Husky Happenings
December 8th, 2024
Message from Mrs. Sheppard
Well, this week has been interesting to say the least! I am very proud of our staff and students as well as all of YOU for being patient and flexible. We have been working hard to come up with alternatives to using the internet and I think the kids really like it! It looks as if phones are still an issue and will hopefully be restored some time next week. Please be sure that you are checking your email for all of the updates from the district. This would also be a good time to make sure that we have your correct email address and your contact information.
Conferences are THIS WEEK! These dates will be December 10th from 1-4 pm and 4-7 pm and then again on December 12th from 1-4 pm and 5-8 pm. As you can see, we have two afternoons of conferences which means that we have two half days on December 10th and the 12th. School will be dismissed at 12:20 pm. Teachers have sent out schedules for conferences via dojo or email. If you were not able to find a time that fits your schedule, please let me know so I can help work it out for you. We want to get 100% of our families in for conferences!! The book fair will be OPEN during conferences as well if you would like to purchase books for gifts or for your enjoyment.
Please remember that we do go outside for recess every day as long as the weather permits. We do NOT go out if it is below 20 degrees or if it is raining. Please make sure that your child has a winter coat with them every day. If you need a coat for your child, please reach out to their teacher OR myself so we can get that for you.
This week in the Positivity Project we will discuss the character strength of KINDNESS. Kindness means being generous to others, never being too busy to help out, and you enjoy doing good deeds for other people. This is a great trait to talk about during this time of the year. We see lots of examples of this happening around the holidays which is so nice. Please read the letter and talk about this trait with your family during the week to reinforce what we are talking about in school.
Please feel free to email or DOJO me with questions you might have and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Mrs. Sheppard
Remember: We ALWAYS ask for your ID every time you come to the door!!!
There have been some people that have gotten upset when an office staff member asks for your ID when you check in at the door. Please know that sometimes we have different people helping in the office and they may not recognize you. We are not trying to be difficult; we are keeping our staff and students safe.
Tuesday and Thursday this week!
Parent-Teacher conferences will be held THIS week on Tuesday from 1pm - 7 pm and Thursday from 1pm-4 pm and 5 pm- 8pm. These are by appointment only. If you have not set up your conference time yet, please check with your teacher for their sign up. Most of them sent them through DOJO!
JOIN IN THE FUN! 12/16-12/20!!!
Newspaper Club will be meeting on Thursday, December 12th at 8:30 am.
Please label all coats, hats, and gloves!
Please be sure to send your student to school from now on with a Coat. If you need a coat for your child, please call the office and let us know so we can work on getting one for you. Also, it would be EXTREMELY helpful if you label your child's items (coats, hats, mittens, backpack, etc.) so that we can return their items quickly if they are left somewhere in the school.
12/10 HALF DAY dismissal at 12:20 pm (Conferences run from 1-4 pm and 4-7 pm)
12/12 Newspaper club meeting at 8:30 am
12/12 HALF DAY dismissal at 12:20 pm (Conferences run from 1-4 pm and 5-8 pm)
12/9 and 12/11 Girls Basketball practice 4:15-5:15 ( LAST WEEK)
Lunch Menu
There are some days when the menu could possibly change due to food items not being available. We will let the students know if there are changes as soon as we find out.
Our 5th graders will be selling snacks during all three lunches to raise money to go to Camp! All snacks are $1.00. Cash Only PLEASE!!!
📆 Upcoming Events
12/16-12/20 SPIRIT WEEK
12/17 1st and 2nd Grade Music Concerts (Both concerts together at 5:30)
12/18 3rd and 5th Grade Music Concerts (5:30 3rd Grade, 6:30 5th Grade)
PD. Graham Elementary School
Attendance Line: 734-419-2626
Secretary: Mrs. Harper harperb@wwcsd.net
Principal: Mrs. Sheppard sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Email: sheppardl@wwcsd.net
Website: https://www.wwcsd.net/schools/elementary-schools/graham/
Location: 1255 South John Hix Road, Westland, MI, USA
Phone: 734-419-2620
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PDGrahamHuskies