Alice Vail Middle School
September 4, 2023
Dear Falcon Families,
I hope this newsletter finds you well as we approach a well-deserved long weekend. Please note that there will be no school tomorrow (9/4) in observance of Labor Day. We hope you enjoy some quality time with your loved ones during this break.
Celebrating Learning in Your Child's Classrooms
We've had the privilege of stepping into your child's classrooms, and it's been truly inspiring to witness the incredible teaching and learning taking place. Our dedicated educators are creating environments where students are engaged, curious, and excited to learn. We're honored to be part of your child's educational journey.
Building a Positive Start to the School Year
The first six weeks of school are a critical time for us to establish a positive and nurturing environment. During this time, we focus on teaching essential social skills, character values, and collaboratively setting classroom rules. By investing in these foundational aspects, we believe our students will benefit throughout the entire school year. They'll feel confident, welcomed, and secure in the knowledge that they are in a place where they can learn and grow in a safe and respectful community.
Upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences: 9/20-9/22
As we look ahead, we want to remind you about our upcoming Parent Teacher Conferences scheduled for 9/20 through 9/22. These conferences provide a valuable opportunity for you to connect with your child's teachers, learn about their progress, and discuss their academic journey. Please also note that during these conference days, we will be following a half-day schedule (8:45 -12:45).
PTSA Meeting: 9/12/2023 @ 6:00 PM
Our Parent-Teacher-Student Association (PTSA) plays a pivotal role in enhancing the school experience for our students. The next PTSA meeting is scheduled for 9/12/2023 at 6:00 PM in the library. Join us as we collaborate, share ideas, and work together to create a supportive and engaging school community.
Thank you for your continued partnership and support. We are excited about the possibilities this school year holds and look forward to the journey ahead.
Wishing you a restful Labor Day weekend and a joyful start to the month of September!
With Falcon Pride,
Joshua Peebles
Alice Vail Middle School
Our wonderful students are earning Falcon Bucks daily for their positive behaviors. We have a Falcon Buck store that the students will have opportunities to shop in starting in September.
This store is solely supplied by donations. Please help us with donations! Items needed are small bags of chips (all kinds), juice boxes, movie theater candy, small packages of cookies, stuffed animals, stickers, board games, and anything you clean out of your closets.
We do have families order from Amazon and have it delivered here. Anything you can help with, is greatly appreciated.
If you have any questions about this and the store, please reach out to our Dean of Students Ms. Ryan at 520-584-5442 or her email at gwenn.ryan@tusd1.org
- Check out the AVMS 2023 Welcome Video: https://youtu.be/akgQNt-y97M
- Please visit the link below for the VILS Program and iPad agreement at AVMS The link is: https://forms.office.com/r/1XHz09UKg5
- All cellphones are in students backpacks during the school day.
- 2023-2024 Student Code of Conduct
- Pick/Up - Drop/Off on Beverly Ave. Thank you for your continued patience and grace. Safety is our number one concern.
- Morning arrival is at 8:00 AM
- Bring your water bottles each day. It's HOT out there!
Our Amazing Counseling Team at AVMS
Save the Dates:
September 4: Labor Day – No School
September 8th – Falcon Buck Store Opens
September 20-22 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Alice Vail PTSA
The Alice Vail Falcons PTSA was created to identify and assist in filling unmet needs in the school and foster community by developing projects and social events. We encourage parents, teachers/staff, students, and community members who are interested in making the Alice Vail Middle School community positive and strong to join us. (Our PTSA is under the umbrella of the ArizonaPTA and National PTA.) Find out more at http://AliceVailPTSA.org.
If you wish to have a vote on PTSA business? Then please become a paid member. Join at bit.ly/falconsptsa-join or do so at the meeting or in the school office. You do not have to be a paid member to attend meetings and share your thoughts/suggestions!
So, come, bring your student, and a fellow AVMS parent friend!
FYI, you can always get meeting info, agenda, and meeting link on our meeting info page. bit.ly/falconsptsa-meeting.
Thank you!!
Sonia Apodaca-Harms on behalf of Julie Fukeda, President
admin@alicevailptsa.org | AliceVailPTSA.org
Alice Vail Falcons PTSA
c/o Alice Vail Middle School
5350 E 16th St.
Tucson, AZ 85711
Alice Vail Middle School
Email: joshua.peebles@tusd1.org
Website: https://vailms.tusd1.org/
Location: 5350 East 16th Street, Tucson, AZ, USA
Phone: 520-584-5400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AliceVailFalconInformer/