440) 933-0984
Student Schedules
Beginning on August 13, parents/students can access their 2024-25 class schedule in PowerSchool. Your student's schedule will indicate their Team, Homeroom Teacher, and Class Schedule. Please reach out to Mrs. Lengel or Mrs. Scanlan with any questions or concerns regarding your student's schedule.
Student Fees
To pay student fees, visit PaySchools (linked below) OR drop off a check made out to Troy Intermediate School in the designated drop box in the Troy Main Office atrium Monday through Friday, between the hours of 8:00 am and 2:30 pm. Checks should be placed in an envelope labeled with your student's name and grade level.
School Supply Drop Off
Last name N-Z- 1:30-2:30
All school supplies can be dropped off and put in lockers. Please be sure to bring a copy of your schedule. We will have maps available for students to walk their schedule.
Friday, Aug 16, 2024, 12:00 PM
Troy Intermediate School, Belmar Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH, USA
New Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
Students are permitted to enter the school building at 7:20 am. Students will not be permitted in the building prior to 7:20. Doors will not be open prior to 7:20. Those students arriving at 7:20 will be asked to report to the following locations:
5th grade- Use the North doors only & report to the cafeteria
6th grade- Use the South doors only & report to the gym
Students arriving between 7:30 and 7:45 am will report directly to their homeroom. Students arriving after 7:45 am will need to stop in the office to check-in. During arrival, our staff is stationed at various points around the school to help students locate classrooms.
If you will be driving your student to/from school, use the Canterbury Road entrance and exit only. Busses will enter and leave from the Belmar Blvd. entrance.
During dismissal, students will use the nearest exit door. Bus riders will be dismissed at 2:30pm. Once our buses start to leave campus, walkers, car riders and bike riders will be dismissed at approximately 2:35 pm, again leaving through the nearest exit door.
All car traffic must enter from Canterbury Road.
If there is a line of cars, please turn RIGHT only into the school. Please refrain from blocking the flow of traffic crossing Belmar or access for emergency vehicles on Canterbury.
During car rider dismissal, remember to pull forward as far as possible in the line so that we can get the maximum number of cars into our parking lot and off of Canterbury Road. Students can enter your car anywhere along the sidewalk in front of the school (indicated in light blue in the image below). Students will not be permitted to walk past the sidewalk towards Canterbury Rd. to enter your car along the paved path.
Avoid using the Belmar Bus Loop during drop-off (7:15-7:45 am) and pick-up (2:15-2:45 pm) times.
Check the transportation website for bus route information.
Click HERE for a list of common transportation questions and answers. If you do not see your question listed here, please feel free to contact the bus garage directly at 440-933-9802 or e-mail your questions to sue.cole@alcsoh.org
The image below details the flow of traffic during arrival and dismissal. Please note that students can be dropped off anywhere along the sidewalk (marked in light blue on the map below). Please pull forward as far as possible and let your student exit/enter your vehicle anywhere along the sidewalk so that traffic flows efficiently.
We appreciate your patience as we work out any potential arrival/dismissal issues over the course of the first week of school. Buses may arrive later than expected, and our car line may not flow quite as smoothly as we would like that first week, but each day we should see improvement in the flow of traffic!
Troy Open House
5th Grade Open House- 6-6:45
6th Grade Open House-7-7:45
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 06:00 PM
Troy Intermediate School, Belmar Boulevard, Avon Lake, OH, USA
Chromebook Distribution
Chromebooks will be distributed to 5th grade students on the first day of school. If you do NOT want your student to be issued a Chromebook, please complete the Declining a School-owned Chromebook form linked here.
Students will be responsible for transporting their Chromebook to and from school each day, and are expected to bring their Chromebook charged and ready to use. Our rotation is such that 1st, 5th and 9th grades receive a brand new device that will remain theirs for 4 years while enrolled in Avon Lake City Schools. Broken devices can be checked in for service in the main office. Students will receive a temporary loaner until their unit is repaired. Note that current sixth grade students will need to wait until the first day of school to check in their device for repair.
Check out the Avon Lake City School Technology Department website for additional information.
Important Dates
8/13: Schedules released in PowerSchool
8/16: Supply Drop off
8/20: First Day of School
8/26: Picture Day
8/27: Open House
9/2: No School – Labor Day
9/25: Early Release
10/9: Fall Conference
10/10: Fall Conference Day
10/11: No School - NEOEA Day
Troy PTA
Information regarding membership will be coming soon.
At Troy, we use a model of Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to intentionally teach students expectations for behavior in all areas of the school environment. The Avon Lake City Schools’ core values of Responsibility, Respect and Readiness create a framework that we use to teach, model and reinforce behavior expectations.
We are looking forward to collaborating with families to demonstrate these expectations. Here are some helpful ways for parents and caregivers to be involved:
1. Ask your child what the three R’s stand for
2. Ask your child about his/her school and classroom expectations
3. Encourage your child to practice the three R’s at home, on their teams, with their siblings and in the community
4. Praise your child when he/she makes choices that align with the three R’s
Mrs. Lengel, Principal
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/troy
Phone: 440-933-2701